Chapter Twenty-Six

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T h e   H o l l o w s   I n
O U R  F R E E D O M

Straightening out my top and tossing my hair over my shoulder, before smoothing it out, I tried to compose myself both mentally and physically after holding a small infant. Colton Wilson is very cute.

Cassie had come in minutes later, giving us plenty of time to marvel over Colton before he had to be woken up and fed. Cassie gave us a look as she took his hat off, tucking it in her jean pocket. It wasn't a rude look; I think maybe she had suspected that there was something between Jace and I. Well, as far as I know, the only thing between Jace and I is my obsession with him.

Jace had stayed behind for a few moments; I think he wanted to talk to Cassie, but to also be around the child for longer. I wouldn't blame him.

I, however, was quick to remove myself and get moving again—I suppose I was embarrassed that Cassie had walked in on a private moment. Even though it was with her child.

I entered the room in which Cassie had told me everyone had moved to with my usual armour intact: humour and bravery. A weird pairing, I know.

I rubbed my hands together as I spotted them all hunched around something. "So guys, what's going?" I asked, sounding too gleeful for my own liking.

I frowned when they all turned slowly. "Us." Sapphire said, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned into Jonah.

I frowned. "What?" I watched as Sky broke away from the group, taking a piece of paper from her mother's hands. Elle watched as her daughter turned around and walked away from her without a word.

Approaching me, Sky said, "we have a problem." She extended her arm, handing me a sheet of paper. I took it, frowning down at the letters and numbers. As a Guardian, it took us no less than a moment to figure something out, but I always found it slightly difficult. I think it's my dyslexia.

But then I figured it out. It was an email log, a discussion. A discussion about us. The IP addresses were noted on the side, noting that one came from the Academy and one came from a rogue group around our location.

"They're moving." Elle said. "The Academy is feeding them all the information they need to track us, and they're coming."

"They came from Harry." Avery noted. "We stayed in touch since Ball."

"He's still there, Lexi." Sky whispered. "In a swarm of traitors, he's still there." I closed my eyes for a second, trying to organise my thoughts for a second.

"I know, Sky," I said, reopening them. "And lots of others are; we don't know who we can trust."

"We can trust him. We can't just leave him there!" She rose her voice, her compassion seeping through.

"He's a criminal, Sky." I said, trying to consider all options at once.

"He's proven that he is much more than that; he sent us this!" She said, almost yelling.

Faltering, I took in the group in front of me.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "There are already too many of us to consider, and we need the inside intel."

"At what expense? Until they find out that he's been giving away confidential information? Until they lock him up? Until they kill him?" I watched her silently. She was right, I knew that. I was just too afraid to put any more lives at risk.

"How about we vote? I vote that we get Harry the hell out of there."

Appalled, I stared at her. "And I vote that this is the worst decision you will ever make." Sky stared at me. "He is not coming."

"What's going on?" Asked a new voice. I span to see Cassie approaching us with Colton in her arms. Jace followed after.

As if noticing I needed his support, Jace joined my side, and not Sky's. He frowned between us, sensing that something was off. He was good at doing that.

I didn't want to open any fresh wounds, so I decided not to tell Cassie that Sky fancied inviting her rapist to play. Instead, I shoved the piece of paper into Sky's hands, before spinning around and stalking off.

"Alexi!" I heard Elle yell after me, "we need a plan!"

"Make one up yourself! It seems that no one cares about my opinion anyway." And with that, I stormed through the double doors and left.

My plan would've been to leave, of course, so I made my way to my room to begin packing. I slammed the door behind me, gathering up the first items I saw and chucking them onto my bed. As I ripped clothes off the hangers, the door creaked open. Why do I never lock that damn door?

"You know, my mother always used to tell me that 'the person who gives up never really has a reason to'."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't need your stories from centuries ago, Elle," I snapped, not turning around to face her. "I haven't given up. I never do. But if I had done, I did have a reason."

"You'll be safe either way." She said suddenly, shutting the door and walking farther into the room.

"What?" I asked, shooing her away from the bed so I could pull a suitcase out from underneath it.

"The only person in harm is Harry. Leave Harry and you're fine, take Harry and you're fine." I finally looked at her, and stared. "Well, am I wrong?" She asked.

I sighed. "No, I guess not." She crossed her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow at me. "But one of those options will upset Sky, and one may jeopardise the mission." I explained.

Elle pursed her lips as she pondered this for a moment. "How about you do neither?" She suggested, shrugging.

I frowned. "How?"

"Don't be in control. Resign from your leadership role." I gasped at her. I stood up from where I had been kneeling on the floor. I don't know if it was a slight heel on my boots or if she was just small, but I reached up higher than her.

"One, I never asked to be the leader. Two, no, that's giving up." Elle seemed to smile at that, but I wasn't sure.

"No one asks to be a leader—if you ask for it, you're not ready for it." Elle didn't quite make sense, but she did have far more experience with these things than I did, so I listened to her. Elle had actually convinced me.

As we were taking to the stairs, I spoke up and said, "you know, if you actually told Sky you're her mum, you'd be a good one. Your advice is pretty priceless."

Elle stayed silent; I don't think she wanted to agree, nor disagree. We entered the room once more, side by side—one would think that she's my mother.

Sky watched us approach, an apprehensive expression her face. I came to a stop about three metres before everyone, Elle stopping a fraction before me so that she was slightly behind me.

"I have decided that we all have a role to play in this mission, and just like Sky offered earlier, I would like us to all take a vote. But I am offering council first, otherwise, what kind of leader would I be?" I turned back for a moment, watching Elle's lips turn up slightly.

Turning back to face our team, I said, "we've got this far, admittedly, with Harry's help. But from inside the Academy. He still continues to guide us from where he is currently." I paused, watching the group digest this information, sharing looks, nodding or pursing their lips.

"But we've got this far. Could we risk all this to go back for one person? Are we ready to risk it? Can we get in? Can we get out?" I saw Sky about to object, but I did it for her. No bias—I'm a leader, I need everyone's opinions to be considered. 

"I guess it would be easier to go back now, and we'd have our allies by our side at some point. But is that point now?" I had finished talking, watching them all consider this.

"All in favour to go back for Mr Wilscombe?" Elle asked, stepping forward. No one raised their hand. It shocked me, I didn't know I had swayed everyone that much.

"All in favour to continue our mission in the hopes that we can one day be reunited with all of our allies?" Hands went up. Some stayed down, like Sky's and Avery—they were too kind to consider either option. But they didn't need to. Even if they were in favour of the other choice, the hands up for this one outweighed them massively.

"So it's settled." Elle announced.

Elle turned to look at me, prompting me to speak up. "We're leaving this hotel. Here's our plan."


We're moving on up chickens

Who else is hungover from the two year celebrations lmao what a day

More like what a night bc I really started the celebrations at 7 ooooops

I have questions (I always think of that damn song by Camila lmao)

Thoughts on the Academy tracking down our team?
Opinions on Sky's idea?
Opinions on Lexi's idea?
Opinions on Lexi the leader (and therefore taking Sky's role lmao) ?
Thoughts on Jace joining Alexi's side and not Sky's? Has Lexi finally cracked him?
Thoughts on them leaving ?

The end

-I'm glad


Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Impossible - James Arthur
Belong To You - Sabrina Claudio
Go Your Own Way - Lissie
The Writer - Ellie Goulding
I To You - Leona Lewis
Soldier - Fleurie
Alive - Gabrielle Aplin
Sights - London Grammar
Love Is Red - Ed Thomas
Holding Onto Heaven - Foxes
Dusk Till Dawn - ZAYN
Your Biggest Mistake - Ellie Goulding
Louder - Neon Jungle
Fix You - Coldplay
Logos - Ludovico Einaudi
Salvation - Gabrielle Aplin
Wonderwall - Ryan Adams


Date written (this is something I wished I would've done for the first two books 😭):
27/03/18 (I did not start writing on this day; this is just the day I decided to start recording the dates)

Next update: Friday


Sparks crackle, though not enough to keep our team warm as they begin to plan for the next part of their mission.

Guardian roles get switched up, but which infamous duo gets the opportunity to guard our sunshine dove?

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