Chapter Eighty-Nine

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^ Jameson in his suit 😍 ^

"My heart was ignited, and all my brain did was submit to this glorifying crime. But that was okay. It's only a crime if you get caught, right?"
—this human, 'The Hollows Of Hiraeth'

T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

I felt the burning passion of a myriad of stars course through my veins. Logically thinking, I knew this was awful. An awful place, especially as it was in public. Awful timing—why? Because we both decided this relationship would not go forward, now that I have a boyfriend. But now we are making out on a couch.

With my dress about to come off, we figured, alongside my logical thinking, that we had to stop—for the greater good. It's not like we couldn't continue later.

It was in that moment that I realised the extent of what we had just done—pillows were strewn across the floor, Jameson's blazer and tie somewhere among the mess. The gap in the top of Jameson's shirt—where I had started to unbutton the garment—indicated that we weren't intending to stop. After a few seconds of admiring Jameson's abs, I looked back up to him.

His eyes were shimmering, like emeralds from the Emerald City—I felt like I had just inhaled the sleep-inducing scent of The Deadly Poppy Field of Oz outside a green glimmer of a city. His lips never looked so kissable, his jawline sharp enough to cut through my skin and into my pounding heart.

"Your eyes are an ocean." He murmured to me as the pads of his fingers grazed the skin on my arms.

"Yours are pond water." I told him in reply, keeping my overly romantic thoughts to myself, and instead pulling out my back-handed compliments.

Jameson pulled a face, "Was that supposed to be romantic?" He asked me, echoing the word that I had thought of moments before.

I smiled, "No." I whispered, laughing after admitting the truth, then feeling my heart jump with joy as  Jameson joined in. The progress of his laugh and smile were phenomenal, yet I still felt as if I hadn't heard the full song of his laugh, only a few notes, just as I hadn't seen the full happiness in his smile, only a fleeting moment. It was something we'd work on.

"We should go," Jameson put in with a saddened smile. Before I argued, he spoke up again, "I know, I don't either." I sighed. How was it that he could literally read my mind?

Not much discussion was needed after that. I didn't want to go, truth be told; I wanted to stay here forever. However, if I did that, I'd be a not so attractive pile of bones, and that wouldn't really be romantic. I still think Jameson would look hot, though. Like a skeleton with devilish good looks. Moving on.

With a sigh and a lot of grouchy remarks under my breath, I managed to get myself together and able to look as if I didn't just make out. Top tip: sort out your hair.

We snuck out of the room and casually joined the rest of the crowd in dancing to Run by Leona Lewis. The song started to spark up emotion when a person came running up to Jameson and me, falling into our arms as we danced.

Shocked, I reeled backwards before looking up to see who had rudely interrupted our almost perfect moment.

"Max?" Jameson realised who it was before I settled my expression into a kind one. I offered Maxwell a sheepish smile but he was too out of breath to take notice.

"What's going on?" I asked, the worry distorting my words as I glanced around. Are we being attacked again? Am I being attacked again? God, I hope not.

Max shook his head, leaned over and panted for a while before he came up and rested an arm on Jameson's shoulder.

"They're doing a trial," He let out before choking on air. Recovering, he added, "For Harry, you need to be there." Max looked me dead in the eye and my heart stopped, my stomach sunk. A trial? But Jameson said—I gave Jameson a pointed look but he only shrugged and grabbed onto my wrist, guiding me through the crowds to follow Max who had rushed off after his announcement.

We reached a set of stairs and I groaned. Stupid dress. Stupid heels. I made it down the first flight, courtesy of Jameson's guide. Now, just a couple more, Sky.

"It's supposed to be secret, but they didn't really think it through. They need you to testify against him, but," Max stopped speaking in order to catch his breath, a contrast from his current speeding movements, his legs moving at ten miles per second. "Obviously if it was a secret.." Max trailed off and left us to conclude.

"They are trying to do it without you, but he won't get the punishment he deserves if you don't speak out." Max continued, and I became thoroughly aware that the stairwell was growing dimmer and dimmer with every flight. How far are we going? I wouldn't be surprised if the court was underground.

I was silent. What do I say? What do I do? And then an unwanted thought pierced through the back of my skull. Eden. Eden controls Harry—who else would it be? Eden is the one that started this. But I had yet to tell Jameson of my theory. The boy in question turned around in alarm and confusion when I refused to walk down the corridor. I then realised that I had came to a stop at the foot of the last flight of the stairs.

"Sky..?" Jameson tugged on my arm but I stayed still, my feet firmly stuck to the ground.

"You don't want to do this, do you?" Max spoke up and I jumped with embarrassment, having forgotten that Max was in the room during the battle of my thoughts.

"Sky?" Jameson was a little more hesitant this time as he turned to stand in front of me, giving up on trying to coax me forward. He gave me a confused look, an eyebrow raised and a frown between his brows.

"You don't want to testify? To punish him for what he did?" He pushed me with his questions. Of course I wanted to testify, to put this case to rest, but the full story hasn't been heard.

"It's not just him, Jameson.Remember that sprained wrist I had?" I was nearly shouting by now, all of my secrets bursting at the seams, and soon the whole of the court would hear my screams.

"Sky, that was ages–"

"Let me finish, Jameson!" I shouted at him and I saw out of the corner of my eye as Max started to retreat slowly, standing next to the door, waiting for us. Jameson's eyes bored into mine, I could see the fire kindling inside of his irises.

"That was her! It was all her! She cornered me, Jameson. That video she started to play in the hall? That was it! She did it." I told him, my own fire raging inside of me, and I was about to verbally erupt. Although, I reckon I already was doing such a thing.

Everything went silent, there was no hum of chatter in the court room, and I even began to wonder if they had been listening in on the conversation. It wouldn't be hard, not with the volume of voice I had been using.

Jameson stared at me, but the fire had left his eyes.

"Eden is controlling Harry, Jameson." The courtroom door opened. And there she stood.


more hot things




hot hot hot

(^^^ the way I forgot fire I'm gone)

So Carter is still missing
And I spy someone we haven't seen in a while 👀

-eye spy

Next update: Monday

CHAPTER NINETY SPOILER (wow that's a big number):

The trial begins and Sky is out for vengeance.

She wants justice for Harry's assault on her.

But, what if, whilst doing this, she unravels more than one crime.

But who's crime?

And who's the victim?

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