Chapter Fifty-Nine

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T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

Upon walking into the hospital, I was immediately embraced with previous memories spent reviving here after getting bashed up. Of which, I still haven't gotten over, and I don't care whether that makes me weak or not.

The place was a commotion. I had no idea why—it was one wound, if you count me then it's two. Sure, I'm positive that Carter's leg was badly injured, but it shouldn't have caused this kind of mess to erupt.

"Are we missing something?" I asked Jameson, who just nodded in response. He put me down on my feet, and wound an arm around my waist to support me.

"Angela?" The girl was in as much of a stir as the rest of the place. This had me worrying even more; Angela was always relaxed—even the threat of her losing her job never really worried her. So what's got her all perturbed?

"Sky," My name was barely enunciated correctly as she exhaled deeply at the same time.

"Come through here." She guided Jameson and I to a room and shut the door behind us. Jameson helped me over to the hospital bed and collapsed onto it, blowing out a breath once I was settled. Which sounded contradictory, considering that everyone is unsettled.

"What's the disturbance about?" I asked Angela as she began to search through the box that was on the edge of the bed. Jameson stayed out of the way and stood by the door—guarding the room, I soon realised.

"There was a breach at one of the gates," Angela spoke, sounding out of breath as she threw medical equipment onto the bed. "They're trying to link it to what happened to Carter and you, but the timings are all off, so everyone's in a fuss." She finished her explanation, looking relieved when a doctor walked in.

"Phew, I thought you were going to make me stitch her foot." Angela rubbed fake sweat from her forehead and I smiled at the first joke I had heard her make since I ran into her.

The doctor rolled her eyes, shooing Angela out, "Try and put some order into that chaos." She instructed and Angela saluted her before hesitantly walking out into the uproar.

"Sorry about the mess." The woman smiled at me before gesturing for me to put my leg up on the bed. I did so and the woman carefully positioned herself so she was in a good place to mend my foot. I winced slightly as she started to unravel the bandages, and then as if by instinct, Jameson was blocking my vision.

Distracted by the sudden movement, I didn't notice when the woman began to stitch up my foot. I tried to not flinch or tense up, since that would probably hurt more. Trying to divert my attention to something else, I found myself gazing over at Jameson.

I watched his eyes narrow as he looked though the door, probably mapping out an escape route if there really was someone who had broken in. As if he felt my eyes on him, he turned around and the frown that had formed between his brows fell and I smiled softly. Jameson had no response, and, instead, it was the needle that pierced my skin that offered us an exit to our awkward moment. 

I winced and turned to look at the sole of my foot, seeing that the woman was done with stitching up my foot. She then re-bandaged the foot before offering me a smile that appeared more like a grimace.

"I recommend that you stay in here for a while, what with all the havoc going on outside," The doctor said as she rose from where she was sitting on the bed. "No one really knows what's going on; it's a lot safer for you in here." She finished, looking at me specifically. Jameson thanked her and they shared a few words before the woman exited and Jameson shut the door behind her.

I sighed, moving myself so that I was propped up against the wall, sitting on the pillows on the bed. "I would argue to get out, but even if I did win the argument, I can't exactly walk out." I huffed and Jameson laughed, surprising me by sitting on the end of the bed.

After a short silence, Jameson spoke up, "How are you and Carter?" He asked, "The whole reuniting thing must be nice." He added, voice hesitant as if he was holding back something else. I rose an eyebrow at him, looking down at my foot as if to say can you not see yourself?

Jameson clocked, "I mean, apart from your injuries." He averted his eyes awkwardly and I snorted at his embarrassment.

"We're good," I beamed, "Really good." I added on quietly and, thankfully, it appeared that Jameson hadn't heard, yet I didn't doubt that he had heard but he just wasn't making it obvious.

"Actually.." I trailed off, "We're better than good." I began awkwardly. Jameson raised an eyebrow at me and I mentally grimaced at the confession I was about to make. Then again, why should I feel bad? Why do I feel bad?

"We're actually in a relationship, you know, awkward hallway snogs and corny pick up lines." I told him, a humorous smile on my face at my joke. However, when I saw Jameson's reaction, my smile fell. I couldn't depict his expression; he sure did look disappointed though.

Jameson was about to say something when I heard a smash behind me, and then I saw a rock hit the wall. I was about to jump out of the bed, and then I remembered my injuries. I sighed, my wounds might've stopped my reaction, but nothing got in the way of Jameson jumping up and immediately going into battle mode.

I tensed, begging for it to just be a really huge hail stone. Not likely. Just as I assessed my position and then tried to push myself off the bed, I heard a gun shot. My head jerked upwards and I watched as the bullet skimmed Jameson's arm. What really worried me wasn't the fact that Jameson for shot in the arm, it was the fact that the bullet was coming straight for his chest. It was only his fast reflexes that saved his life.

I shot off the bed, ignoring the sharp pain that erupted from the bottom of my foot. I fell to the ground next to Jameson, where he had ended up after the bullet scraped him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, trying to shake him out of the trance he was in. I looked over to where he was looking, but was pulled away from finding out what he was staring at as he yanked me up. Jameson shoved me behind him with such a force that I went flying into the wall, and as I winced from the sudden impact, another gunshot went off.

It happened as Jameson started to push me towards the door, so you can imagine how shocked I was when he fell to the floor. I went down with him, as if I too had been hit by the bullet, when it was him who had been hit.

We both plummeted to the floor and I caught him before he smashed his head into the floor. Sitting on my legs, I pulled Jameson into me, resting his head on my thighs. Pushing his hair out of his face, I noticed the slash in his shirt, indicating that the bullet had caught his side, and unlike last time, the bullet didn't miss him.

My eyes widened as I tried to think of something to do, something that would help. I have to help him. But before I could solve the situation, Jameson's eyes snapped open and his lips parted.

"Go," I frowned at him as he tried to push himself off me, "Sky, run." His voice was strained and I shook my head at him, surprised when my vision started to blur as my eyes welled up.

"No." I replied adamantly, holding onto him as if he would disappear into thin air if I didn't.

Jameson groaned, and I almost smiled at his annoyance at my stubbornness. "Sky." Jameson's voice was barely a shout, but it got my attention and my grip on him loosened slightly. It was the serious tone, the 'do you want to die?' tone.

"Run!" He shouted, inching off me as he did so. Taking one last look at the expression on his face, I carefully moved his body to the floor before standing up and pulling open the door. Then I sprinted, hearing grunts and clatters behind me.


Well shit

Okay so we need
1) a plaque
2) invites
3) some random priest
4) flowers
5) tissues
6) pizza
7) a spoon (just in case)

That's the funeral planned yay


At least Jameson finally gets some sleep

Too soon?

Next update: Wednesday–Thursday


As we enter a new era of chapters, will we see anymore changes?

Does Jameson survive?

Does Carter survive?

Does Sky get attacked?

Who else is at the hospital at this time?

Is anyone safe in the midst of havoc?

When there's a gun, there's a bullet, and when there's a bullet, there's a shot, when there's a shot there's a—

(Ngl this is the best spoiler ever I'm so gassed)

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


(For the #skyson shippers)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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