Chapter Fifty-Six

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T h e   H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

And just like that, I jerked away from his thumb and grimaced at how touchy feely Toby had suddenly got. I then proceeded to stand up, the chair screeching against the ground as the anticipation to get away from Toby pushed me into a corner.

Toby grunted, "Any other girl would kill to be that close to me, and then there's you." I ignored his comments as I watched him slip the book into his bag and zip it up.

"You're just not my type." I shrugged, trying not to make the situation a big deal. I began to walk to the door, ready to get back to my room.

Toby caught up with me, "So who is your type?" He asked as he pulled open the door. And there stood a very hot and matured version of Toby—his brother. I have no idea how I recognised him, maybe it was the similar facial features that I picked up on, or maybe I just remembered his face from when Avery first pointed him out.

However, the hot God of the school was not looking at me. Instead, his eyes met his brothers, a small frown appearing between his brows.

"Where have you been?" He asked his brother and I nearly hit the roof when I heard how similar their voices were. Although, Zack's voice wasn't nearly as persistently annoying as his brothers was. Toby was about to respond when Zack's eyes flitted over to me, and my heart stopped when he finally noticed me.

His eyes practically smirked themselves as they trailed down my body, leaving no part unseen. Zack then proceeded to raise an eyebrow, "I see." Were his last words before an amused smirk stuck to his lips. Zack's eyes never left me as he walked away.

I had pinch myself to jolt myself away from my dazed emotions. No, no, Sky. You had this all laid out, he is a fuckboy.

I blew out a breath before I felt my body being tugged forward. I fell slightly before I realised what was going on and got back onto my feet.

"My brother is your type?!" Toby hissed in my ear as we walked away from the canteen. I was so shocked that I tripped over my own feet and fell into Toby.

"What? No!" I exclaimed as Toby continued to drag me through many corridors and up many stairs. Toby gave me a pointed look in response and I sighed.

"I'm in a relationship." My voice was more gentle this time, as if I thought that I'd be hurting his feelings if I told him. How was I to know whether today's antics were playful or serious?

Toby slowed down, "What? With who?" Toby glanced back at me as he shot the questions at me. He had let go of my arm and I walked slowly and calmly by his side.

"With Carter." I told him, not knowing if he actually knew who I was talking about.

"What?" Toby's eyebrows raised and I was about to introduce Carter to him when he continued. "The new kid?" Toby sounded astounded, as if he could never imagine the new kid and the old new kid getting together.

I shrugged, "Yeah, we know each other; actually, we used to be best friends." Toby raised his eyebrows before nodding understandingly.

"Then you became fuck buddies." He concluded—a very incorrect and wrong conclusion. I slapped him in the chest and I heard him hiss as I walked off down the corridor.

Toby soon caught up with me and we walked in an awkward silence before my dorm room came into view. Before we reached my room, Toby grabbed my arm. I raised my eyebrow at his hold on my arm and he instantly let go.

"I'm sorry about what I said, I'm trying to stop doing that." He sighed, brushing his fingers through his hair.

"So what you're saying is, you need a filter but you don't have one. Got it." I nodded, a snarky tone to my voice. Toby smiled but shook his head at my banter, I returned the favour before pulling my key out of my pocket as we approached my room.

"Not too bad, Espan." I commented and a wide grin appeared on Toby's face, making me wonder why he doesn't just flash girls that winning smile instead of the taunting smirks.

"Not too bad yourself, Forest." I had a feeling that Toby was stopping himself from saying anymore—maybe he wanted to joke about my slow brain earlier. I smiled at him before turning away and pushing the key into the door.

"Bye, Toby!" I called over my shoulder as I started to notice that he was slowly walking off. He turned back and gave me a quick salute before flashing me his aggravatingly annoying smirk and spinning back around. I didn't waste time as I unlocked the door with a small laugh.

Pushing the door open, I literally fell back in shock as I nearly hit someone. My instant reflexes went up and I was about to defend myself with my arms, and then I looked up and saw it was Jameson.

"Holy cow!" I exclaimed and placed my palm over my chest as I calmed myself down by inhaling and exhaling slowly. I mentally face palmed whilst I sighed and entered our dorm, closing the door behind me.

"Where have you been?" Jameson demanded, his arms crossed over his chest in a business-like manner. I rolled my eyes as he seemed to block all routes to my room.

Realising I wasn't going to get past him without an answer, I ran my hand through my hair with a sigh. "I was out with a friend." I told him it simply, leaving out specifics—specifics being Toby Espan.

"Toby Espan?" Jameson raised an eyebrow and I stopped trying to move past him as I considered the fact that he could read my mind. Then I realised.

"Wait, were you eavesdropping?" I exclaimed, the thought of Jameson eavesdropping on my every conversation sure to haunt me forever.

"No." Jameson's reply was too fast and adamant. And I started to ponder if he was lying. "I was about to come and look for you." He continued, his eyes averting any eye contact. I rolled my eyes but let it slip, shrugging off my bag and letting it drop onto the floor. I then took off my shoes and finally—and surprisingly—manoeuvred my way around Jameson.

I let my leather jacket slip off and then plucked it off the floor, deciding that my room could do without the added mess.

I was playing with my curls that had fallen out into delicate waves in the mirror when Jameson awkwardly cleared his throat. I turned around to face him, an eyebrow raised.

"I'm sorry about that erm–" Jameson paused suddenly and I was surprised when I saw him looking clearly uncomfortable. I clocked on easily, as if the subject was at the tip of my tongue already.

"That kiss?" I asked him and Jameson's eyes met mine, giving me what I thought was a 'yes' for an answer.

"Oh, don't worry about that," I was quick to brush him off—too quick, evident as I noticed Jameson frown. I spoke up again, "It meant nothing to me, like it did for you," I gestured to him, but it looked as if Jameson didn't even notice or register my hand as he looked at me blankly.

Nonetheless, I continued, "Actually.." I began awkwardly as I fiddled with the edge of my t-shirt. I quickly shoved the subject of Carter and I being together into a corner, ready to be brought up on another uneasy occasion.

"Actually," I paused, thinking of something else to say. And quickly, I did, "Actually I just want us to forget about it, the whole thing was weird and I accept your apology.." I trailed off, not sure how to carry on with Jameson still staring at me distantly, like his spirit left his body or something.

Jameson blinked, then nodded, then left the room.





when an author reacts to her book


So Jameson just got rejected

Does that mean that #Carty/#Skarter is official ?

That's all for now folks

See ya (I typed yam)

Love from a folk

Next update: Tuesday–Wednesday


A boy isn't the only thing that knocks at a door.

Danger does too.

(Yes I'm well aware that a boy is a person not a thing)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


(Because I totally laughed at that when I was editing the chapter)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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