Chapter Forty-Four

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T h e   H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

I took a huge bite of my slice of pizza and hummed in satisfaction. I looked over at Jameson to see him holding in a laugh and I rolled my eyes, but then letting out a laugh of my own.

"You know when you said your favourite colour was turquoise?" The question sprung out as I began to consider the little that I knew of Jameson's background story.

Jameson frowned but nodded as he picked up a slice, "Yeah, because I grew up around a beach." He shrugged and I nodded.

"Yes, where did you grow up?" The pained expression that took over Jameson's features made me instantly regret ever asking him the question.

Jameson managed to shake it off, and after a bite of his pizza, he responded. "I don't know," Jameson sighed and I frowned.

Seeing my response, Jameson elaborated. "I grew up in Devon, but at a pretty young age I moved." He shrugged, leaving me to figure out how he didn't know where he moved to.

"How can't you know where you moved to?" I asked him with a small laugh, apparently not feeling guilty about questioning his life story. Jameson dropped the slice he was holding into the pizza box and leaned against the wall, staring out of my window.

"Because–" He paused and cleared his throat. "Because I was.." He trailed off in thought, trying to piece together his thoughts to make a sentence. "I was kidnapped." Jameson finished, turning to look at me, probably to see my reaction.

My jaw fell and my eyes widened. What?

"God, that's–" Jameson broke me off from voicing my thoughts.

"Awful? Wrong? Dreadful?" Jameson threw adjectives at me and I waited for him to get through his sudden outburst. When he finally did, Jameson sighed and picked up his discarded pizza slice, taking a bite of it.

"Well, I was actually going to say horrid but.." I trailed off and Jameson's lips twitched slightly, as if he was going to smile, but then—no. Nope, doesn't want to smile.

"What happened when you were kidnapped?" I blurted out the question and quickly slapped my palm against my lips after it spilled out. Jameson rose an eyebrow at me but shook his head, a hint of a smile on his lips.

"I was eight and I was there until I was twelve. I don't know exactly where we were—we didn't leave England—must've been Yorkshire or something, it was a costal area, we lived on this cliff, the grass all patchy and the harsh waves smashing against the deteriorating, dusty rocks. It was nothing like what I grew up with." Jameson told me and I felt my eyebrows raise in shock. I can't believe I've been making fun of his lack of emotions when they were probably all symptoms of PTSD.

"They were the bad guys–"

"Woah, woah." I suddenly lost all sympathy for him, "The ones you told me you knew nothing about?" I accused and Jameson crossed his arms around his chest defensively.

"That's because I don't, I was telling the truth. All I know is that they were training me up, kind of like what happens here, but with a lot more blood thirst." I found my breath hitching in my throat at the new found information I was being given about Jameson's life. Then it clicked.

"That's why you were a guardian at a young age! Because you were trained from a young age." I nodded at my findings as Jameson picked at a slice of pizza.

He opened his mouth to respond but I beat him to it. "That's why you're one of the only guardians in your age group, because you're one of the best." I was breathless at my new understanding of Jameson's life and I heard a chuckle emerge from the boy opposite me.

"Your flattery is adorable, but that's not really it. I was just one of the first to pass the exam which allows me to look after special ones." I skimmed over the rest of what he said and smirked.

"Aw, you think I'm adorable?" Jameson narrowed his eyes at me and an eruption of giggles fled my lips. I calmed down and we finished our pizza in silence, gazing out of the window, blanketed in its serene beauty. I also kept stealing glances at Jameson, but don't tell anyone.

We soon finished the pizza and I pouted at the empty box. Jameson laughed and I huffed in response.

"Cute, fortunately, though, I have more food." Jameson told me with a playful grin on his face. I raised an eyebrow, a smirk replacing my pout.

"So I'm cute and adorable?" I flicked my hair over my shoulder, "Keep 'em coming, JJ." I teased him with a wink and Jameson groaned. I laughed at his response and he glared at me.

"If you don't lose that nickname then I'm not giving you anymore food." My jaw fell after I processed Jameson's threat.

"Okay, sorry J-Jameson." I slipped up purposely to annoy him and smiled victoriously when Jameson gritted his teeth. He soon got up to leave and I stretched out my limbs in front of me whilst I waited.

I heard the squeak of Jameson's door and I looked up to see Jameson carrying two tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I immediately sat up and outstretched my arms for the ice cream.

Jameson chuckled and shook his head, "So impatient." He willingly handed me the tub and I ripped the lid off, ready to dig in.

"Wait," My face fell, "I need a spoon." I looked up at Jameson to see him holding one in front of my face, practically waving bait. I reached out but Jameson snatched the spoon away from my grasp.

"You're going to have to fight me for it." He challenged and stood tall and proud at his offer. I frowned but jumped up, pouncing on him. We both landed on the floor, however, Jameson had flipped us over last minute so that he was on top of me. I groaned and tried to shove him off.

"You're heavy." I complained and Jameson hit me in the face with a pillow.

"So are you." Jameson shot back and my jaw fell. What a dick. I pushed him off me slightly and kneed him in the leg. Jameson groaned and fell onto his back. I jumped on him and started searching for the spoon.

Jameson started to laugh and I glared at him, trying to shoot lasers from my eyes to destroy that smug look on his pretty face. I bent down so that our faces were inches apart.

"Where's the spoon, JJ?" I growled and my eyes narrowed to slits as he shrugged. I sighed and began to check his person again.

"Maybe you should check your own pockets." My head snapped up and I gritted my teeth at the smirk on his face. Oh Jameson, when did you learn these emotions?

Regretfully, I started to check my own pockets, my jaw going slack as my fingers brushed against a cold surface. I pulled out the spoon and flared my nose in annoyance.

I struck out and hit Jameson on the forehead with the spoon and then went to stand up as Jameson hissed. Whilst Jameson was rubbing the injured area, I realised that I was sitting on a weird area. I was straddling Jameson. Oh joy.

I struggled, but I eventually made it on my feet. And then I was pulled down again. Story of my life. I assessed my new position; I was on the floor, my back pressed against the cotton of my rug, and Jameson was on top of me, strategically avoiding laying his weight on me.

Everything just seemed to stop, then my mind only processed one thought. And as Jameson's eyes flitted down to my lips–

I jolted in shock and Jameson practically fell on me as a loud beeping came from his room. In seconds, Jameson had jumped off me like nothing had happened, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

He stuck a hand out for me and I quickly grabbed it, using it to pull myself up. I looked everywhere but at him as I went over the last five seconds in my head.

How awkward.

That was the only thought my mind processed as Jameson went rushing into his room to stop the infuriating alarm.



it's a great day for "I won't do this until next year" jokes

But I always have better jokes on New Year's Day #js



JAMESON WANTED TO KISS HER! 😭😭 (why am I crying)



but who thought they were going to woohoo

Bye humans

Love from human

Next update: Next year


Sky experiences anxiety about the forthcoming night shifts

Jameson has an idea to bring calm to the storm

But does this idea bring up an old fear of Sky's?


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