Chapter Ninety-Eight: Part Two

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T h e   H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

T h e E n d:
Part Three/Seven

And so fall away from happiness is what I did. But it turned out this bitter way: that was never the reality. This is the reality. This is my God forsaken life. All of this danger, this bloodshed, this pain—this is the reality.

And, in this reality, I can't escape my routes—what people before me have had to deal with. Just because of a stupid tale. These are the times where you realise, there is nothing humane about some of us humans. I resent them for what they've done to me. I resent them for what they've done to my life.

My blood denies me the reality I thought I had. I don't belong where I thought I did. With a reality worse than a nightmare, I wonder when I'll wake up. I can't breathe. All these uncovered lies are suffocating.

—Sky Forest, twenty-four hours post reality.

I stood shocked for what seemed like a millennium. I stared at Kai. Then I glanced at Eden—this was her wickedness.

"What are you playing at?" I seethed at Eden, who gave me a confused glance in response

"Well, at least have the decency to answer his question." She shot back with animosity in the way she crossed her arms over her chest. I wanted to strangle her. And suddenly I was.

I lunged for her, catching her by surprise and furthermore pushing her to the ground, watching as she plummeted into the floor. I jumped onto her and pulled moves I had only seen performed by Jameson. I was losing the control I probably never had. I'll give her credit; Eden was strong, and soon she gained dominance of the fight. And soon, Jameson was shouting curse words as I was mangled.

"Listen!" Eden shouted, jumping off me as Kai started to claw her, Jameson escaping from Harry's hold and kneeling at my side.

"Don't kill the messenger!" Eden continued, a look of fury flaming up on her face.

"And what's your message?" I retorted whilst trying to stand, with Jameson's help.

"The message about where that pendant comes from," Eden gestured to the pendant which now hung round my neck; I hadn't even noticed that I was wearing it. Who put it there? Before I could throw back a remark about her bullshit, Eden spoke up again.

"The message about your real life." Eden explained, and she knew that she was gaining a victory as she watched my shifting facial expressions.

"Don't listen to her, she's trying to–"

"Oh, come on, Jameson, no one needs your poison." Eden interrupted Jameson's whispers in my ear, and his hand on my shoulder started to apply pressure as he tensed with anger.

I shrugged his hand off, "My 'real life'?" I queried, turning the focus back onto me.

"Yeah, of course," Eden leaned against the wall, her tone of voice convincing me that this was old news. But, when I turned to glance at Jameson, he looked just as confused as I felt. He doesn't know what she's talking about.

"Your parents are apart of the bigger picture, you know." Eden started and I felt my already deep frown begin to crease further.

"'Bigger picture'?" I echoed, but talking to myself; what the hell does this mean?

"The whole hunting people down thing–"

"That isn't my parents." I spat, beginning to think I should've never shook off Jameson's guidance.

"No, but it's your parents fault." Eden stated with that same wicked smile, but I just stood there in worse confusion than I have ever faced.


"It's their routes, their background."

"My parents have nothing to do with this." I stated, yet seemingly trying to convince myself.

Eden chuckled, "Of course not," Her tone was mockingly cold, "Yet, still, you need to marry Kai." She informed me and I stepped backwards as if reeling from the events of the past few hours.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"To unite and solve problems—usual arranged marriage crap." Eden explained and gestured to Kai, her casual demeanour never failing as blood trickled from her nose.

Arranged marriage? Solve problems? And then all of my questions were placed into one simple statement. "I don't understand." And I really didn't.

"There's been an argument, you've had one before, you know how that works, right?" Eden taunted me but I ignored it. "Well, some of these humans are pretty resentful, now your family is hated by others. And vice versa."

My brain hurt. What? "Bu–"

"So that's why you've got to marry Kai," Eden continued and I clenched my jaw.

"You've got to unite these people. You're from one side, he's born from the opposing side," I blinked, staring at Kai. "Marrying equals peace—apparently." The menacing edge to her voice began to sound annoying and squeaky. She doesn't have the capability to scare people.

"No." I told her. Silence burst through, then her laughter matched it.

"But you have to," She told me, her hand plucking a sheet from a broken desk as she passed it, walking over to me. "According to this law, it's illegal to reject his proposal." Eden continued, teasing me with a sheet of paper with ripped edges, appearing to have been torn from a book.

"That's insane." Jameson spoke up, stepping forward so that he stood beside me. Eden ignored him and instead continued hovering the paper in front of me, blind to the fact that Kai and Harry stood behind her, appearing to be silently conversing.

Eden cleared her throat, straightening up in a fake professional persona and peered at the sheet. "Upon her sixteenth birthday, Miss Sky Forest must, by law, marry to Sir Kai Danvers to solve our ongoing issue of these ruthless democratic-fuelled killings upon our people. Mrs Danvers and her husband will put our minds at ease with this sign of unity." Eden finished the formal piece but I didn't believe a single scratch of what her squeal of a voice told me.

"That's fake." I told her with defiance. That cannot be legitimate. It's absurd.

Eden rose her eyebrow, "Really? So this part here.." Her index finger trailed over the lines of the text, "In the event that Miss Sky Forest refuses to marry said Sir Kai Danvers, the choice no longer becomes her own, and Miss Sky Forest shall, by force, marry to Sir Kai Danvers." Eden's smirk gave me a bitter and sick feeling that rose up inside of me, poisoning my insides.

"They can't for–"

Eden held up her hand, "If this marriage collapses under Miss Sky Forest's defiance, or if Forest's refusal becomes too difficult to restrain, Miss Sky Forest will be punished for crimes in these circumstances," Her pause was aggravatingly annoying as she pretended to be shocked by what she read next, though it was quite obvious she had read it over many times before.

"By death," The room was silent. But Eden continued babbling, "Signed, Sir Jonathan Moore, governor of–"

"I don't care!" I broke loose, screaming profanities at her as I snatched the paper from her hand and ripped it up, not sharing a single shred of shame as I watched the law disintegrate.

Eden cackled, "Good job that was the photocopy–" And then the shots rang out. Bullets zoomed by, piercing the walls and shooting past our bodies. A shot fired and Jameson pulled me down to the floor, and we watched as the picture behind my head fell, smashing to tiny pieces on the floor.

"Over here!" A voice screamed from across the hall, and I watched Kai beckon over to us as Harry kicked down a door. Dodging fires, Jameson and I found our way over to them, leaving Eden to her death as we escaped into the darkness.

Shouts were heard in front of us as we sprinted down the tunnel, and I figured that there were more people here than there once were. Jameson's hand was grasping mine, tight and secure as he tugged me along the tunnel, refusing to let me go. Behind us, I heard our enemies bashing on the door that Harry had sealed after we had ran to our safety, but I suspected that the door wasn't very sealed, and that our safety wasn't very safe.

Ahead of us, though, were a flock of guardians, dressed head to toe in thick, padded, protective uniforms and holding military guns, yelling instructions at us as we dashed by, their fire aimed at the door. Next, we were ushered into a room where peace was far, but silence had began to fall.

Jameson and I hid behind large tanks as instructed, breathing heavily, sliding down the wall and resting against it. Our team joined us, sitting beside Jameson next to the door. The room was dimly lit, but as I turned to my right, I was sure of who I recognised. But my heart still stopped. My hands still grew sweaty. My head still hurt. Am I imagining this? It was like the very first time he had surprised me here at the academy by his presence, except, this time, I was less impressed and more skeptical.

Then he turned to face me, face full of unspoken words and unnoticed emotion. But he still loved me, and he hated that.

We stared—I couldn't find the courage to even whisper his name. My hand had detached from Jameson's when we had entered, but I knew that he knew where it had been, with whom. I knew he knew who my heart loved. Then, as the quiet became too loud, I whispered the name of the boy I had used, broken, and thrown away.




Same Forest

Sky's long lost twin

Like Poot Lovato





so like Kai, Carter, Eden etc is the bacteria that Dettol kills and Jameson is the remaining 0.1%

The odds aren't looking good here

Eden the devil
That's her new name

I actually ship Eden with Satan
#Edan #Saten

Vote for #Edan
Comment for #Skyson

This is a real close call negl

Next update: Wednesday



But is it between Carter and Sky?

Or is it #Edan drama?

Or both?

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