Chapter Ninety-Four

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T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

I slept through the night, waking up with a kink in my neck only once, wandering around in my pitch black surroundings, trying to find the bathroom at such an early hour in the morning. I would've liked the comfort of Jameson's hospital bed, but I didn't want to shift him around and risk taking his life at the same time. And so, I reluctantly trudged over to the lounge chair, dozing off to sleep in a matter of seconds after getting comfortable.

When I awoke again, light was blazing through the thin fabric of the curtains, and I was able to see Jameson for the first time since I had fallen asleep. I was grateful that the pulse on the screen beside him was still beeping, discreetly telling me that he was alive and healthy. But Jameson was more than alive and healthy when I looked over at him. He was awake.

I was midway between deciding what was real and what was not when he flashed me a full blown grin. All for me. And I drank it all up—all his glorious features, all his wonders and woes, alight in the glimmer of his eyes. And it was me who had the fortune of seeing the entirety of this seemingly obscure being, but really Jameson is just a dusty diamond, left alone for too long, and I just happened to have uncovered him, and what I saw was beautiful. What I see is beautiful. And he was staring back at me, with a confused frown on his face, probably wondering why the weak girl with blonde hair was gaping at him.

"Hey." I greeted him, trying to sound casual and collected, except, my voice came out as a tiny wisp of a whisper.

Jameson smiled, albeit his frown still remained, "Hey." He whispered back. My heart fluttered at the gentle touch of his voice before Jameson continued, "Why are we whispering?"

I rolled my eyes, "Because we're an illegal thing." I continued whispering.

"'Thing'?" Jameson raised his eyebrows at my term, but still maintained our whispering conversation.

"Me and you—you and me." I told him.

"I love the description." Jameson shot at me sarcastically, whilst simultaneously breaking off our whispers as he spoke louder.

"You want to know what's illegal?" I stood up in a huff, annoyed with how this conversation turned, and impatient with waiting for it to turn back around.

Jameson raised an eyebrow. I raised a foot, ready to take steps forward to him. And, then, I did.

I sat on the edge of the hospital bed, next to Jameson's wired and cabled arm. Jameson just stared at me.

"This," I whispered as I leaned in. Jameson watched with anticipation in his eyes, waiting for the result of my tiff to come.

"Is illegal." I continued, though with an edge of something I have never managed before in my virginal life—flirtation, an undercoat of lust, it was surprising what I could do in the heat of the moment. And just before I closed my eyes—and the distance—I saw the same lust, and some admiration, reflected in the eyes of the one I loved. The one I am in love with.

Then my eyes fluttered shut. The only thing I could sense was the warmth of Jameson's lips on mine, an electrifying moment. My heart was ignited, and all my brain did was submit to this glorifying crime. Of which, I could never feel guilty for. I will never feel guilty for loving someone. And so, finally, my brain gave in, I lead with my heart, whilst my brain stood in the sidelines and controlled my actions. My wandering hands, my shifting body as I hovered over Jameson, my–

Jameson pulled away.

He displayed a rueful frown. "We can't. You're right. It's illegal." His voice was strained, he used simple sentences to cover the regret of pulling away. I know him all too well.

I shook my head, "Loving isn't illegal, Jameson, and I won't stop loving you just because a stupid law says I can't." My voice was strong; I was strong. They won't control my life. They won't, and they can't. I have an uncontrollable heart, that's for sure, but not even my brain would be controlled willingly. This wasn't a matter of love over brain cells, it was a matter of knowing what I wanted because of my heart, then acting right on it with help from my brain.

Jameson smiled at me, but the look in his eyes changed, he wasn't just lusting for me in that moment, he was worshiping me, he saw me as something bigger than I have ever been before, and he proved it with what he told me next.

"You've grown up, Sky, you're mature but young, you're caring but strong, you always know the right things to say but no one listens. No one appreciates what you say like I do. No one appreciates you like I do." Jameson finished and I saw the heavens stir from above, a choir of angels weeping at the misfortune of this miracle being brought to me and me only.

Then I ruined the moment. Of course.

"That's not true you know." I laughed as I traced Jameson's well sculpted and envy-worthy cheek bones.

Jameson frowned in response. "There are other people that appreciate me," I told him but he only smiled. "Like Avery, Cassie, Saph, Carter–" I paused on Carter, realising the heavens above my head were just torn out of the sky. Why did I say that?

Jameson clenched his jaw, "Carter sure appreciated you well at the ball yesterday," I opened my mouth to stop this ruthless hurling of insults, but instead got broken off as another insult was propelled at me.

"And he appreciated you well at court yesterday too, and when the courtroom blew up, when you had no idea where I was, or the exit, when you–"

"I get it, okay." I sighed, "You appreciate me, got it." Jameson glared at me, his expression almost looking hurt at what I was saying. Maybe I don't always know the right things to say.

"But it's not a fight, a competition for who can appreciate me the most." I tried reasoning with him but he only gave me a territorial stare in response.

"I would fight to earn your respect, I would also fight to keep you alive." Jameson seethed and I felt myself becoming weary of our current argument.

"Okay. I get it." I surrendered, standing up and backing out of the room, slightly sour that I had to hand the victory to an aggressive—and very hot—guardian.

I walked down the corridor, not intending to stray too far, but then saw as nurses and doctors were huddled around each other, seemingly discussing some sort of gossip. I frowned as I leaned into the wall, just lingering at the side of the corridor. I watched as more unfolded around me, frantic guardians and confused special ones flashed by. Intrigued, I stepped out of the shadows, and was consequently spotted by a nearby doctor.

Guardians approached me as the doctor directed them over to me, and I took steps back. One grabbed my arm, another tried asking me questions as the other just simply observed me. I snatched my arm away from their harsh hold, taking more steps back.

"We need to get you to safety, Miss Forest." One said.

"There's been a break in–"

"You don't think I know that?" I shot back, "I was there when the courtroom exploded, I have bashed up limbs to prove it." I continued as I retreated backwards.

"That is exactly why we should get you into safety." The observant guardian still hadn't spoke but I paid no attention to the ones that had spoken anyway.

"That's perfectly fine but I need–"

"No, we're going now." The same guardian who latched onto my arm earlier grabbed it again, and, this time, I couldn't free myself. I thrashed around in their hold, shouting profanities at the top of my lungs. Then they started dragging me away.

"At least let me say goodbye to my guardian, you impolite fools!" I screamed and the observant one looked me dead in the eye.

"There is no time." He told me with a cold shadow of a tone.

"You can at least spare five seconds!" I shouted back, "You can also let me the hell go!" I was slowly losing control, if it had not already been lost.

"We need to go now." The arm grabber instructed as he yanked at my arm.

"You're wasting time! I just want to say goodbye, it's one word, not a bloody essay." My voice lowered, a menace slipping out and poisoning the air around me.

"You're wasting time." The guardian came deadly close and used such a tone that had my blood boiling but my skin shivering with goosebumps.

"Jameson will know what's happening–"

"Damn right he will," I sassed, "Jameson!" I screamed, thrashing around once more.

"He knows you need to be safe," Another stupid guardian continued, "You're making a scene!"

I laughed, "Now suddenly you're worried about me making a scene? Why on–"

"Let go of her." A deadly demand had my voice trailing off into a tunnel of unknown, my words going unspoken. I smirked, turning around to see a very furious Jameson. He was bending over, clutching his wound, but he still looked strong enough to kill an entire army to protect me. I smiled at him when our eyes met, telling him that I was grateful. But then his eyes averted, meeting the clutching hands on my wrists and lower arms. His fists clenched.

"We can assure you, Jameson, that Sky will be under our full protection." A useless guardian swore some kind of oath as I ignored him, only focusing on my hero-warrior.

"Then get your 'full protection' hands off her," My heart danced at the sound of his threat—a threat to protect me. "And actually do some 'full protecting'." Jameson continued and I continued to secretly worship this God-like warrior in front of me. I love him.

They removed their hands.

"Sky," Jameson addressed me now and my heart smiled. "They will protect you, I can make sure of that," He gave a threatening glare at the guardians behind me, which was well-received when I felt their heavy presence lift slightly.

"But you need to let them protect you," I opened my mouth to protest, not believing what I was hearing. Isn't he supposed to protect me?

Jameson intervened before I could even whisper a syllable, "I will be with you as soon as I can, you won't be alone for long. I promise you." Jameson pressed his palm against where his heart sits inside of his chest.

I grudgingly gave in, placing my palm over my heart too, as if signalling that the message was received. Jameson nodded at me before his eyes flitted over to the guardians. I heard them shift behind me but I wouldn't follow.

"Miss," One called after me but I only had enough attention span for Jameson. He pointed to his heart, then looked me straight in the eyes. Ruefully, I nodded. Then I turned away from my protector, and I walked down that tunnel of unknown.


everything echoes down tunnels

like if you threw an insult it'd come back to you

(Not foreshadowing)




I mean



Next update: Wednesday


Where do the guardians take Sky?

Why does she need this extra protection?

Is it too late in the book to find out more information on the academy?

And is it too late to introduce a new character? 😉

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