Chapter Ninety-Six

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T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

"Sky?" My name echoed down the tunnel and I confusedly tried to find my caller.

"Sky?" This time I felt my senses jump as my upper right arm was touched. My dazed senses awoke as my eyes fluttered open, but I still couldn't think straight. Frowning, I lifted my head up from a shoulder—Kai's shoulder. I mumbled an apology as I tried to rid of my groggy state, but got nothing from Kai except a smile as he looked down at me.

"What's happening?" I asked him, trying to order my thoughts as I tried to find a way to tell the time. Apparently the car was switched off, and I didn't know where else to turn to.

Kai rummaged through his pockets as I turned to glance out the window, seeing nothing but the pitch blackness of the night, only a glimmer of light being shone by the very few street lights that were trailed along the road.

"It's nearly twelve in the morning, we have arrived at a private hotel," I raised my eyebrows at the mention of our whereabouts as I reached behind me to open the car door. I slipped out of the van, nearly tripping over my own feet, before waiting for Kai to follow suit.

"So," I spoke, before being interrupted by the sound of the car door slamming shut. Kai apologised quickly then we began to make our way towards what looked to be a very fancy and big 'private' kind of hotel.

"This private hotel," I began the conversation as Kai slipped the van keys into his jean pocket after locking it up. "Will there be fast room service and pure cotton towels?" I asked, mocking the idea of a 'private hotel'.

Kai laughed, "Maybe," he said first, "I'm not sure." He replaced his first answer and I stifled a laugh. I then spotted a couple of other vans, occupying the whole front of the hotel.

"Should've brought our own car park," I tried again for a joke and Kai turned his head to smile at me. I sighed, "But seriously, are you sure that this doesn't look suspicious?" I asked Kai, who was still laying low on the conversation.

"Everything is fine, Sky." Kai reassured me, giving me my answer as if he had buried it and I had to dig deep for it.

Timidly, I considered asking something that could make me look suspicious. But I was done with reason;

"Will Jameson be here?" I asked Kai but my question remained unanswered for a few seconds longer than I had wanted. Then it wasn't answered at all. Kai, a seemingly talkative, maybe charming, young man refuses to give fifteen year old, temperamental, maybe hormonal, Sky Forest her answer—what does this mean? Why would he suddenly stop talking to me? I'm not going to see Jameson here, am I?

Kai's voice in the distance startled me before I had a chance to wallow in self pity, and I'd hoped he was talking to me, giving me the answer. But, no, he was talking to the receptionist. A few more words were exchanged before Kai turned around, two room keys in his hands.

Smiling at my frown, Kai handed me mine, "I have somewhere to be," Gesturing to the key he added, "Go find your room." Kai instructed and I frowned at the number on my key—twenty-three—before looking back up at Kai, who was already striding away from me. I muttered to myself many names I could call Kai in this moment before locating the twenties in the hotel. I'll admit, the private hotel was very fancy, and I hoped I would get that fast room service and those pure cotton towels.

I reached the door with the number twenty-three in stainless steel, laying against the firm wood of the cream coloured door. I stuck in the key and twisted it until the click of the lock told me I had been granted entrance. I tiredly pushed open the door, my fingers on the key, ready to pull it out after I had walked in. Instead, my fingers were left lingering as an array of celebratory decorations greeted me. My jaw dropped.

Balloons and ribbons hounded the room, with two banners stuck to the two opposite walls in the prestigious and expensive looking room. But I had no more memory span to admire the room, all I could do was gape at the decorations.

Then I saw him—the sapphire eyed, mysterious man who had defended me time and time again over the past five months. He looked chipper in new, fancy attire, and a glorious sparkle shone in those sapphire eyes, the colour only differing from mine as his blue shone deeper and clearer. Just like a midnight sky.

After marvelling in his appearance, angels singing joyously in the crystal shadows—an effect of the many emotions his gaze gave to me—I observed his position. He stood casually next to a massive balloon, the number sixteen displayed on the front that I could see, and he carried a bag in his left hand.

"Happy birthday, Sky." Once the velvet of his voice had served its purpose in my heart, I realised just what his words meant. My birthday.

I frowned. And Jameson answered.

He held up his phone, displaying the time, "Its just gone twelve AM on the twenty-third of August, Sky," I squinted to see that his phone gave him an alibi; he was correct. When I didn't respond, he held up the bag he was carrying. It was a dress bag, probably containing a well-designed and glamorous garment. Jameson unzipped the bag, then as the plastic fell to the floor, I found myself recognising the blue dress he was holding. It was my dress.

Looking down, I fingered the tatters of the burnt and torn remains of my midnight blue gown. Some of the gems had fallen off, and some had been crushed. It broke my heart, but then I saw Jameson holding the beautiful piece once more.

I ripped the key out of the door, slamming it shut before tearing across the room, launching at Jameson and welcoming him with a tight hug. Jameson's safe haven of an embrace mended all my worried filled scars of being able to see him. And now he was here. Jameson pulled away and slammed his lips into mine, kissing me like he had never kissed in his life.

I smiled when we pulled apart, then grinned when he handed me the dress.

"Change." Jameson whispered into my ear and I shivered, my pounding heart still emitting tiny spouts of love. I did as said, and, ten minutes and a whole lot of huffing later, came out of the bathroom, hair as tamed as I could make it, hands and face as clean as the soap would allow, and my beautiful midnight dress clinging to every part of my body.

Jameson, having been gazing out of the window, seeming to be captured by the scattered stars, turned at the sound of the door, and his eyes seemed to have met a miracle as they soaked my appearance up. I found myself blushing under his gaze as I ran my fingers over the silk of the dress to distract me.

"Should we dance again?" Jameson asked, his eyes never leaving mine, as if they were as wondrous as my gorgeous dress. "Maybe this time we won't be called to court, of which exploded," I stifled a laugh, then Jameson took a step towards me. My heart couldn't calm.

"And maybe my chest is still marked and throbbing from that injury, and maybe your leg is still hounding you with a strong ache as you limp," I blinked, I could hardly feel the pain anymore, but sure enough, I still carried my stride with a limp.

Jameson smiled fondly as his eyes came alight with happiness and intrigue, "Because I noticed that, I notice every detail about you, you shouldn't be surprised, Sky." My heart made no room for my lungs, all I could inhale was love and all I could exhale was more of it.

"I notice how you fumble under my gaze right now, but you're beauty is beyond my broken minds imagination. Every time I look at you it's like I was never alone, I never felt pain." My mouth went dry. I was thirsty. I needed Jameson. I loved Jameson. I am so in love with Jameson.

"I notice how your dress brings out the blue of your eyes, a blue so deep it could be the ocean yet also fulfil its place in the depths of the sky." Jameson continued feeding me my hearts desire.


"I'm not finished." He simply told me and I smiled, overwhelmed with love.

"I know," I continued, "But I haven't even begun." I told him, hoping he would allow me a slot to speak my mind.

Jameson only smiled, "I know, Sky, but today is your birthday, I want to talk about you. I also want you to dance with me." Jameson persisted and I grew dizzy as his eyes never left me, his arm still outstretched for me to take his hand. And so I took it. And then, we danced.










Next update: Monday


Sky's birthday continues.

But who will come to celebrate her 16th?

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