Chapter Sixteen

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^ Sky's outfit (imagine the hoody) ^


T h e H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

I woke up with restricted movement, and after trying to wiggle my way out of the grass for five minutes, I turned around on my bed to find Jameson asleep next to me. My eyes widened and I instinctively pushed him off me, only to have it backfire when I fell to the floor, landing on my butt.

I groaned and pulled myself up, then stared at Jameson who was, surprisingly, still sleeping and peacefully. I looked at the time on his clock, it was eleven am—much earlier than I thought I would wake up.

Taking myself out of Jameson's room, being cautious not to make too much noise, I decided I would get breakfast since breakfast hours run until twelve pm on the weekends.

I made my way over to my cupboard and picked out some grey sweatpants, a white crop top and a hoody, of which was most likely to be Jameson's. I walked into my bathroom and had only a short shower in order to get breakfast before it closes.

When I was dried off, I did quick makeup, sparing time for some simple eyeliner. Once I was finished getting ready, I rested against the door frame between Jameson' room and my room, gazing at Jameson as he slept—like a true pervert. I was mainly just thinking about how surprising it is that he is still sleeping since he is usually up in the early hours of the morning. But I was also thinking about how cute he looked. Don't tell a soul.

I walked over to his desk and plucked two sticky notes from the pad. I wrote on one:

'Why was I in your bed?'

And stuck it next to him, on the next one I simply wrote:


Yeah, that should do the trick.

By the time I ran into the food hall, it was fortunately about half-past eleven and, thankfully, Avery and Cassie were still in the hall at a table and I grinned gratefully as Avery waved around at me.

I grabbed some croissants and a cup of orange juice from the kitchen briskly then walked over to their table.

"Hey!" I exclaimed gleefully.

"Shh." Cassie put her finger up to her lips before banging her head on the table.

Avery chuckled as I stared confusedly at Cassie's head. "Hangover." Avery informed me and I nodded my head in realisation, letting out a laugh.

"Has she not taken any medication?" I asked as I sat down.

"She is here," Cassie murmured into the tables wood.

Avery sipped at her tea, "She's taken quite a few now." She told me, picking locks of Cassie's hair out of her cereal.

"Hey, why aren't you hungover?" Cassie accused, tilting her head up to look at me.

I shrugged in answer, but then said, "It will probably come later on, though," And put my croissant down before fishing around in the hoody I was wearing.

"Which is why," I continued to search until my fingers met the item. "I should probably take something now, just in case."

I pulled out the packet and took out two tablets, washing them down with some of Avery's untouched water.

"Good preparation." Cassie murmured, then sliding her head back down, cheek against the table.

"Where's Jameson?" Avery asked, skilfully ignoring Cassie as if it was a talent, and I looked up at her, about to answer before I was ever so kindly interrupted.

"Aren't you Jameson's 'weakling'? Sky, right?" I cringed at the nickname as some random guy sat next to me. He was tanned, had brown hair and the same went for his walnut coloured eyes. There were three other guys stood at the edge of the table.

I nodded whilst drinking some of my juice. "Well, where is he?" A blonde haired guy asked me from where he stood.

"That's what we were about to find out," Cassie slurred into the table. "Seriously you could've just listened then." She continued, muttering something about wasting time after.

"Well, I'm sorry Miss Hangover, we don't have super hearing." The guy who had sat next to me threw back at her.

"You should." Cassie muttered.

I rolled my eyes, "He's asleep." Avery choked on her tea and the guys froze.

"You have to be kidding." Another guy amongst the three at the edge of the table shouted. I recognised him. He must've been that one that I met when that video went down. Oh—Maxwell.

I shook my head, "I left him in bed to run down here and get breakfast." I shrugged.

"You say that as if you share the same bed." The final guy at the end of the table raised an eyebrow and I choked on my croissant. I drank some orange juice to calm my throat before I was interrupted in trying to defend myself.

"You don't, do you?" Avery exclaimed and I then choked on the Orange juice. The guy next to me chuckled and whipped my back with his hand. When I finally swallowed anything that kept coming up, I thanked the guy next to me.

"We do not share a bed!" I shouted and most of the people in the hall turned to look at me.

"Five years later." Cassie told the table.

"Thank God." Avery laughed to herself. I turned to the guys.

"So yeah, he's asleep." The guy next to me nodded then stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Jonah," I shook his hand and smiled. "This is Brent," He told me pointing to the guy who I hadn't heard speak, he had a mop of dirty blond hair. He smiled at me and I kindly returned the favour.

"This is Maxwell," He pointed to the guy I already knew.

"You can call me Max now that I've met you twice." He laughed. I nodded and then Jonah pointed to the last guy with short blonde hair.

"And that is Harrison." He concluded.

The guy cleared his throat, "Harry." He corrected and waved awkwardly at me. Max slapped him up the head and I laughed.

"Okay well," I focused back on Jonah, "Just tell him to get back into waking up at the crack of dawn," He stood up, "We missed him today."

"It was nice to meet you Sky!" Harry shouted as the guys walked away. I saw as the others shove him into the wall and I laughed.

Harry rejoined the group and one of them shouted, "She's hot!" I cringed and Avery began to laugh hysterically.

"It's true." Cassie murmured, stroking the surface of the table. Avery stopped laughing and stared at her, whilst I rolled my eyes before finishing the last of my croissant. Avery stood up and I followed in suit, swallowing the last of my drink.

"Come on Cassie," Avery tapped Cassie's arm and the latter groaned. Avery sighed, "The quicker you get up, the quicker you can get back to bed." Avery bribed and Cassie shot up.

I laughed at them whilst placing my cup and plate into the wash bucket. Avery did the same with her cup and plate, putting in Cassie's bowl for her too. Cassie was already at the exit of the hall, waiting impatiently for us.

Avery put an arm around Cassie and we both helped her to her room, which was thankfully one of the closest rooms to the hall.

"Kim!" Avery shouted into the dorm room after we had unlocked it. The same girl that Cassie had pointed out in the hall a few days ago came into view as she ran to the door, her long, dark brown hair flowing behind her in a cascade of waves. She had a strong, muscular body that you could expect of any guardian, and dressed in all black attire, the leather jacket and her other garments hugging her curves.

"Oh God." 'Kim' laughed and pealed Cassie off from the floor, hauling her into her arms.

"Thank you!" She shouted at us as she laid Cassie on her bed. I became quite envious of the fact that she had a female guardian; you could see that they shared the same things.

Avery closed off my view of the room as she closed the door.

"Phew." She sighed in relief and I laughed. Avery's room wasn't too far from Cassie's, which also made me quite jealous. Whilst I was all the way down at the end, on the edge of the boy's block, Avery and Cassie had it quite easy in the early girl's block, especially since they were near to actual civilisation.

Avery opened her door, "Are you sure you don't want me to walk you to your room?" She asked me for the third time and I laughed.

"It might be a long way, but I think I'll be fine on my own, but thanks anyway." I grinned and Avery smiled, stepping into her room.

"Avery?" Avery's guardian, who I hadn't actually met yet, came into view. She had bleach perfect blonde hair and I spotted a hint of a tan on her skin. She glanced at me and I stopped admiring her appearance in order to offer a small smile at her.

"Did you borrow my lipstick?" She asked Avery, who laughed in response.

"Which one?" Avery replied humorously as she set down her keys on the side, to which her Guardian responded with a roll of her eyes.

"Okay, okay," Avery laughed, "I'll help you find it." The Guardian walked away and I smiled at Avery.

"That's Mel, my Guardian," She told me with a grin. I smiled and introduced myself quickly.

"Have fun walking back to your room, though! I've got to find this stupid lipstick." Avery rolled her eyes and I nodded.

"Okay, bye!" I responded, a hint of a laugh in my voice as Avery started to shut the door. I then walked off, letting out a sigh when I was halfway to my room. Lucky bitches.


Hi it's nick jonas #jealous

Ooohhh drama in the squad—kind of

Aw, no #skyson, and Sky doesn't even like him as a her guardian *cries*

I must depart, see you sooonnn

Next update: Monday–Wednesday evening



Annddd what happens when a news broadcast concerning #HIRAETH comes onto the tv?

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