Chapter Sixty-Two

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"I blamed myself, yet I didn't hold the gun. I didn't take the life. But somehow, it was still my fault. So I blamed myself."
— .. Me (again), 'The Hollows Of Hiraeth'

T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

"He's fine–"

"Well then you'd better take me to the hospital then." I told her, jumping up, ignoring the numbing sharp pain in the bottom of my foot. The girl still looked startled but stood up with me nonetheless.

"Visiting hours are–"

"Do I look like I care about your next comment?" I asked her and she stared at me. I picked a little bit of annoyance out of her dumbfounded expression, probably because of my insistent interruptions.

"No.." She trailed off.

"Probably because I don't." I snapped and she held her hands up at me in mock surrender. I took a deep breath and waited for her permission.

She sighed, displeased with her next words, "Fine. But you're going to need shoes." She told me, dropping her hands and walking over to the back of the hall.

"Shoes?" I asked stupidly and made a face. "Why would I need shoes?" In response, the girl, who's name I had yet to learn, handed me a pair of black Nike trainers from a sports bag.

"Because you're not wearing any." She told me with obvious reason in her tone and I glanced down at my feet. Oh. I'm not wearing any shoes.

After slipping on the shoes and learning the strangers name was Mia, said stranger and I were now making our way steadily to the hospital. I didn't let the pain in my foot distract me. I wouldn't. Jameson is way more important than some graze at the bottom of my foot.

Upon arrival, I noticed that the hospital was still a mess and a nearby nurse soon directed us out of the way, and to the room they were keeping Jameson in. It was an old and deserted corridor and I turned my nose up at it on arrival. But as long as it kept Jameson safe, I didn't care much for the conditions of the hallway.

I looked over at Mia to see her standing upright by the corridor entrance.

She gestured to the door, "Go in then." Jerking a thumb at it when I didn't move. I nodded at her, satisfied that she would stay out here whilst I checked on Jameson.

I timidly twisted the door handle and was greeted with an inhuman scene in front of me.

Jameson actually laying down, with his eyes closed.

This is a completely unnatural phenomenon. I found myself staring at him, admiring him in this out of place position. Then his eyes fluttered open. I pushed the door closed behind me and watched as Jameson eyes reached mine.

"Sky?" He asked, his voice straining. With no response on the brain, I just stood there and watched him adjust. He tried to sit up but let out a grunt in pain. I winced for him and ran over to him to usher him down and scold him.

"What're you doing?" I asked him in a rush, with astonishment in my tone as I pushed him back down.

"Sitting up?" He told me but I shook my head. Jameson rolled his eyes before slumping back down. I sat down in the visitors chair next to the bed and watched as Jameson watched me.

"Where did you go?" He asked me and I offered him a soft smile.

"They took me to the hall," I informed him, "And I fell asleep." I continued with a sheepish grin. Jameson burst out into laughter before soon wincing and cursing profusely. I grimaced before taking hold of his hand, trying to soothe him as I ran my thumb over the back of his hand. Jameson didn't say anything. But the increase in his pulse on the screen told me everything.

Not knowing what to do about the response, I started up a conversation, and then we spoke as if two souls that had knew each other since the beginning. And so, three conversations into my visit, and a very awkward dismissal of the fact that Jameson's heart seemed to like my hand more than his own hand did, a knock was heard at the door. I was about to tell the interruption to come in when Mia, the interruption, popped her head around the door.

"Hi." I greeted her and she smiled.

"Mia," Jameson greeted her with a more formal grace, "Thank you for taking care of Sky." He told her earnestly but I pulled a face. I'm not a child. I don't need a babysitter.

Mia noticed my distaste and refrained from laughing. "It's fine, I'm sure she had a great time," Mia remarked with a hint of sarcasm and I secretly flipped her off. I'm tired, okay?

"However, I need my trainers back." She told me and spoke again when I was about to argue.

"I have training tomorrow, besides, they are mine." Sighing at her very true point, I rolled my eyes and reluctantly slipped the shoes off. I handed them over to her with the weight of dissatisfaction on my shoulders. 

"What do I walk out of here wearing?" I asked her as she zipped up her sports bag.

"You're not walking out here." I stared at Mia in alarm, "At least not till tomorrow." She informed me and I frowned, though a little relieved that I wasn't being held captive by a crazy person for the rest of my life.

"Why not?" I asked her, glancing over to Jameson to see if he knew anything.

"Because you're staying overnight, doctors orders." She told me with a light lipped tone and I frowned.

"That's a doctors order?" I inquired, bewildered at the fact that a doctor would order me to stay as a visitor when visiting hours are very much over.

"Well," She started, "Not exactly," I rose my eyebrow at her in question and she rolled her eyes. "I met a guardian outside, he told me you had to stay here, where you're safe." She informed me further and I slumped back in my chair.

"I cannot sleep in this," I complained, "The same way I can not go out tomorrow in the same clothes." Frustrated, I folded my arms over my chest and sulked.

"Why don't you go back to the room with Mia and get your stuff?" Jameson suddenly suggested and I perked up.

"Wha–" But I was broken off by a clap.

"That's a great idea," She congratulated him before turning to me, "Come on, Sky, I'll keep you safe." She reassured me and I refrained from running out on my own.

"Here." Jameson offered me the room keys, of which I don't think I've ever carried in my possession.

"Yay." I deadpanned as I took them from his grasp. Mia gave me a big grin before walking out the door, leaving me to trail behind her. I glanced back at Jameson, who held encouragement in his smile and in his eyes, before shutting the door and leaving the hospital with the bain of my existence.

We sped through the hospital exit door and through winding corridors until we reached my long hell of a corridor, "Remind me why this was necessary?" I whined as I stumbled through the corridor.

Mia shook her head as a one noted laugh fell from her lips, "Your call, not mine." She told me flippantly and I groaned in response. We reached the room and I pushed the key into the lock, growing impatient with the struggle as the lock got jammed. Finally, the door opened with a very satisfying click and I almost skipped in. Home.

"Be quick!" Mia called after me and I nodded at her from my vanity. I picked up my black backpack and shoved in a load of my makeup, before soon realising what I had packed could probably distribute out to me and my closet twenty four friends—which I don't have. I reluctantly pulled more than half of it out before instinctively walking straight to my selection of shoes, of, which, I couldn't wear half of.

And, so, I slipped my converse on, and plucked a summer skirt off the pile of clean clothes on my chair, then took a plain white crop top from the bottom, and picked up my gold sandals. I walked into my bathroom and collected my face washes, my toothbrush and toothpaste.

I fell onto my bed when I was finished packing, hoping Mia wouldn't realise I had pit-stopped for a snooze. With that reminder, I pushed myself off the bed and tiredly walked over to my vanity and started spritzing some perfume on myself. Satisfied with my perfume shower, I double checked my bag before departing and shutting the door behind me.

"Was the perfume necessary?" Mia asked as we reached the end of the corridor and I bit my lip.

"My call." I nodded over at her and she shook her head again as a silly smile overtook her face. Silence clouded the air and I wracked my mind for conversation starters. What did you have for dinner last night? What if she didn't eat though? Do you own any pets? No, Sky, because we aren't allowed pets here. What's your favourite colour? Too basic—and random. What school do you go to? Okay, I forbid thoughts.

"So, why haven't I ever seen you around?" I blurted out, my non-existent brain distressing me, and apparently causing verbal vomit. Mia, as expected, looked confused for a few seconds before she glanced ahead.

"I've been doing some field work, why? Do you usually hunt down the guardians?" She joked but I ignored it.

"Where?" I asked her out of a deep need of something to talk about.

"Yorkshire, why? You wanna tag along and braid my hair for me?" She joked again but I wasn't joking, or struggling to keep up a conversation, anymore. Yorkshire. Why does that send my mental alarms off?

"What were you doing there?" I asked her slowly, trying to keep track of all my thoughts at once.

"Looking at a camp, look I don't want to tell you too much but," When I looked over at Mia next I could see the mental war she was having.

"Something bad could happen soon. We upset some people over there, they were doing illegal things and we caught them, but it wasn't our place to step in." She explained, glancing around to see if anyone had caught her blurting out guardian confidentiality.

"Why wasn't it your place–"

"Look, I really shouldn't be–"

"Oh my God." I came a stand still. "Yorkshire." I repeated. I knew what it meant now.


I mean

The cliffhangers get worse and worse


To clarify: I wrote some extra stuff in the past chapter so I've had to shift chapters around, therefore, all the endings are different and some are reallyyy long (longer than this) just so I can keep my good endings.



okay don't shout geez

Who is she


YOU'LL NEVER KNOW BC IM DYING OF LIFE RN (it's a diagnosable disease)

Bye humans

Love humanly human ish person

Next update: Wednesday


We find out what that lil Yorkshire revelation was.

Some deadly Skyson.

May or may not cause a heart attack.

Jameson and Sky talk about Angela's passing, birthdays, and their current relationship status.

But, is the school still neck deep in chaos?

WARNING: big things are coming. You have been warned.

(I mean I kind of did put WARNING so)

ALSO BEWARE: the next chapter is over 2200 words, oops

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Bc it's so relatable (to the plot I'm dead)

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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