Chapter Twenty-One

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^ The new person ;) ^


T h e   H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E   T  H

Cassie fell into the table, knocking off my water. I shook my head with a grin on my face before Avery grabbed my attention.

"So, you remember the chat we had when that urgent guardian meeting popped up?" Avery asked me—I was still in the hospital room, but the girls had come to visit me; they were asked to come in to jog my memory a bit.

I thought it was pretty unfair that I wasn't told what happened yet. The girls have yet to leak the story to me, but I'll get them to spill–somehow.

"Yeah, when we had that chat about Cassie's new lover boy." I teased and Saph snorted from where she was sat on the seat—Avery and her were both squished on the drab blue lounging chair. It was quite a comfortable addition to the room actually. Well, I can't account for this, but Jameson sleeps regularly on it so it should be fine.

Cassie picked up my water bottle from where she had left it and randomly decided to throw it at me. All the girls, including Cassie, gasped as they watched the bottle fly through the air.

Thankfully, a couple of self-defence lessons had paid off and had honoured me with faster reflexes. I ducked my head and the bottle skimmed my skull, hitting the wall behind me with a thud. The girls all let out a chorus of relieved sighs and I just about joined in too.

Suddenly, an eruption of giggles bounced off the walls. We all looked in the same direction to see Cassie clutching her stomach and laughing her head off. I turned to Saph and frowned, her eyes telling me that she was thinking the same thing. Is this girl delirious? Or just high?

The giggles came to an abrupt close when my bottle of water hit Cassie's face. For a second, I was confused—and then Avery spoke up.

"Don't throw bottles at the injured!" She shouted at Cassie, using her stern and scolding tone. I let out a short laugh, being careful not to laugh too hard or for too long because of my wound.

Cassie stomped her foot, cutting off my laughter, "Don't throw bottles at the face!" She shrilled back, running a finger over her nose gently.

"I think the injured is more important than your face!" Avery stood up and argued.

"Ergh," Cassie groaned, "Ovary, just shut up." Saph let out a loud cackle of laughter and I chucked way too hard. Ouch.

"Do I look like an ovary to you?" Avery shot back but Cassie wasn't paying attention as she observed her reflection in her pocket mirror, but then she looked up at Avery and shrugged as her naturally wide eyes appeared to be analysing Avery.

But then, turning back to the mirror, Cassie murmured a response, "More or less so." Her words being stumbled upon because her focus was centred entirely on her reflection.

Avery choked and her eyes narrowed, just a small gesture signalling a big feud. Saph held her hand up to stop the forthcoming dispute. "We are here for Sky, not to listen to you idiots squabble." She intervened, a hint of annoyance ringing clear in her voice.

Cassie nodded, but Avery opened her mouth again, "We were not squabbling!" She declared and Saph nodded her head, a smile glued to her face. This was the kind of thing I would expect Alexi to do. It was sarcastic—as if she was saying, "Yeah, sure." I mentally sighed; here I go again with the past life dramatics.

"Hmm, let's think." Cassie pondered, ready to jump back into curing my memory, and also interrupting my mentally discussed self-esteem issues whilst slipping her pocket mirror back into her bag.

"Ooh!" Avery shouted and we all turned to her; is this girl delirious too? Her cheeks flushed red when she realised we were all staring at her like she had three heads, but upon shaking her head, she sliced through the awkwardness, "Do you remember the guardians? Jameson's friends? When they were–"

"Asking where he was." I interrupted with a nod, "I remember that." I smiled victoriously; with every detail, I remembered, I came closer to the truth about what happened to me.

Twirling a strand of her hair, Saph continued, "And that guy, what's his name?" Saph wandered off into a trail of thought and I frowned. Remember, Sky, come on.

I closed my eyes and tried to picture myself at the scene. And then it all came back in tiny flashes, specs of my memory. Blonde hair, very awkward and–

I clicked my fingers, my eyelids flicking open, "Harry." The name rolled off my tongue and I was certain that it was the right one.

Saph clapped her hands and grinned at me, to which I frowned at, "You knew his name, didn't you?" I asked Saph as I watched her grin rest into a too comfortable smirk. She tapped her nose and I shook my head at her.

Ignoring her, I spoke again, "He said that I was hot." I rolled my eyes as I finished the recollection. Cassie opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the click of my door, it was one of the nurses, Angela.

She was the one that checked on me frequently, and so we had developed a small bond. Angela was young, from what I have learnt, maybe in her early twenties, but she isn't a special one—or a guardian.

Apparently, if you fail your guardian exams, you're out. And that's exactly what Angela was—out. Except, they couldn't just let her go back out to the real world so that she could spill all the secrets, even if she promised she wouldn't. It's not a risk they take.

Therefore, at age eighteen, as she had told me, she took a course that would help her develop the skills to work in the academy's hospital.

Angela had laughed, telling me, "I failed that exam as well," She had shaken her head, an eruption of giggles bursting out.

She'd calmed down and continued, "But I had just enough skills to stay here as a nurse, nothing too hard. You know, delivering food, making sure the patients are still alive."

We had laughed so hard at that comment that I even felt tears come to my eyes. I was lucky I was still on a sedative at that point. Angela was one of those people who just seem to float around—they were people persons. And if you ever become lucky enough to know Angela as a close friend, you'll be able to access her past demo version, as she spouts jokes and witty remarks as if she's rehearsed them all her life.

"You girls are going to have to leave now; it's lesson four," Angela chirped but the girls groaned, with Cassie hitting her forehead repeatedly against the wall.

"If you don't stop doing that," Angela warned, yanking her away from the wall, "You'll be the one in the hospital bed," She continued and shoved Cassie's bag into her hands.

Under her breath, Angela muttered, "And I don't think I can keep you both alive." Any other person would be obsessively worried about this comment, however, I was only amused—Angela and I carried a light banter; I was used to these kinds of comments.

The girls all unwillingly trudged out of the room, going back to the hell that is school. 
Angela smiled at me sheepishly before running out of the room, her disorganised nature already well known to me. I giggled quietly to myself and waited for her to come back.

And in she came, rushing back in and plopping herself down on the chair, throwing a sandwich at me.

"I forgot to feed you," Angela bit her lip and gave me an apologetic look, "Oops?" I laughed at her comment before taking a bite of my sandwich.

"I didn't even feel hungry." I told her, after swallowing my first bite.

"Well, I guess we know how you'll die." Angela joked as she pulled her hair out of the messy ponytail at the back of her head. Her hair was blonde and riddled with beautiful curls. It was almost as long as mine, which is unfortunate since the length weighed down the curls. Yet, I was still jealous.

"Do you think it's bad when you eat out of date food?" Angela asked me out of nowhere.

I frowned and considered her sanity. "Well, you'd probably end up being sick, but it depends what the food is..?" I trailed off as I took another bite of my sandwich. Angela watched as I swallowed, and then, without a second heartbeat, she had snatched the sandwich out of my hands.

I frowned, my food! Angela threw it into the bin and I gaped at her like she was a monster.

Scratching her temple, she commented awkwardly, "Might not want to eat that then."

^^ So that picture is Candice Accola, who I've casted as Angela (couldn't state it at the start because I'd ruin it) ^^


That's actually my third go at a ship name for them.

Wait how many people have I shipped Sky with..

Goodbye I have to life and stuff


Next update: Monday








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