Chapter Twenty-Seven

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T h e   H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

"Jameson?" The boy in question and I were walking down the corridor, back to our room, when questions had sprung into my mind. Since I had been here, I had yet to uncover any answers about this whole 'Special One' business. And because of the recent events, and the riddle about the blood that I had been given, I felt inclined to be given this knowledge.

"Hmm?" Jameson's response was barely audible and I rolled my eyes.

"Why am I here?" I asked him and he came to an abrupt and uncharacteristic stop, turning to stare at me. The look he gave me was hard to decipher but I saw a frown make its way between his brows. Then Jameson turned back around to continue walking back to our room.

"Because it isn't safe." He told me simply and I shook my head, speeding up so that I was in his view.

"Why isn't it safe?" I shot the next question. Jameson sighed and ran a hand over his face.

"Because people are trying to kill you." He answered and shot me an annoyed look, to which I responded with just as an annoyed one.

"I mean, why are people trying to kill me?" I pressed and Jameson stopped walking.

"Bloody hell, Sky!" He exclaimed and pulled at his hair in frustration. Calming down he added, "What is this? Twenty questions?" He shook his head at me and started to walk off again.

"I just want to know." I proceeded onwards with a desperate tone, served up with an innocent shrug.

"So would I." Jameson muttered under his breath. It was so quiet that I thought I had imagined it. I did a double take.

"You what?" I asked in shock. If Jameson didn't know... God, what is this place? Jameson ignored me and turned a corner. I ran to catch up with him and grabbed his arm.

"What do you mean?" I asked, "What you just said, what did you mean?" I demanded and I saw as Jameson clenched his jaw. I shifted so that I was directly in front of Jameson. He looked anywhere but at me.

"Jameson." I shook his arm that I held in my hand.

"I mean," Jameson pried his arm out of my hold without much force. "I would like to know the answer to your questions too." Jameson responded but still wouldn't look at me.

"So you don't know? You don't know why you're even guarding me?" I exclaimed as I threw my hands up in the air. Jameson caught them and brought them back down to my side.

He leaned in so close I could count his eyelashes, feel the puffs of his breath against my skin. "I don't know specifically," He confirmed, "But I sure as hell won't let that be the reason you get killed." The tone of his voice lowered, and although the comment was probably intended to sound sincere, it sounded more deathly.

I flinched at his sour tone and looked at his face, my eyes absorbing all of his features. I'd never noticed—but Jameson wasn't all that bad looking. Jameson cleared his throat once he realised what I was doing and let go of my arms. He brushed past me and started to march down the corridor, acting unfazed.

I hurried after him but stayed a few paces behind as I could feel the mood quickly becoming dour. But I continued on with my verbal assault anyway.

"What do you mean 'specifically'?" I asked and I saw Jameson's shoulders tense before he slouched over, running a hand through his hair.

"Some 'Special Ones' have certain situations which endanger them as their life goes on—yours is a mystery to everyone, it seems." I shut up at his explanation. But not because I was giving Jameson his space, but instead because I was completely bewildered by what I had been told. It had taken long enough, but it was just as equally confusing as it was a relief to find out the truth.

When we finally arrived at our room, I ignored Jameson and we brushed past each other, going our separate ways.

With a sigh, I fell onto my bed, grateful for the comfort it offered to my tired limbs. I quickly put the ice on my ankle as I recalled the conversation Jameson and I had just been having—it made me wonder. What if there were answers to the questions Jameson couldn't fill the blanks into?

During study hours in the library, I had spotted a few books on the academy's history. However, I had always thought they would contain details about when the academy was built or who established it, not confidential details about its purpose.

Although I was pretty sure that any information on this subject would be locked up somewhere in a vault, I couldn't help myself from checking. So, I texted the girls on our group chat to see who was available. They immediately responded with a flood of messages, asking me if I was okay. Laughing to myself, I reassured them that I was all good, then waited to see if anyone was free.

The girls filled me in that school had been dismissed for today so the guardians could do thorough checks for intruders on the academy grounds. However, Cassie and Avery had already arranged to study, probably so Avery could do the work and Cassie could listen. So that left me and Saph, who gratefully accepted my offer to go to the library since her guardian was in a bad mood and 'acting like a prissy blonde bitch'—her words, not mine.

We agreed to meet there as soon as possible and I began chucking unnecessary objects out of my bag so that it was lighter.

"Wouldn't it be easier to use a smaller bag?" My head turned up at the question and I saw Jameson leaning against the door frame between our rooms with an amused expression.

"It would be, but I want to use this one." I responded and held up my school bag to gesture to. Jameson nodded and I went back to emptying out my school bag and throwing things in that I would need.

"So where are you going?" He filled in the silence with another question as I zipped up my bag.

"To the library," I responded as I slung the bag on my shoulder. Jameson rose his eyebrow and I rolled my eyes, "I'm going with Saph." I added and Jameson nodded.

"You know that it's not safe to be out right now?" He continued with a step forward.

I groaned; this was getting old. "Seriously, I'll be fine. It's a library, not an asylum." The sarcasm dripped from my voice as I looked at him. I almost thought I saw a smile crawl its way onto his lips. But no—no, of course not.

Jameson pointed to my ankle before moving his gesture up to my arm, "You've already been hurt." I winced at what he had pointed out. I had been so focused on my plans that I completely forgot about my throbbing injuries.

"Here." Jameson pulled a box of painkillers out from his pocket and gave me one. I thanked him and swallowed it, hoping the pain would eventually subside.

I slipped into my converse, staring sadly at a pair of boots that I couldn't wear—because of its heel—wishing that my ankle wasn't badly bruised so that I could wear them.

Once I had grudgingly tied up my shoes, I watched as Jameson moved to the door, "Do you want me to walk you to the library?" He asked me and I sighed at his smothering concern; he seriously needs to chill.

"I know my way to the library, I've been here for just about two months." I responded and walked over to the door where Jameson was blocking my exit.

"Hmm, isn't it getting close to your birthday now? And it's not your sense of navigation I was worried about." I frowned at Jameson's omission but waved him off.

"As I said, I'll be fine." I reassured him before reaching over him to open the door, not even considering responding to the birthday comment. My birthday was technically around three measly months away, since we were about to walk into June, and my birthday was in August. But if I couldn't celebrate my sixteenth with my family and friends, then I wasn't interested in celebrating at all.

Jameson stared at me for a long and hard few seconds before moving away from my exit. He walked into his room but watched as I left. This boy will seriously be the end of me.

I hurried to the library since I was quite far away from it and I didn't want Saph to wait long for me. I was walking towards the cafeteria when I heard murmurs from around the corner.

"–and she did it? So, she trusts you?" The person said—a girl. Too interested for my own good, I came to a standstill against the wall to listen to the conversation.

"Can we just give this conversation up now? Of course she did, she had a chandelier on her foot," A girls cackle echoed through the corridor and I frowned, completely dismissing the thought that they were talking about me. I recognised that voice. In fact, I recognised both voices.

"I'm not going to be your bitch anymore, though, do your own dirty work.." I didn't hear anything else as I began to quietly backtrack my steps, going up the stairs to avoid the voices. So many questions clouded my mind that I had to stop just to collect my bearings. After a while, I decided to brush the questions to a quiet corner of my mind, thinking to answer them later.

So many questions to answer, and apparently the rest of my life, as far as I'm concerned, to answer them. That's how long I'll be here in the protection of the academy, that's what I'm condemned to now, and those whispers around that corner only confirmed that further.


Oh dear who was that

That was a dragon

Did that remind anyone else of Merlin or is that just me


Jameson lost his shit real bad

Damn Sky, what are you doing to the poor guy


the bitch didn't even go to find out wtf

Bye now living, breathing human

-Chloe the other human

Next update: Monday–Wednesday


Saph and Sky search for answers deep in the jungle called the library.

And then they meet someone ;)


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