:Chapter Five:

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(The Dragon is Nightmare)

I closed my eyes, pinching and poking myself, hoping this was a dream. "How, how are you alive?!" I screamed in my head.

I shook my head with frustration, anger, confusion. My mind whirled and shook, so many questions spun in my head like an unstoppable tornado.

I was frozen, I didnt know what to do. I didnt know what to say, except.


I heard the sigh of Honestheart. "The legends you hear are lies, I never casted a spell where I would die the second I killed a dragon, I never tried to kill my daughter, I never killed my husband." She replied, her voice no longer angry, but...sad...lost...distant.

"Then,what is the true story?" I asked, I was exhausted, but I wanted to know more. I was never so eager in my life before. This rushing feeling inside me, urging me to ask that question that could lead to so many answers and so many more new questions all at once.

"When I found out I had animus powers, I didn't want to die, I didnt want to turn evil. So I casted a spell where I would be locked away the second I did something so terribly horrible. So horrific.. I did one thing...one horrible thing. Then I was locked away, I am buried here, under the mountain I made. So I could hear the voices of the dragonet's that I had let come here. I heard how excited some where to see other dragons...from different islands..to see their abilities, what they had learned. I was evil, and horrible... But I was proud, happy. And good. For once." She explained, with great depression in her voice, it was so distant it was almost an echoing whisper.

I gulped. I wasn't sure if I should believe anything she said.

"Believe me please."

"Great, you're a mindreader, you can for tell the future too, I'm guessing?" I sighed in my head.

"Yes." There was a pause. "If I wasn't, then I wouldn't know you were spiecal."

"Can you tell me what I have in the future?" I ask her.



"No. Now sleep. I don't want to mess up your sleep schedule." She growled.

"You're not my mo-"



Them I rolled over onto my side then then closed my eyes.

I immediately went to sleep.

♦♦♦ ♦♦♦

I awake to someone pushing me off my bed. "Wake up! Wake up! Time for breakfast!" The squeaky voice screamed in my ear.

I jumped up, frightened and my head to hit the chin of the dragonet who woke me.

"Ow!!" Frigid whined.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I gasped.

She smiled. "Its fine! It was accidental! Accidents happen!" She squealed with a wince.

I patted her head the stood up. I saw Quicksand talking with Fawn. He was telling jokes, leading to Fawn laughing louder the Frigid's squeals.

Frigid and I walked over. "Hey, I have a joke!" Frigid said, wanting to join in.

"What?" Fawn and Quicksand asked.

"What do you call a fish without an eye?" Frigid started.

"What?" Fawn,Quicksand and I asked.

"A Fsh!"

We chuckled.

"That's the sealiest thing I've ever heard!" Quicksand laughed, so did Frigid,Fawn,and I, his voice merry and and sweet like candy. His tan and light brown scales mixing together, literally almost the color of Quicksand. He didnt have a barb at the end of his tail and he was bigger then a normal sandwing. His horns were a deep brown and his green eyes gleamed with laughter.

Fawn smiled at him, she stared into his eyes. Quicksand and Fawn's eye stared each other. I swear I saw some kind of spark flash in their eyes. Then they looked away awkwardly. I shared a sly glance with Frigid, we giggled.

"Someone's in looooovvveee!" I cooed in my head. I swear Frigid said the same thing In her head. But louder. Way louder.

As we walked away from each other, I started laughing like a maniac. "What?!" Fawn asked.

"Someone's In Loooooovvvveeee!" I laughed, my voice full of a amusement.

"Who?!" Fawn asked, pretending to not know.

Frigid ans wered before I could. "You and Quicksand!" She said quietly.

Fawn's eye's stared into nothingness for a second, then she looked back at us. "That...is...no-"

"Not a lie!" Frigid and I finished, though we know she didnt intend to say that sentence.

She rolled her eyes. "Lets just get ready, Mango is still asleep, and Quicksand needs to stop saying jokes so we can go to class," She yawned.

"Where is Cloudburst?" I asked. Fawn looked me then stretched her wings. "he has this special class that he already went to." She responded with a shrug.

I nodded then went to wake up the others. Then we would all head to class.


I sat on a gray cushion with a small light wooden platform with an ink bottle in the corner. There were all kinds of dragons in the room, Mystrywings,Glowscales, and what they said, Skeletonwings.

They had nothing but bones for a body and there eyes glowed like stars. Some dragonets were taking small bones off of there body then tossing it back and forth between them when the teacher wasn't looking.

I sighed,I was in History class. It was as boring as a turtle. But I guess I had to listen...ugh..

I couldn't stop thinking about Honestheart. I wants to trust her, I wanted to believe her...but it was so hard. Just suddenly, firs day if school. BOOM! Random Supposed-to-be-dead dragon talks in my head saying. 'Oh! Whoopsie daisy! I'm alive! Please believe me! Things you here are lies! You're special! Imma act like your mom, blah blah blah.'

I growled then covered my face with my talons. Then I heard a screech from a Dierl. I heard dragonets gasp excitedly, it was time for lunch.

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