.:Chapter One:.

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I wobbled into the main room of the cave, flapping my wings for balance. "Mama!" I squeaked, falling on my face.

I heard my mother run in, her talons hitting the ground then coming right back up. I sat up, shaking my head then huffed with annoyance.

"Yes?" She asked, lifting me up on my feet.

"Where is daddy?" I ask, tilting my head.

My mother blinked,then gulped. "H-he is visiting some dragons, he will be back soon,darling, don't worry." She smiled.

I smiled back. "Oh, I won't worry, I'm not to excited he is coming back. Daddy mean and grumpy." I shrugged then bounded off.

I heard my mother sigh.

I bounded into The eating room and took a small piece of hawk.

I threw it in my mouth and chewed, I scrunched up my face in disgust and spit it out.

"Ewwww....its burnt...."I grumbled. "Daddy not a good cook..."

I took another piece of pomegranate and mashed it in tiny pieces, I popped them in my mouth, I chewed then swallowed.

"Ick." I stuck my tongue out.

"Mama!" I shouted to her. "Who gathered the pomegwanates!?" I asked. "They taste really old!"

"Your father!" She called back.

"That explains this horrible taste. He isn't a good picker, wonder why...."

I also wondered why he went all the way to the Rainwing kingdom for pomegranates when they didnt exactly taste any good.

I heard a snort,meaning my mother heard.

I shrugged then ate a few more pieces of Pomegranate.

When I finished I stood and walked to the door of the small cave. I looked out, not for my father, but for the stars.

I looked up, there were only a few stars since it just became night. I smiled at the shining stars, they were almost winking, or blinking at me.

Just then, a large,bulky dragon landed in front of me.

The dragon stared at me. 'Daddy' I thought.

The dragon,Darkthought(a.k.a. my..horrible dad) smiled at me before pushing me away and walking in.

I huffed then ran at him, Penguin, my mom, was cutting mango pieces with her talons. "Welcome home...Dark." She said, almost a tiny hint of hate in her voice.

"Ah, home, what a broken down place we have as home." Darkthought sighed, sitting down on the ground and taking a piece of mango.

I clenched my talons. "Where were you?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Talking with friends." He answered, not taking a single glace at me.

I blinked. "You have friends?" I ask,tilting my head. 'I find that hard to believe.' I growled in my head.

I swear I saw Darkthought clench his teeth and wince.

'Gotchya.' I thought smugly, smiling.

Penguin glared at him as though to say. 'Touch a talon on her, you're dead.'

Darkthought took a deep breath before gong back to eating the pomegranate.

I stuck my tongue out at him, but he didn't see.

When I finished smiling like a maniac, my mom told me I had to go to bed and sleep. I whined.

"Do I have to?"

My mother chuckled before picking me up and bringing me to my bed of grass. "Yes, darling." She smiled.

I smiled back. Penguin's eyes were filed with love and warmth. It made me feel warm and safe, no matter where I was, she would always be there for me.

"Mama, why does dad always leave?" I ask, tilting my head.

My mother froze.

"H-he...he is just very busy, that's all. W-why do you ask, sweetheart?" She smiled nervously.

"Well...its just...I see other dragonets..playing catch, and tag, and other games with their dad..and..and..." I sniffed, about to cry. You could see it on my face, but I held back the tears.

My mother looked the same and hugged me tight. "Let's just get to bed, we will go walking in the forest later." My mother sighed.

I nodded, I lay down and rest my head on the small dry grass pillow and close my eyes.

I heard my mother stand and walk out of her room, her talons hitting the stone floor was the only sound besides my breathing.

I lay there, unable to sleep. I open my eyes and stare into darkness.

I swear I saw movement in the pitch black darkness. I shivered,hoping my eyes were messing with me.

I curled up in a ball, hoping I could just close my eyes and sleep. Ignoring the noises, and soft movements I barley heard and saw.

Finally ,after half an hour or so, I was able to ignore my fear, close my eyes, and,fortunately, sleep soundly.

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