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Luffy rubbed my shoulder reassuringly, but I knew that he wasn't enough to fix my broken heart. Maybe he is. It doesn't matter. It's not like I can just wait around for him to fix me forever. I have to fix myself.

I think back to all the things I've done with Arlong. As I thought, I can't think of anytime that he actually showed he cared about me. People who say that love is blind are right. When you're in a relationship with someone you don't recognize their flaws as easily. It sucks but...yeah, it just sucks. The good relationships are the ones where you don't need to see the their flaws because they have none. I want that kind of a relationship.

It's already 30 minutes past first period. I think about Leah so I can stop crying. Thinking about Leah always makes me happy. I enjoy knowing that she has a future, unlike me. I'm seventeen, without a mom, a stable job, and have nowhere near 1/10 of the amount of money it costs to go to college. Even if I had the money or got a scholarship for college, I wouldn't go. I can't abandon Leah. I also have no future plans. I have no idea what I want to be, or do.

"I'm sorry," Luffy says, shaking me out of my thoughts of self pity.

"It's fine, you didn't do anything," I'm trying to wipe my tears and lift my head up as Luffy looks at me sympathetically. We don't talk. We just stare at eachother. I'm looking at the ominous scar on his cheek. He's had that scar ever since I met him, and no one ever bothered to ask him what happend.

Luffy reaches out to move a piece of hair from my face and says "We should get to class. Being late is better than not showing up at all."

I silently agree as he pulls his hand back and we walk to class together. Once we get to Mr. Shanks' class, he asks us why we're late. We just stand there. I'm never late to class, and if I am I have an excuse (mostly just helping other teachers). We can't exactly say that we were late for school. I can, but Luffy can't. Mr. Shanks is his adoptive father, and they come to school together every morning.

"Stomach flu?" Luffy says as an excuse as to why we're late, but phrases it as a question rather than an answer. Luffy is a terrible liar. He's also not good at making up excuses, which is obvious because of the flaws with the lie that we both simultaneously got the stomach flu.

"Really, Luffy? I know that's a lie but even if I didnt know, you still look absolutely fine. Plus I saw you this morning and you were running out the door screaming," Mr. Shanks says while motioning his head towards our seats, signaling us to sit down.


At the end of class Mr. Shanks asks us to stay after class to discuss why we were late. I almost hit my head on the desk as I wait for everyone to leave the classroom. Once it's only me, Luffy, and Mr. Shanks he says "Okay, I know you two don't have the stomach flu, so don't even try pretending-" He points to Luffy, who is holding his breath until he turns blue, while clutching his stomach "-Now what really happed?"

I look at Luffy and try to tell him not to tell Shanks the truth with my eyes. I can't tell if it worked. All I can do is hope.

"We had to take care of a few things?" Luffy says, however it sounds more like a question than a statement. "Can you please let us off with a warning this time?" Luffy begs helplessly.

As I pray for Shanks to let us go without penalty he nods at us to leave. It seems as like he knows he won't get a straight answer. He's Luffy's father so I guess he would be able to read him. I can too. I met him freshman year, and we've been friends since.


The rest of the day was like any other. It's time for lunch right now, which is after third period. I get my lunch and go to outside, under the trees. Me, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, and Franky normally sit here. Since there are eight of us we don't all fit at one table. Once everyone gets here, we start talking. Lunch is the time when I think. Now all I can think about is Arlong. I feel betrayed. But I also don't feel that bad about it. We were only dating for three weeks, and I didnt like him very much. My first instinct was to say no when he asked me out. I guess I was feeling adventurous that day, or just wanted to hang out. I should've trusted my instincts. If I did, I wouldn't be walking to his table, where he sits with his friends, to break up with him.

I didnt think about what I would do when I was here at all. What do I say? What do I do? Do I just stand there awkwardly and say "hey, Luffy said he saw you making out with Hancock so I'm going to believe him and break up with you. Goodbye forever."

Why don't they teach us this stuff? They teach us every other boring, useless subject there is, but never how to break up with someone. I should complain to the school board! When I get to Arlong's table I say "Hey, Arlong. Can I talk to you?"

"Yea, sure." He gets up and gives me the normal grin that sends shivers down my spine. Not the good kind. The kind of shivers you get when you're watching a horror movie and you know something scary is going to happen. "What do you want to talk about?"

Arlong stands there expecting me to explain. I should. "Well...I uh..."

"You what?"

"I saw you..."

"You see me every day."

"I saw you making out with Hancock," I lied. It wasn't a big lie. If I told him it was Luffy who saw him, he would deny it. If he denies, then it's not true, right?

I lied. I would be really hurt if I found out it was true. I don't want it to be true. I thought I had a sense of comfort and safety when I was with him. It was minimal, but still there. I really don't want to lose that the way I do everything else.

"Oh. Look Nami, I'm sorry." No. No. No, I don't believe this is happening. Sorry? How is he sorry? There are no signs of remorse on his face.

"We're done." I say while trying to look like by heart isn't shattered. I try to walk away, but Arlong grabs my wrist. "Wait-" I cut him off by slapping him with my free hand. I see shock written across his face from the corner of my eye as I walk away. I walk to my locker as the bell rings, and go to my last class. I can't help but to feel hopeless and heartbroken.


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