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Once I wake up, I turn on my side and turn on the lamp that rests on my bedside table. I lay in bed thinking for a few minutes until I finally get up. Once I get dressed and brush my teeth, I walk into the kitchen and make breakfast. The food I make is never the best. All I can afford to make is scrambled eggs with cheese. I'm not a great cook either. My mom didn't have and recipe books with her, so I can't remake any of the dishes she made.

Once I finish making breakfast, I walk into Leah's room and wake her up. Once I know she's awake, I leave so she can get ready to eat. I serve myself eggs as Leah walks in. We eat fast, and in silence. Once we're done we put the dishes in the sink and leave. As we walk to school I turn around. "Cocoyashi Trailer Park"  I still can't comprehend that's the place I call home. I turn back around and catch up to Leah.


I see the school in the distance. I don't enjoy school, but I don't hate it either. It keeps me away from home, where all the memories lie. When we finally reach the school Leah runs off to meet her friends. Once she is safely inside, I turn around and head to my school. My school is only a block away from Leah's. I always drop her off at her school because I'm scared something will happen if I'm not there.

My school is longer than Leah's. When she gets out of school she goes to After-Care. It's a program they have for kids who's parents work late and can't pick up their kids at a normal time. She says it's fun. From what she tells me they play games and do other fun things there.

I arrive at school and sit at my spot. Everyday I come and sit by the large oak tree outside the school. I always come to school early beside because Leah's School opens earlier than mine. I take out my phone and headphones and listen to music. I have one of those old phones that you can't even buy anymore. 30 minutes later, people start pouring in.

Luffy is the first one to come and sit with me. Since his father is a Teacher he comes here early. The first think I notice is how solemn he looks. As soon as he sits down, without skipping a beat, I ask him what's wrong.

"You wouldn't understand."

"How do you know that? You've always said that I'm the only one who understands." When I say that he looks down in defeat, and sighs.

"My dad kept asking me questions about why we were late."

"We were just a little late. I don't understand how that's such a big deal."

"He doesn't care that I was late. He only cares that I was with you. I can't figure out why, but he doesn't trust you." He looks genuinely saddened by what he's saying. Everyone walks to us before I can question why his dad doesn't trust me.

Robin sits and reads, Zoro and Sanji start fighting, Usopp and Chopper run towards Luffy to tell him about another one of Usopp's inventions, while Franky goes on about how his inventions are much more "super" than Usopp's. I take out my book and sit with Robin to read.

The bell rings and we all go to class. As I walk to Shanks' class I think about what Luffy said. During the class I can't help but to notice all the looks Shanks gives me. I didn't believe what Luffy said before because I've known Shanks for a long time, but now I do.


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