Review# 172

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Roxy by: 00Tammy00
Requested by: 00Tammy00

First off I want to talk about the cover of the book. The cover of the book I liked a lot. I think it's simple and I liked the colors of the font of the title and of the cover as well.

Next is summary. The summary wasn't too bad. I found the summary to be good and fine as is.

As for grammatical errors, I did find a few in the story but nothing too major. But it could be fixed with some editing.

Now for the writing style of the book. I liked the writing structure of the book. I felt like like there was nothing wrong with it and that was pretty good.

Now for the pacing and plot of the story. I actually enjoyed the pacing and plot of the book to be honest. I thought the pacing was good and gave me enough time to understand on what was happening in the book and on what the plot was as well. The plot of the story even though it was a bit cliche, I thought was good too.

Now finally it's time for the setting and the characters. First let's talk about the setting for the book. The setting I found to be alright and I liked how each setting was described as well, making it easier to picture things in my head and a better understanding on what was going on.

Last but not least are the characters. The characters I found to be interesting to say the least and I liked each of their different personalities but I wish we got to see more of what they're into rather than being told stuff that they're into or what they do. This I think would have their personalities feel layered and would have given them more depth as people even though there were moments that I am sure some people could relate to.

Overall, I think it's a good story and one I enjoyed and one that I would recommend to people who enjoy this kind of book or something similar.

Thanks for letting me review your book.


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