Review# 181

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Part of me by: lucy_collins7043
Requested by: lucy_collins7043

First off let's talk about the cover of the book. I love the colors and how pretty it looks. I also like how there's a girl sitting on the cover as well looking off into the distance at something. I think it really draws you in and I also like the color of the font as well. I think it makes pop and really makes the title stand out so it gets your attention.

Next I want to talk about the writing structure and grammatical errors. I didn't find any grammatical errors in the story. I also thought the writing structure was okay as well.

Next is the plot and pacing of the book. Considering that this is meant to be a short story, I found the pacing to be fine and the plot was good too.

Finally I want to talk about the characters and setting and descriptions of the book. Although I found the rest of the book to be good, I find that I had a couple problems with the characters, setting and descriptions in the book. Although it's meant to be a short story, I really wished that the book was longer to better flesh out the characters. Like we're given a few things about me but not much else which made me wanting to know more about them. They just felt flat and one dimensional to me especially the main characters. Like when they interacted with each other and the main female character would say something about herself, the male character would instantly like the same things she does. Which isn't a bad thing to have the same interests but it just felt like he was just the male counterpart of her rather than a completely different person from her when she herself is supposed to be a nerd and socially awkward.

This to me can make it hard to love the characters because when writing characters, you need to sometimes learn that yes there will be similar interests between people but also different interests too. The main male character always saying that he likes everything that she's into is a double edge sword. On one hand, it's good that they're bonding over the same things but also bad if you can't differentiate between them and think of them as two different people.

Next is the setting and descriptions. This I am combining into one since the setting kind of has to do with the descriptions. What I mean by this is that there really wasn't any sort descriptions to describe on what was happening. Like there was some descriptions given but not enough to where I could really picture on what's happening to really keep up with the story. Even though yes it's a short story like I said a couple times before, you still need to describe things in a way where you can still picture the story and what's happening within that moment in time. This seems to be a trend in a lot of short stories and not just in full length books where the author seems to think that just because it's a short story that there doesn't need to be really any descriptions. When in actuality, its usually not the case. You still need to describe stuff in enough detail to really help the readers to picture on what's going on or they will be left confused about what's happening in the book. Which is why, I would recommend going back and editing the book and really taking the time to describe things so it really stands out a bit more.

Overall, it's a solid book and I would recommend it to anyone who loves reading books like it.

Thanks for letting me review your book.


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