Val Thundershock

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Val Thundershock moved into the apartment under us after the previous family moved away. Her name isn't really Val, it's Valentina. She just think her real name is too soft for her, and that Val sound cooler. So we call her Val, except her mom that is. Val has a Pit Bull with dark brown eyes and a smooth coat, and two names; it's real name and it's nickname. The dog runs and acts just like Val, which is why they got along so well.

Once me, Axel, Hecate and Val were playing on our yard while Granite was stuck inside grounded because she threw a ball at a window and broke it. We were digging around the yard when Val said something that got our attention. Let's have a tree climbing contest, she says. Whoever climbs the highest wins. And no using your hair. 

Me and Axel agreed, while Hecate just watched. Val led us to the corner of the small lawn where a giant oak tree grew. I went first, only getting up to the 5th branch before jumping down to rest. Then Axel went. He also got to the 5th branch. Finally went Val Thundershock, with her purple pigtails and fiery spirit. She climbed up to the 7th branch, and we all clapped for her. That was until we heard the branch snap and a loud thud, followed by a massive vibration in the ground. 

There was the might Val Thundershock, laying on the grass. There was dirt and a bit blood on her face, so Granite came outside, grabbed her, and walked her into the house. Weeks later we found out she broke both her arms from that fall. To this day we still make a joke about it.

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