Chapter 17

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Back in the hill, Ulwin raced down through the tunnels, each and every one, searching for his beloved son. He had called out his name a million times already, but still, no response. Where was the boy? He slumped down against a wall and fell to the ground weeping. He couldn't stand to lose another son, he just couldn't. Wiping away his tears, he got to his feet and did the only thing he could. He made his way to The Chambers.

As he paced the floor in front of The Nobles, he blasted them again and again for convincing him to return to Crudmoor Creek. If this resulted in his remaining son to be lost forever he would never forgive them.

He was in such a state he was unaware of the small figure that had moved close to his side. Infact he was completely unaware of Hammys presence until he felt a familiar tugging on his shirt tails. Ulwin fell to his knees and the pair came face to face for the first time in nearly ten years. The moment that their eyes met the grief of the past and present was all too much for either of them to bear.

You see, Ulwin and Hammy had known each other for a very, very long time indeed. They became friends when Ulwin was just a young boy and Hammy was appointed as his guardian by his very busy parents. Through time, they met Ozax and Diamond – Alfred's mother – and the four of them became such a tight little gang it was very rare to find one with the other three. As they grew and found their own special talents within the community, they remained close but a different, special kind of bond formed between Ulwin and Diamond during those teenage years.

They fell deeply in love and it was their love that that had festered inside Ozax, turning his soul evil. He was jealous of what the two of them shared and felt excluded and betrayed by that special love they had for only each other. Although many of the elders would say he always had a wicked streak, this was the catalyst for the events that followed.

Slowly but surely he became withdrawn from the group. By the time they reached adulthood he had become a virtual recluse, refusing to see or speak to anyone. His mind had always been a gifted one but he refused to further his training at the academy and instead focused on his own concoctions and brews that would help bring him the revenge he thought he deserved.

Ulwin, Diamond and Hammy tried their very best to bring back their dear friend from the dark despair he was stuck in but to no avail. They had no choice but to carry on with their lives. Ulwin and Diamond were still very much in love and after they married the twins came along very quickly. Hammy became Diamond's companion and protector, instructed to never leaver her side, while Ulwin worked long hours always striving to improve the quality of potions they mixed.

It was on one of these evenings that Ozax finally struck. Knowing how easily distracted Hammy was, all he had to do was play some fanciful music in the distance, and that was enough to convince Hammy to go investigating. As soon as he left the porch, Ozax pounced but managed only to escape with Diamond and Amateus before being disturbed by a returning Ulwin.

"Oh Ulwin. Ulwin. Me's so sorry, how can me ever apologise to ye enough. If it wasn't for me stupidity all these years ago Diamond and young Amateus would still be with us," Hammy sobbed. "If me had stayed guard like me was supposed to instead of sneaking off on one of me adventures, Ozax never would have had the chance to kidnap them. And if me knew young spud was YOUR Alfred, well me never woulda come chappin on that hatch and caused even more trouble for ye."

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