The house

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"I hope you guys packed up most of your things by now." My dad said walking past all our doors.
"Yes, yes we did dad." I said because he asks us like every second if most our stuff is packed up.
"This is too much work daddy!" Said Kaleb, falling onto his bed. "It's OK Kaleb, Abigal and Megan will help you." My dad mentioned out loud.
"What?!" We both said, I had enough trouble with putting my stuff away, I don't know about Abigal.
"Daaad, why do I have to help him?" Abigal whined. Her and dad had a little fight there.
So I have to put all my thousands of stuff away, and on top of that, my little brothers baby toys, life isn't fair.
Right then I flopped down on my bed, tired. "Megan, can you help your little brother.
" My dad asked, like it wasn't even a question. I didn't want to, but I had to. "Sure." I said tiredly.
I walked very slow to help my brother when I finally got off my bed, I wasn't ready to, but you know. "Ok, I checked out the house we will move to." Dad continued.
"it's next to the cemetery." Cool, I'm about to live a ghost story. It was weird I wasn't truly ready to live that life yet.
But I knew there was no talking my dad out of it. My friends will probably miss me, but I was glad my bullies wouldn't be around anymore.
I may like ghost stories and little fantasy tales about them, but seeing and living one was a whole other matter.
I mean, what would my friends think if they were in my shoes, besides having a crazy family? Would they like it, or would they run away and live with a best friend?
These are question's I might never find the answers to. If the house was next to a cemetery, why would you even want to live there?
Think about it, like, do you even know why the house was never bought in like ten years? I was going to text my best friend, but my nosey little sister would have been like, "who are you texting?
I'm telling dad!" Yeah, I know, it's dumb. I was really hoping someone somehow would buy the house before we did. But a girl could only take so much dissapointment.
Right? Ugh! Like, why me, why me? I could live a good normal life, but you know. Life isn't always fair. It's not what it always seems.... which told me how much i was different frome everyone else in this whole world, my friends and family. No one i heard or new of had a life as sad as mine, nor did i want them to. I was only happy to be the one use to it, not the one who cries about it every night. I was tuff, but i hope i was tuff enough to take on this challenge up ahead of me.

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