Chapter III

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"A werewolf..? You're joking right?" Karen asked.

Tilly folded her arms over her chest, looking down at the floor.

"I'm afraid not." I replied.

"I wasn't sure at first... Lexi must have stopped it before it could get to the heart... But, the second body... No animal does that." Angelica said.

Tilly suddenly stood. "This is bullshit!"

We all looked over at her. "Tilly-" I started, but she cut me off.

"No! No, this is all her fault." She said, pointing at Angelica. "First her parents, now this."

She walked in front of me. "Can't you see? All this shit started when she got here!"

Angelica lowered her head.

"Tilly, she saved us..." I replied.

A couples tears welled in her eyes. "What about Jordan..? Who saved her..?"

I averted her gaze, memories of that night flashing through my mind. "I shouldn't have taken her with me that night... It was my fault, not Angelica's..."

Angelica rested a hand on Tilly's shoulder. "No... Tilly's right, it is my fault... And I'm sorry... But, it's happening again and the only way we can defeat it is if we work together."

Tilly looked between the two of us before shrugging Angelica off, leaving our apartment.

Angelica rubbed my back. "I'm sorry..."

I pressed a light kiss to her cheek. "Don't be..."

"At least she won't be in any danger." Karen said.

"Yeah... I hope so..." I replied.

Karen turned her attention to Angelica, then. "So, if what you think is true... How do we kill it?"

"We need silver..." Angelica said.

We only had one pawn shop in town and they only had a few pieces of jewelry that were real silver. It wasn't much, but it might just be enough.

Karen drove us to my dads house. With Tilly gone, we were gonna need all the help we could get...

My dad rubbed his chin. "You know, a few years ago I would've said you were crazy..."

I lowered my head.

He raised a finger. "However, after the shit we've seen... I'm in."

I smiled up at him. "Thanks, dad."

He pulled me into a quick hug. "I need to grab a few things, then I'll be right out."

I nodded, rejoining the others in the car.

We decided to head up to the old cabin. We had to lure the werewolf away from town. It was the only way to keep the townsfolk out of harms way.

As my dad approached the car, I noticed Tilly limping down the sidewalk, clutching her side.

I quickly got out of the car, running up to her. "Tilly? What happened?"

As I made it to her, I noticed the blood staining the side of her shirt. It poured down her pant leg, leaving a trail of red footprints behind her.

She collapsed into my arms, breathing heavily. "It-it was... It was..."

I helped her upright. "Don't talk, we'll patch you up when we get to the cabin."

"What happened to her?" Karen asked as my dad joined us in the car.

"I don't know." I replied.

Angelica inspected the wound under her shirt. "It was the werewolf... It bit her."

"Is she gonna turn?" Karen asked.

Angelica looked between all of us. "Maybe... I mean, it's possible, but not guaranteed... She could die first."

Tilly shakily placed a cigarette between her teeth. "Th-thanks f-for the vote... of confidence..."

Angelica looked down. "I'm sorry."

I held Tilly in my arms the whole ride there. Her blood pooled in the seat, her skin growing pale, sweat dripping down her forehead. "Stay with me..." I whispered, rubbing her arm.

Tilly nodded slowly, her breathing shaky.

"How is she?" Karen asked, focusing on the road.

"Cold." I said.

"R-really? It feels h-hot in here..." Tilly said.

Angelica gave me a worried look and I let my eyes fall closed. 'Please don't let her die... Please.' I pleaded with myself...

Once we got to the cabin, Angelica and I rushed Tilly inside. Setting her on the kitchen table.

Karen walked up, tearing her shirt so she could inspect the wound. "Will, I'm gonna need a first aid kit."

My dad nodded, heading off in search of the first aid kit.

"What do you need us to do?" I asked.

"I need you to stay with her, calm her down."

I nodded, sitting next to Tilly, taking her hand in mine.

"Angelica, I'm gonna need a lot of towels." Karen said.

"Got it." Angelica replied, taking off down the hallway.

Tilly's whole body shook as her eyes landed on me. "Th-this is a real b-bummer, huh..?"

I squeezed her hand tighter. "Just stay with us, we'll have you patched up in no time."

She smiled weakly. "I n-need a smoke..."

I pulled the pack of cigarettes from her pocket, resting one between her lips.

As I lit it, she spoke. "Lex..."


"I'm sorry a-about what I said... It's not her f-fault... I-it's not y-yours either..." Tilly struggled.

I squeezed her hand tighter. "It's ok... I forgive you... I'm sorry to..."

She looked down at her hand, the one that was once mangled by Angelicas mother, the one I held tightly. "Funny... I can actually feel that..." Then, her eyes suddenly closed, her breathing slowing.

"Tilly? Tilly, wake up." I said, tears in my eyes.

My dad returned with the first aid kit. "How's she doing?"

"She's still breathing... But, it's faint." Karen replied.

I pressed a light kiss to Tilly's forehead. "Stay strong..."

Then, I stepped outside, sitting on the front porch.

Angelica joined after a few minutes, taking a seat next to me. "How're you feeling?"

"Im scared... I don't want to lose another friend..." I said, wiping at my eyes.

Angelica took my hand in hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. "She's tough... She'll pull through."

"And, if she does... Will she turn?" I found myself asking.

Angelica looked out over the trees, squeezing my hand a little tighter. "Maybe..."

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