Chapter 5: Discord

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We were walking around the canterlot garden with us seeing all the different statues there.

Ms. Charlie: I want to start our field trip here, in the world-famous Canterlot sculpture garden. That one over there represents friendship. Alright, my little ponies. This one represents victory.

I looked up at the statue that stood for victory.

Scootallo: How cool would it be if to have that was a cutie mark?

Y/N: Hmm, that would be cool, I guess, but you know what would be cooler?

Applebloom: And what's that?

Y/N: Not being left behind.

All three of them looked over to see the group was ahead of them. As they caught up we soon came across another statue.

Y/N: Wow this one looks like one of those art pieces that's just a bunch of random shapes.

Ms. Charlie: You're not too far off, this actually represents Discord, which means a lack of harmony between ponies.

As we looked at the statue Scootalo, Sweetie Bell, and Apple Bloom were fighting about who was right.

Ms Charlie: And you three have demonstrated discord so well that you're each going to write me an essay explaining it.

The group laughed a bit with me kinda smirking, we soon kept going but as we left I soon heard what sounded like someone laughing so I turned around and saw nothing.

Apple Bloom: Hey you ok?

Y/N: Yeah I thought I heard something.

I joined the others as we continued the field trip.


After school I was in the basement with me working on some homework that Ms. Charlie gave us after school which luckily I finished most of it at school before we left. After I finished I put the homework away as I went to my bed and decided to lay down for a bit but that laugh I couldn't ignore, not like it was haunting me but more like I was curious about the laugh

Y/N: What was that laugh?

I decided to get up and leave the basement and go into the library with me looking through the books to see if there was anything about it but nothing.

Y/N: Strange nothing about Discord or anything about mysterious laughter.

As I kept going I grabbed a book called "Magic for Beginners Vol 1"

Y/N: Not exactly what I'm looking for but couldn't hurt to understand what magic is.

I opened the book as I read through the pages with some of the basic magic spells like levataion spells and creating small balls of light.

Y/N: Interesting.

I put the book down with me and grabbing a notebooks from my bag as I started to take notes about the basics of magic. As I kept going through the notes as I scratched my chin I felt my grip on the book loosen until it slipped my fingers.

Y/N: Crap!

I looked over and saw the book was floating in the air. As I stood up and moved my hand on top of the book to see any wires but there was nothing. I soon reached for the book and grabbed the book as I held it in my hand.

Y/N: Did I do that?

As I held the book a letter appeared next to me with green ribbon wrapped around it with the canterlot on it.

Y/N: Ok this day is getting strange.

I took the letter and removed the seal and read the letter.

Y/N: "Dear Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends must come to the castle of canterlot soon as possible. From your teacher Princess Celestia". Wait why did a letter for Twilight go to me instead.

I decided to shake it off and make my way to Princess Celestia soon as possible.


As I hurried to Canterlot I made my way to the castle with me going inside to see the princess and the others there.

Twilight: Y/N what are you doing here?

Y/N: Simple this.

I showed them the letter I got from Celestia.

Princess Celestia: How did you get that letter I only sent it to Twilight Sparkle?

Y/N: I have no clue it just appeared out of thin air. Can someone tell me what's going on?

They soon caught me up to speed with them telling me Discord has returned.

Y/N: Wait so the statue outside in the garden isn't for show that was actually Discord?

Princess Celestia: Indeed and now he has hidden the Elements of Harmony and where he's hidden them I have no clue.

Spike: The only thing he said was sometype of riddle.

Y/N: A riddle?

Twilight: To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began.

She thought about before she looked through the maze.

Twilight: That's it! I bet Discord hid the Elements in the palace labyrinth!

Princess Celestia: Good luck, my little ponies. The fate of Equestria is in your hooves.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks, Princess. We won't let you down.

As they left into the maze with me and Spike staying with the Princess.

Y/N: Princess you sure they can actually do this?

Princess Celestia: Have faith Y/N.

Y/N: No it's not that I don't have faith in them I'm just thinking what do we do if they don't succeed. Like you said if Discord can make the elements disappear what's stopping him from snapping his fingers and reducing them to dust. I'm just being cautious, like so we have a back up plan just in case things go wrong?

Celestia rubbed her chin with her nodding her head.

Princess Celestia: I see, well then I'll go to my study to see if there's a spell that can help us just incase things go wrong.

She left me and Spike standing there.

Spike: What can we do?

Y/N: Let's head back to Ponyvile maybe there's something there that can help.

Spike: Hopefully


We took the train to see what happened to the place.

Y/N: Holly, did we go to the right town or did we wined up in wonderland.

Spike: What do we do?

Y/N: Get to library and hopefully something is there to help. That's if the place is still here.

We soon felt the train shake with us seeing the train lifting off the ground.

Spike: What do we do?

Y/N: I got up and took one of the tray that was nearby and smashed the window open, with me grabbing Spike.

Y/N: Jump!

Spike: What!

We jumped off the train with us rolling into the ground with us seeing the train fly off into the air.

Spike: Little warning next time?

Y/N: Sorry but there wasn't really any time for a warning now come on.

We hurried through the town with us seeing how bad things are getting.

Spike: This is getting out of control.

Y/N: Tell me about it, just ignore it and keep going.

Spike: How are you so calm about this?

Y/N: Well after dealing with a life threatening situation you kinda tend to be num to stuff like this or you just get used to stuff going crazy.

Spike: You're right about this being crazy.

We made it to the library with us breaking the door down.

Spike: Ok we're here now what?

Y/N: Start pulling books and get to reading hopefully we can find something.

We both started to go through all the books to see if we can find something.


After looking through what seemed like thousands of books and nothing.

Y/N: Got anything?

Spike: No? I got noth

Before he could finish a bucket of water fell on him.

Y/N: What in the?

I felt the ladder I was kicked over as I landed on my back making a loud thud.

As I fixed my back I looked over who did with it being fluttershy with her gray.

Y/N: What was that for?

Fluttershy: Oh because it seemed like it was funny and it was.

She flew around as I rubbed my back as I muttered to myself.

Y/N: Fuck you asshole

I looked over to see Twilight with the Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie with those three like Fluttershy being gray too.

Y/N: Uh why is everyone gray?

Applejack: I know why.

Y/N: And that is?

Applejack: I just don't want to say.

She walked past me with me scratching my head.

Y/N: What in the world is on with them.

Twilight: It's a long story, I need you two to help me find something.

Y/N: If it's a solution to this then no luck, we've been looking through these books and nothing and nothing from Celestia either.

Twilight: Listen I think the elements might be here, can you look one more time before

She was then splashed with water too.

Y/N: Say no more, and fast before someone gets hurt and by someone I mean them.

We looked through the books and found something about the elements.

Y/N: Got something.

Fluttershy flew by and took the book.

Y/N: Hey!

Fluttershy: Keep away!

They started to play keep away with the book as we tried to get it back from them.

Y/N: Give me that!

Applejack: Sure take it.

She kept it away as I groaned and jumped off the table and got on her back as she tried to throw me off.

Y/N: Always wanted to try the roadeo but not like this.

I grabbed the horse bust and slammed it on her head and knocked her out as I grabbed the book.

Spike: Is she?

Y/N: She'll be ok.

I raised my hand as a bucket that Fluttershy was about to pour on me glowed green as it floated to Applejack and poured it on to her head as she woke up.

Applejack: Hot hot ( shivers )

Twilight: How did you?

Y/N: I have no clue just read the book before I swear to God I'll make this look like an accident.

I tossed her the book with her catching it with her magic with her finding them.

Y/N: Are those the elements?

Spike: Yep, this is great! Now you guys can defeat Discord and put everything back to normal!

Twilight Sparkle: See, girls? We did it! We found the Elements of Harmony! Together!

I looked over and saw everyone wasn't really as excited.

Y/N: I don't think they share the same energy as you do.

Twilight Sparkle: ( sigh ) I never thought it would happen. My friends... have turned into complete jerks! Necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, and... big crown thingy! Come on, everypony, let's go!

Spike: But Twilight, aren't you missing somepony?

Twilight : Nope. We've got the liar, the grump, the hoarder, and the brute. That just about covers it.

Spike: But what about Rainbow Dash?

Twilight: Congratulations, Spike, you're the new Rainbow Dash. Now let's go!

Spike: ( gasp ) Me? B-b-but what if she finds out I've been impersonating her? That won't end well.

Twilight Sparkle: Too bad, you're Rainbow Dash. Now let's defeat Discord so we don't ever have to talk to each other again!

They all ran off happily with them liking the idea of not seeing each other again, and while Rarity pushes the rock she brought with outside a photo fell to the ground with me seeing a picture of all of them together like friends

Y/N: Did he actually tear them apart?

After a bright flash of light I looked over and saw it didn't work and then soon going their own ways with me seeing Twilight has turned gray too

Y/N: Twilight are you ok?

Twilight: No, I don't.

She started to walk away with me standing there with a shimmer of light in the corner of my eye with me seeing her element of Harmony aka her crown. I reached for it and held it in my hands as I looked at it. I felt a tear go down my eye with it feeling I let her down, like I could've done something. Like with them.

Y/N: No, I know what happened on the plane wasn't my fault but I'm not losing another family again. This time it has to be different.

I looked at the other elements and picked them up with me holding them as I held them I got an idea.

Y/N: Hmm you know what we did it Celestia's way now it's time to do it my way. All I need is a bit of magic, tech, and a bit of imagination.

I went downstairs into the basement and grabbed my bag with me putting the elements in there.

Y/N: Step 1 check, now time for step 2.

I hurried over to carousel boutique with me knocking on the door with Rarity opening the door.

Rarity: What is it whatever it's you want you can't have it!

Y/N: Oh it's nothing it's just I heard there's some crystals over far away there.

Rarity: MINE!!!

She ran off into the direction I pointed towards.

Y/N: Sucker.

I went inside and took some of her mannequins, I then went around grabbing bits of technology with it being rather old fashion.

Y/N: Might be out of date but it's the best I can work with.

I hurried back home with me putting the supplies down and opening the bag.

Y/N: Ok let's get to work.

I started to use some magic to make the mannequins into puppet like the versions of Twilight and her friends

Y/N: Good enough.

I then went to work putting together some remote controlled chips and using magic to multiple them and have them linked to a magical console I made. After I installed the chips into them, I then put in voice chips that replicated their voices.

Y/N: Let's try this out. ( Uses magic mic ) Testing testing one two one two.

Puppet Dash: Testing testing one two one two.

Y/N: Bingo, now then just the finishing touch.

It took the elements and put them on them and tried a test to see if they worked so I made them use 1% of their power and it seemed to work.

Y/N: I can't believe it, this might work. Now then time to put them to the test.

I spun around with different magical consoles Infront of me ready to control them.

Y/N: Ok Discord let's see how you like it when someone pulls a trick on you.



As Discord sat on a throne in Ponyvile or the chaos capital of the world with him drinking glass from a glass of chocolate milk while laughing.

Discord: Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Puppet Sparkle: Discord.

He looked over to see the puppet six arriving with them baring the elements and it seemed he hasn't noticed they are puppets.

Discord: Ah this again, going try to friendship me.

Puppet Dash: You know it Dipcord.

Y/N elsewhere watched with him using his magic console to control them.

Y/N: Let's do this.

Meanwhile with Twilight and the others she was able to reform them back to their old selves with them heading back for the elements.

Twilight: Wait where are the elements, I left them here?

Rainbow Dash: Uh girls you might want to see this.

She pointed over to the puppets with them fighting their way to Discord.

Rarity: Who are they?

Applejack: And how in the hay do they look like us.

As they got close to him Y/N kicked the power to 100%

Y/N: Alright Discord, say ah!

After that everything went to normal.

Pinkie Pie: Wow that was amazing do it again!

Rainbow Dash: Can someone tell me what's going on?

Y/N POV got out of the basement with him rubbing his head.

Y/N: I can't believe that worked, I saved the day.

Twilight: Wait Y/N, what's going on and who are they.

Y/N: Well it's a long story.



Princess Celestia: So you were able to make pullet versions of Twilight and her friends.

Rainbow Dash: Which you able to control with magic.

Twilight: And you were able to use the elements with those puppets on Discord.

Y/N: Yep.

Spike: That's amazing, how you do that?

Y/N: Magic, Technology, and a little imagination.

Princess Celestia: I see, I guess you did have a back up plan after all. Well done

Applejack: Beg you paradon but what do we do with these puppets anyway?

Y/N: We'll keep them around just in case of emergencies.

Twilight: Princess?

Princess Celestia: I like the idea, but it's best we keep them hidden just in case.

Y/N: Don't worry, I made it to were they fold up and hide themselves like no problem.

I pointed to them folding up and flying into the basement.

Princess Celestia: Excellent, well then I think that's all but I do wish to speak with Y/N alone.

Y/N: Me? Well if you say so.

The others left with both me and the princess there.

Princess Celestia: Tell me, how did you do it?

Y/N: Make the puppets?

Princess Celestia: No how was it you used magic? You're not from this world yet you were able to use it?

Y/!: I'm not so sure to be honest it sorta happened, like I started making stuff levate and had a copy of your scroll sent to me.

Princess Celestia: Hmm this is a rather interesting situation, maybe the magic that exists here in Equestria might be effecting you in some shape or form.

Y/N: So like me just being here is granting me the ability to use magic?

Princess Celestia: Maybe, I'm not so sure but I was thinking maybe you should go through the same courses of magic I taught Twilight.

Y/N: So your saying, you would teach me how to use magic?

Princess Celestia: Well it seems you can use it and it would be interesting to see a being who isn't from our world use magic. Besides I am interested in how you used magic with machines.

Y/N: I see, well I guess it's worth a shot.

Princess Celestia: Very well we can start your lessons soon as possible Y/N, take care my new student.

Y/N: You too.

She soon left with me laying on my bed as I used magic to make the photo of my parents come to me.

Y/N: I could get used to this magic stuff.

And that is it. I hope you enjoyed, sorry it took so long I was stumped for a long time, but I eventually got an idea for the chapter. Either way I still hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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