Chapter 1

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Y/N sighs. Today just isn't her day. First her wallet gets stolen, which only has a few dollars in it and an expired gift card, then someone tries to run her over, making her get mad and point at the clearly red light and cameras. Now she just wants to slip into some Cozy PJ's and immerse herself into the wonderful world of reader inserts. She pushes her h/c locks out of her face. One part of her hair has been dyed a nice shade of red. It's a long streak.

"Why can't real life be like reader inserts?" Y/N sighs.

"Because that's not how life works. Unless you want me to take over for a day?" A voice in the back of her head answers.

Oh yeah, meet E/N(Evil name). She's basically Y/N's evil side who Y/N ignores 67% of the time. You know, the "inner demon", as some call it. Y/N named it because she's always loved the idea of having an alternate reality her where she's evil and she'd have to fight her alternate reality self.

"No thanks, E/N. You're just a voice in my head. We both know that." Y/N scoffs as she opens her computer.

After reading the unfinished story of Ice Age 2.0 A Human In The Herd on Wattpad, she searches again for actual reader inserts only for the computer to crash.

"Oh come on! You're a Windows! You literally have the word "ENVY" written underneath my left hand when I'm typing!" Y/N glares.

Suddenly, the computer starts sputtering, causing Y/N to throw it towards the wall, where it shatters and a dark portal opens up.

"What the hell?!" E/N exclaims.

Y/N walks towards the portal, curious. This is just like those reader inserts. Mainly the Avengers ones with Loki and the reader.

E/N yells, "What the hell are you doing, you fool?! I can't take over the world if your body is dead! You know the saying curiosity killed the cat!"

Y/N responds, "But satisfaction brought it back..." as she reaches towards the portal.

The portal suddenly changes colour, blue and black seeming to go everywhere like electricity. Y/N runs away, fear gripping her body as she runs towards the couch and grabs blankets, backpack, and leftover pizza before the Portal starts pulling her in.

"We're doomed! I told you not to go to the stupid portal!" E/N yells in Y/N's head.

Y/N flies backwards, towards the portal, but reaches out for that last slice of pizza, barely missing it as the portal closes, leaving the house for the insects and rodents.


"Did anyone get the license plate of that portal?" E/N's voice echoes through Y/N's head.

Y/N groans in pain as she sits up, opening her e/c eyes, seeing her blankets thrown left and right on the ground. She groans as she picks them up, shakes them off, then throws them in her backpack. She grabs her head and collapses to the ground as a splitting headache runs through her head like a bullet.

"Make it stop! Make it stop, Y/N!"

Y/N feels something cold next to her hand and picks it up, placing it on her head, soothing the headache. She removes it to see a cracked piece of ice as big as her hand. She turns to see animals coming towards her. She quickly hides behind a huge boulder of ice. She then stops and looks at what she's hiding behind.

"Where am I? Greenland?" She whispers.

She searches through her backpack to see that her Bluetooth headphones are undamaged, but if her phone runs out of power in her phone and headphones, they're only good for muffling noise, which can be useful later. Hopefully. She peaks out to see that these aren't ordinary animals. She swears that these animals have been extinct for thousands of years.

"I'm just saying, how do we know it's an Ice age?"

"Because... of all... THE ICE!"

Suddenly, Y/N's face pales. She's definitely heard those line before. She then hears the animals exclaiming in shock to see a mammoth. But not just any mammoth. Manfred.

"Well, I'm doomed." Y/N mumbles.

"How do you think I feel? I'm not even in a body!"

Y/N mutters, "You shut up, E/N."

Y/N walks away, going the opposite way of the animal traffic, knowing that there are humans somewhere around. She shivers slightly as she walks towards the giant ice cliff miles away, just one thought on her mind.

"I'm in Ice Age."

A/N: I saw there weren't enough reader inserts for this fandom. And they all ship you with someone. I want just platonic. Is that too much to ask for? Also, Shoutout to @sirenalagirl53 because I mentioned her story. It's awesome, but unfinished. Give her some love.

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