Chapter 5: A Secret Short Lived Pt2

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(Y/N)'s Point of View:



I recognize that voice and name.

I groaned in pain as I held my head.

"BULKHEAD! QUIT ARGUING WITH RATCHET! (Y/N)'S WAKING UP!" a teen girls voice yelled.

Greeat. A fan who's ready glop me.

I heard loud footsteps coming to me.

I opened my eyes seeing a giant green robot looking down at me.

"You alright (Y/N)?" it asked.

I instantly recognized that voice.

"BulkHead?" I asked.

"Yea it's me." he said.

"Ugh, I must be going insane or dreaming if your a giant robot." I muttered as I rubbed my head.

"Nope. It's the real deal." he said.

I sighed as I closed my eyes.

"BulkHead. How does she know your name?" a much more mature voice rang out.

I shot my eyes open and turned seeing a VERY large robot in the colors blue, red, and a bit of silver.

BulkHead sighed.

"She told me her limousine was down so since it was raining, I gave her a ride to where she was staying." he said.

"Ehhh, nice Bulk. Trying to take a pretty human girl home." the orange, white, and red one with katanas said, hitting his elbow on BulkHead's side.

"You didn't take percosons of the Decepticons." the red and blue on said, glaring at the other.

I didn't blame him.

Not really mature in this situation.

BulkHead sighed.

"I'm sorry Optimus. It won't happen again." he said looking down.

"It wasn't his fault though." I suddenly said.

"(Y/N), please." BulkHead tried to stop me.

But that didn't stop me.

"If I didn't accept, this wouldn't happen." I said rubbing the back of my head, feeling wraps on it as I sat up.

Everyone was silent.

I sighed.

I then remembered something.

"Oh fack." I groaned in annoyance.

"What seems to be the problem?" the red and blue bot or what BulkHead called him Optimus, asked.

"My agent is gonna be pissed if he found I missed my flight to continue the tour!" I yelled.

"BulkHead." Optimus said getting said bots attention.

"You will drive her to where she is staying. We will talk about who will watch her later." he said.

"Understood Optimus." BulkHead said.

He then looked at the teen girl with black and pink hair.

"Don't you even dare follow me Miko." BulkHead told the girl.

He then transformed into the truck that he drove me in.

I got up and walked to the vehicle version of him and got in the passenger seat.

I slammed the door shut and BulkHead drove off.

"Your mad at me, aren't you?" BulkHead asked as we were still in the desert scape of Jasper.

His what he called, Holoform, was out as he drove.

I sighed.

"Kinda." I said as I continued looking out the side window.

"But thanks." I said.

He looked at me for a quick second before looking back at the road.

"For what?" he asked.

"For saving me. Guess you really do protect people." I told him.

"Wasn't lying about that. Now was I?" he asked.

I giggled lightly at that.

"Yea." I said.

"But why didn't you tell me you were a fucking robot made by Japan?" I asked.

He began to laugh that I could see blue tears coming from the corners of his holoforms eyes.

"I'm not made by the Japanese I'll tell you that." he as he wiped his tears away.

"Me and the others are an alien robot species from another planet. Or race is called Cybertronians." he began explaining.

"We're at a war with another group of our kind who call themselves the Decepticons. Our team is one of the few of the AutoBots." he said.

"I'm basically the wrecker of my team." he said, finishing his explaining as we pulled into Jasper's town.

I smiled.

"Not bad." I said.

"Yea. It's pretty great to smash Decepticons to pieces." he said.

I giggled at that statement.

"So." I said.

"What was all that about, ya know. With that white, red, and green bot talking about taking me home?" I asked.

"His names WheelJack, and I don't know, he's just like that sometimes." he said.

"Not gonna lie, but. His coloring reminds me of a Christmas tree." I said.

He bursted out laughing which I soon started to laugh also.

"Oh. He's gonna be pissed if heard that." he said.

I giggled at that.

"Yea. I probably don't wanna piss ANY of them off, cause you guys can easily squish me under your feet." I said.

"True." he said.

We pulled to a stop at the house I was staying at.

I sighed.

"Please stay with me for a bit. My agent, is well, sexist." I told him.

He sighed.

"Alright. Not sure how Optimus is gonna react to that though." he said.

"I'm surprised you know what that is." I said.

"Miko said there's some at her school." he said.

I nodded.

The passenger door swung open revealing my agent.


I sighed.

"Didn't you hear my limo got in a wreak?" I asked pointing at my wraps on my head.



"Actually." I began.

"I actually wanna settle down here in Jasper and continue my music here." I told him.

He growled.

He suddenly grabbed my wrist tightly and dragged me out of BulkHead's vehicle self.


"LEAVE ME ALONE YOU SEXIST PIG!" I yelled as I tried to get away from my sexist agent.


He had slapped me with his free hand.

I held my cheek with my free hand.

I heard a car door slam close and then running coming to us.

BulkHead got me away from my agent.

He held me tightly in his chest.

I fought a blush at that.

"I definitely think that you shouldn't treat a lady like that." BulkHead said sternly as he still held me.

"Who the hell are you?!" my agent yelled.

"Names BulkHead. And I protect people. So in this situation, I need to protect (Y/N) from your sorry aft." BulkHead said.

I could clearly smell the alcohol coming off my agent.

He was wasted.

It was BudLight too.

My mom drank that everyday along with Wine.

My agent scoffed.

"Your probably just an obsessed fa-"

"I'm still new to her music. So no I am not." BulkHead said interrupting my agent.

BulkHead took me back to his vehicle self and we drove off.

I sighed.

"You didn't have to do that you know." I told him.

"Like I said. I protect people. So I had to protect you from that sexist mech you call your agent." BulkHead said.

I sighed.

"Where am I supposed to stay anyway?" I asked him.

"You can stay with us in the base. I could make a hole in my wall and add some stuff for you, like indoor plumbing, I heard humans like that." he said making me giggle at that.

"Ok. As long as I have somewhere safe to stay." I told him.

"Don't worry. You will be safe at base." he said.

We pulled back into base.

It got out and he transformed.

Optimus looked at us as BulkHead put me on the platform that the teens were at.

"You were-"

"Her agent was peeved that she missed her flight and when she said she wanted to stay here in Jasper, he slapped her. I needed to get her away where she would get hurt." BulkHead said interrupting his leader.

Optimus sighed.

"You took your percosuns BulkHead." he said.

"Where's she supposed to stay at then?" the boy with dark brown hair and eyes asked.

He was surprisingly taller than me.

Explaining went on which I tuned out.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked over my shoulder seeing the girl with black and pink hair with a bright smile on her face.

"Did you hear what Boss Bot said?" she asked still smiling brightly.

"Sorry no, I wasn't really paying attention." I said, knowing by Boss Bot she meant Optimus.

"He said you get to stay here." the younger boy said.

I smiled as I looked at Optimus.

"Thank you for allowing me to stay here." I thanked him.

"You are very welcome (Y/N)." he said.

I smiled a bit more as I looked at the teens and little kid.


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