Chapter 7: Girls/Femmes Night!

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(Y/N)'s Point of View:

So here I was.

Stuck part of a sleepover with Arcee by Miko.

We were currently at the human hangout part of the base.

Arcee had her holoform out.

In some PJ's which I bought for her.

They were a blue tank top, light pink shorts, and royal blue socks.

Miko was wearing a black and pink tank-top, black sweat pants, and pink socks.

I wore a Ivysour onesie with the hood up.

I felt like the odd one out of this sleepover with my PJ's...

Currently we were watching Drake and Josh on the TV.

"You calling me a liar?"
"Well I ain't callin you a TRUTHER!"

I laughed at that along with Miko and Arcee.

Drake and Josh along with Full House is back when TV was actually entertaining to people.

The episode continued as we continued watching the show.

I yawned lightly popping out my back.

"Ok. Maybe we should do some questions to know each other more." Miko said as she paused the episode.

"You already know Arcee well, wha-"

I cut myself off immediately noticing it.

"Shit. You wanna know more private things about us, do you?" I asked her.

Miko smirked nodding.

"Frag this. I'm out." Arcee said as her holoform was about to get up.

Till Miko grabbed her arm and dragged her back down to sitting.

"It's not a true sleep over if we don't share some secrets about ourselves." Miko said.

I sighed.

"I'll go first." I said with a sigh, giving in.

"So uh, I never had a good childhood before I became the singer I am." I began.

"My 'mom' was an alcoholic who did over her alcohol limits, my 'dad' was a drug dealer and was also obsessed with drugs. I never really had friends growing up till now. I wanted to get out of my home as fast as I could so I auditioned for America's Got Talent and yea. Here I am." I said explaining my past.

Miko and Arcee were shocked at that.

"That escalated quickly." Miko said.

I sighed.

"I don't like talking about my past cause I'm embarrassed of it." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"It's ok. It must be pretty rough for you." Arcee said.

"Yea. It was." I said.

"Ok, to lighten the mood, Arcee you go next." Miko said.

"Got it." Arcee said.

"So growing up as a sparkling on Cybertron, I was part of a dance team. I was the teams top dancer." Arcee said.

"I couldn't tell of your dancing cause you were dancing with WheelJack at (Y/N)'s concert." Miko said.

"Or was it cause you were to busy dancing with Jack?" Arcee said smirking.

"SHIIIIIIIP!" I whisper shouted throwing my hands in the air.

Arcee laughed at that.

"Shut up." Miko muttered as a blush spread across her face and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Ya know you like him." I said as I elbowed Miko's side.

"Like you do with BulkHead?" she asked smirking lightly.

I blushed darkly.

"Look. I'm still trying to know the guy. Don't go saying I like him." I said.

"Dude. He offered you a ride home in the rain, he let you keep his holoform jacket, he had a room in his wall made for you to stay, ITS INEVITABLE THAT HE LIKES YOU AND YOU LIKE HIM BACK!" Miko said.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Like you and Jack." I said.

"H-e-ey! Don't even try to change the subject. You know he likes you and you like him back." Miko said.

I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"So what if I did. Wouldn't madder anyway. People just like me for my fame and talent." I said.

"Besides. When will Arcee admit her feelings for WheelJack?" I said smirking lightly.

"Oh realllly?~"

We jumped at the sudden male voice.

We looked seeing none other than WheelJack there, FUCKIN EEVES DROPPING ON US?!

Arcee growled.

"Excuse me one moment girls." she said as then her holoform disappeared.

Her altmode transformed and she growled.

Arcee started to chaise WheelJack around the base.

I laughed along with Miko at that.

"Soooo, when you gonna admit your feelings for BulkHead?" Miko asked.

"When you gonna admit your feelings for Jack?" I asked her.

She huffed.

"Shut up." she said.

"Tunsdere~~~" I sung as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

She rolled her eyes.

"Yea yea whatever." she said.

"Want me to get the popcorn to watch Arcee kick WheelJack's ass?"


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