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Fanli discovered a lot about life that day. Well, a lot about men and certainly a lot about Pest. For one, the seed of a man was...very troublesome. By the time the hunchback's wife came with something for Fanli to wear, she was too surprised to find that she wasn't all that presentable.

Some distance from the house, there was a place for washing and she took to scrubbing herself with gusto. It was after she doused herself with the last of her water that she realized how tender the back of her neck was.

In all this time, she still could not believe, she never realized this part of her existed. Someone could have given her a hint beyond, Try not to get chopped in the neck.

Usually, she did not put much thought into that area but now with Pest's constant interest in it, she worked up a lather on her hands and used her fingertips to wash it clean. Each brush of the freckles had her wincing.

She was more than just a little curious about how they worked. After a few false tries, she could actually put her fingers there steadily to feel the shallow changes in her skin. It was exactly three, side-by-side.

"Do you need help?"

Fanli stumbled back and slipped. She regained her balance and looked up and around. Tall stone walls blocked her in on all sides. She wasn't sure where the voice was coming from until she looked at the wall behind her to find Pest, clinging to the other side, forearms resting on it.

He looked like he was...flying.

"How are you....?"

Pest grinned. "Standing on a bucket. Never mind that, how is your neck and my new favorite discovery?"

She ignored him and went back to patting herself dry.

"Human intimacy is messy business," she complained.

"Oh, don't talk like that. You didn't ask why I was so late this morning. Trust me when I say ogre intimacy is messy business. I had to go down to the river to wash." He perked up. "Not that I mind."

The pleased smile on his face never faltered. After a moment, he sounded less playful.

"Are you having regrets?"

Fanli wasn't sure. What exactly was she feeling? Of all the emotions that raced through her, she settled on one thing when she stood.

"I just feel...."

"Warm?" Pest brushed his long hair from his eyes. "Fixated? Aroused?"

His words spoke of daring but Fanli couldn't quite put her finger on this longing.

"I feel like I do whenever I'm around my treasure." His smile vanished and Fanli teased, "Which I need to check on, by the way. There are dragons mucking about hunting."

Pest looked back and around then jumped down. He carried the bucket with him as he slipped within the wash area. On the ground at their feet was stone. More than likely, a troll or someone with earth magic helped design this spot.

And more than likely, someone was bound to see them.

"What are you doing? Get out."

Pest frowned. "But I missed you. And it's been hours."




Pest stood defiant. A sigh finally sounded his defeat, but he leaned in to pucker.

He waited, expression smug and Fanli groaned as she pressed her lips to his.

"You know, I'm starting to like the tusks. Though they do bode danger for tender parts of me."

Fanli leaned away. The nerve.

He grabbed her by the back of the neck and stole another kiss but not before pressing his fingers against her freckles which had her panting.

And then he was gone. Fanli waited in that spot, confused and unsure.

This was bad. She searched herself again and again for a silver lining but drew a blank. When Wen found out, she'd kill them. When Fanli's parents found out they'd kill her. Beyond that, this wasn't right. He and Wen were a couple—at least in Wen's mind. Fanli was happy for Wen and Pest—she'd been more than happy for them. So what was he doing?

To be fair, on any given day and perhaps with anyone allowed, this would be fun. But she had nothing to compare it to. Were ogre romances like this as well? Were they this playful? She tried to imagine another ogre in here. Maybe Lowgli. The image wasn't one she could reconcile. Because no, an ogre in musk with a female he'd claimed, would have probably held her by the neck, bent her over and done what he wanted.

For a long minute, she took in that idea and wondered what she was doing with this Fae-blood boy. Pest wasn't wrong. He wasn't welcomed around ogres. Everyone could see his laten power. And everyone knew that matters involving the Fae could dissolve from love to hate within a matter of seconds.

There'd be no coming back from that.

And they hadn't been properly intimate. So what did that all mean?

She was wrapped in her less-than-clean blanket again in no time. It was after she made her way back to the house that she noticed the extra people.

"Fanli!" The hunchback's wife whisked her away from the men who sat down to lunch. Minutes later, in Wen's room, Wen sitting on her bed watching them, the princess presented Fanli with two articles of clothing. "Now, I'm really sorry. I know this isn't usually what you wear but I've seen more than one ogre in passing dressed similar."

Fanli's heart broke. It truly wasn't what she wore. But there was a reason for that. Instead of a lovely dress as she'd received till now, she was presented with a top and a skirt—that was long at least, but that barely mattered.

"Miss..." Fanli began, though worried about sounding ungrateful. "Ogres with their mid-drifts exposed don't do it for fashion. They—they do it to transform at will. Without the restrictions, they can move from human to ogre or even another creature easily. I'm—I encountered some dragon hunters yesterday. I'm afraid they may mistake me for a predatory ogre."

The princess looked down at the top and skirt, disheartened. "Oh. I hadn't known that."

"Oh, what will it matter?" Wen drawled. "It's only for a day and everyone in this town who knows you knows better. Besides, you're not going anywhere. Right?"

Her mother hesitated. "No. I'll...I'll make something else."

"Fine." Wen said, exasperated. "I need to talk to Abri anyhow. Ved can keep Fan company here while we go somewhere private."

Fanli's world shrank then expanded. Her gut burned but she wasn't sure why.

"I've warned you about Pest," the princess said. "He's prickly."

"Nonsense. He just came back with so much fruit. You saw him. I've never seen him in such high spirits. He's back to normal, finally. This is the best time to talk."

The disapproval in her mother's eyes had her standing.

"Don't you want this for me?" Wen asked.

"W—Wen, I want you to be happy. But Pest...your father'd never approve."

Wen dismissed her words. "Father'll approve of whatever you tell him to approve of. We both know that."

As her mother readied her argument, Fanli dropped the blanket and turned her back to them. She was sure to bring the top over her head. There was no back to it but it came up snug under her breasts and she needed only tie it in the back. After shimming into the skirt, she looked down at herself.

Wen paused in her brewing fight to admire her. "Wow. You look like a proper ogre for once."

At her laugh, the princess hissed, "Stop. What a terrible thing to say. Of course, she's a proper ogre."

Fanli was thankful for the rescue. Rarely could anyone see Wen's laughter for an attack. Lately, Fanli was taking notice.

Still, to have her belly exposed....

The muscles of her stomach weren't too prominent at least, but they were a far cry from the flat, smooth mid drift of a human woman. And now, instead of a dress with sleeves, she'd have to go nearly bare. This top resembled what women wore under their clothes. Not something to be worn in public.

Face skinned up, Wen looked down at Fanli's blanket. "Hate to say it, Fan, but I never realized ogres were this gross."

The princess turned on her. "Young lady!"

Humiliated, Fanli took some time in exiting that room.

The hunchback looked up from his meal once then took to eating again. Ved, on the other hand, sat up and watched Fanli's approach. His chewing slowed entirely.

He wasn't the only one focused on her.

Pest's cheer all but vanished. "What are you wearing?"

Wen bounded behind her. "Isn't it neat?" After plopping down at Pest's side, she declared, "Very ogre-like."

Ved stood and gave Fanli his chair. After scooting his bowl over, he sat, not at all concerned with his unabashed scrutiny.

"You look so different today," Ved said. "You sure someone won't mistake you for a hunter ogre?"

Fanli covered her face with a groan. "Yes. It had crossed my mind."

Ved sat up. "I've got some shirts—"

"She looks fine!" Pest snapped. "Let's just eat already. I didn't fall out of three trees for nothing."

The conversation shifted from Fanli's clothing, finally, to the three dragons still in town.

Fanli didn't want to think about dragons being this close to ogre treasure, or ogre hides they could stake a claim to. All the better if she was no longer in human form. They couldn't accuse her of hunting.

But this outfit would do Fanli no favors.

A hand came down on the back of her chair and it startled her. "Sister and the pest want some privacy. So, I guess I'm your guide for a bit. What should I do with you?"

Pest let out a grunt and Ved directed his gaze at him.

"Something wrong?"

Smile tight, Pest shook his head. "Nah. It's right as rain and dragonfly piss."

Wen made a face while Ved chuckled.

"Always a way with words." Ved turned his attention back to Fanli, his hand still on the back of her chair. "What do you say? Or I can accompany you home if you're going. Especially now with you wearing that. A dragon'll snatch you up for sure. The patrols have had a lot of complaints about them."

Fanli's mind raced. Finally, she settled on one thing, she was out of place here. A scan of their human faces had her resting her eyes on her very ogre self. They were friendly people, and the hunchback was a good leader, but it would make for a beautiful family without her here to muck it up. Besides, she was best to check on her treasure. Every ogre worth her salt visited their hiding spot daily to be sure their prized possession remained undisturbed.

And so, Fanli opened her mouth to thank them with a goodbye, but Pest blurted, "Then let's all go riding." He jumped out of his chair, rounded the table, and grabbed her by the arm. "You, I need to talk to. We'll meet you lot there."

They burst out of that house so quickly that Fanli hardly had time to orient herself.

She would have protested against the hand dragging her, maybe even put up a fight, but Pest's temper was one thing she never bore witness to.

He didn't let her go until they traveled the little path behind the house and came to the fields.

The very moment they reached the fence, he turned to her, fist clenched.

A shot of panic had Fanli stepping back. She had to remind herself this was no ogre who'd strike first then explain the slight later.

No. Pest didn't hit her. Instead, he clenched his fists and bit out a scream.

"How! How could you let him corner you in like that! And he had his hand right at your back. At your back! Don't you even care? Weren't you even paying attention!"

Fanli found herself reaching for the nape of her neck. Her new top rested slightly above the freckles.

Even touching it now in front of him had him seething.

"I—I actually hadn't noticed." Fanli puzzled over that for some time then explained, "But people simply don't get familiar enough with ogres to get that close. I—I suppose I wasn't threatened or—or thinking about it. I mean, I haven't even known about this spot until...until now."

Her voice petered down into nothing, but it was all he could do to speak beyond a whispered yell.

"Then at least be more careful."

Fanli opened her mouth to fire back that it was really none of his business how she carried herself, but the words wouldn't come.

Of all the emotions swirling around her, she finally settled on one—defeat.

"Our males claim us. We don't usually have to worry about people being close. And it wasn't like he did anything. He just asked a question."

It was the wrong thing to say. "Don't be stupid."

Pest opened his mouth to say more but Fanli'd already turned to leave.

"Hey. Where are you going? Hey!"

She was halfway down the path when he caught her.

"I'm talking to you!"

One brush of the hand had him stepping back. Fanli felt crushed as she turned to regard him.

"If I wanted to be beaten and insulted, I can go home for that."

He stared at her, stunned.

She turned to walk on.

"Beaten?" Pest gave chase. "I wasn't going to hit you. Of course, I wasn't!" He caught up and tried to hold her hand. "I lost my temper, I admit."

She slipped from his grip and continued on.

"Fan, please. Let me explain." He hurried before her and stomped. A blue burst of light rippled from him.

It wasn't much but it was enough to give Fanli pause. As much as it concerned Pest as well, he was quick to recover and rush her.

"I'm sorry." Hands on her waist, he opened and closed his mouth before confessing, "I just didn't like him being so close to that...part of you without saying something. Each time he moved his hand, I felt like somebody'd clubbed me."

He hesitated but leaned in for a kiss.

"Can you blame me?"

Fanli turned her face at the next attempt but allowed their foreheads to meet at the third.

"And what you're wearing isn't helping."

"It was the best she could do on such short notice," Fanli explained.

"That's...." Pest paused then laughed. "You really do miss a few things." He considered something then said, "How about we run off and go watch our favorite faun couple?"

Fanli furrowed her brows then met his gaze.

He didn't grin at her so that meant he wasn't trying something funny.

"Not interested," Fanli said.

"Well, all right. Then name it and we'll do it."

What she wanted was something he'd never agree to. Not ever.

Despite knowing that, she said, "I'd like to see the tavern. I'm never allowed in."

"The tavern? That dingy place?" Pest took to stroking her arms then held her hands. "And what do you mean you're not allowed?"

Fanli regretted her words. "It's—I haven't much coin. But I've thought about going in once. But enough of us have busted up the place. We're only allowed in transformed and I—the last time I was transformed, I...I hadn't gone in." Ved had insisted she teach Wen etiquette outside.

Now, she looked at Pest, waiting for him to balk at the challenge. Everything that happened in the tavern was as good as gossip. There was no way he'd agree.

It was foolish to do this, and it would lead to trouble, but Fanli couldn't help herself.

Voices closed in and Pest's hands fell away. He also didn't answer.

Fanli turned to leave.

"Wait," Pest pleaded but what was the point?

Wen and Ved neared. They regarded Fanli in confusion as she walked by.

"Fan? Heading home?" Ved asked.

Fanli had nothing to say. That was more than obvious.

"All right. Okay! You win. We'll go to the tavern. Just stop being irrational!" His voice carried as he was quick to add, "And I don't mean that in a bad way."

Wen and her brother stopped to look between them. Fanli slowed but gave them a glance. Their look of confusion fueled her own.

The last Fanli heard of them, Wen hurried to Pest, joking, "Abri! Now, I've finally cornered you."

Fanli's retreat stopped. She didn't know why she couldn't find the fuel to keep on her journey. But she looked back to find Ved still watching her.

The expression he wore concerned Fanli greatly. Something told her to go back, perhaps her heart. Her head was certainly more reasonable.

So Fanli turned and made her way toward Ved who's smile grew with each step.

"I was hoping you'd stick around a bit longer," Ved admitted. "For your fairy's sake."

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