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It was a week of wallowing in self-pity before Fanli found Pest waking up before her. To her amazement, she sat up from the floor to find a bowl of fruit. It was the typical way ogres got water, too.

He sat down beside her, in much higher spirits, naked as usual.

"Don't forget—" Upon seeing his clenched fist, Fanli calmed. The seed. It was of great concern to her today, too. She brought his fist into her lap and tried to peer through the top. Nothing. Not even one sprout. Perhaps he just wasn't a proper ogre and that was why.

This forced her to step over him and out the door. She found enough vines to drag back. Five minutes later, she sat beside him, twisting the greens as best she could. Embarrassment filled her as he watched her every move.

She knew etiquette, even knitting, but not how to weave a vine necklace. In time, her movements slowed.

Pest eyed her with interest. "What's wrong?"

Fanli stared at her pitiful effort. "I don't know anything about us. About ogres. Even children can make a proper necklace."

He was silent for a time then said, "Isn't that my fault for always dragging you all over the place growing up?"

"That's not the point!" She didn't mean to snap at him but couldn't bring herself to take it back. Tears stung her eyes. "It's been days and you haven't nourished the seed. And you haven't because I'm a shit excuse for an ogre who can't teach you how!"

He held her shoulder, begging her to calm.

They sat in silence for some time. Finally, he picked the mess of vines up and put them in her lap. The moment he eased closer, pressing his body to hers, he said, "I can't do this wit'out you. So maybe we just have to learn?"

Despite the bass of his voice, he sounded like the Pest she knew.

Several failed attempts later amounted to something half decent. She brought it up over his head, thankful that his tusks weren't yet fully formed. They'd taken on some length in the last few days.

Finally, she pried his hand open and gasped.

"What is this?" Pest marveled.

Fanli didn't quite know. Instead of a single seed, there were two. "I gave you one," she said.

"I had one," he attested. Then he asked the worst question. "Why is this happening?"

She didn't know. And the fact that she didn't troubled her. Was this possible for ogres? Was this something else?

Instead of answering, she gathered the two seeds and wrapped them in a leaf which she tucked inside the wreath necklace. He looked pleased but she wasn't. Though she was unsure about the two seeds, a wreath necklace was a thing of shame depending on the age of the child. It meant they were weak magic wielders. But not wielding any magic at all was far worse so she had to do this.

As of now, she didn't know if this was reversable.

"Ah, well, that's more comfortable." Pest looked down at the gift and preened. "Thank you."

His big smile made her laugh. This was the first she saw it since his transformation.

She ruffled his hair then brought it up atop his head. Once she used another vine to tie it, he looked rather fetching.

"Am I handsome?" he teased.

He was but Fanli refused to answer. When they were home, Pest wore nothing, and Fanli found it hard to imagine him otherwise. She'd taken to roaming without a skirt because he was such a klutz.

Today, too, he tugged at her top. "There's no one here to see you but me."

Perhaps, but she needed to find out how to help him.

When he buried his face in her neck, she laughed. He was playful at least, which was typical of him even as a fairy. She allowed him to fall atop her but regretted it instantly.

She sat up, immediately redoing her top in the back. "That is not what you should be thinking about."

Pest admitted, "But it's all I can think about." He stilled her hands and pulled them forward. "You don't believe me, but I was serious. The reason I—I never tried to go further with you was because of what I was. But I'm not a fairy anymore. Who knows when we'll have this opportunity again."

Fanli slipped from his grip. 'Stop it."

"You haven't thought about it?" he challenged.

She couldn't answer, because she had.

When she got to her feet, she didn't look back at him. "Like before, you probably look like an ogre but are still a Fae deep down."

He gave no response, and she wasn't sure why she was waiting for one. None of this excused what he'd done. None of this excused what he's said—what he'd thought.


And why was she still here with him, anyhow?

"I love you." His voice sounded strangled. "And it's not wrong for me to wonder. And if I'm an ogre forever—"

"There are far better ogres around!"

Her genuine anger shut him up. She wasn't vexed at him, just herself. There were other options than Pest. There had always been. But even before Pest was a thought, it was Ved she'd considered—anything to be part of this perfect human family. But it wasn't perfect. Not really. And whatever semblance of perfection that was here was their making.

She could have made her own. But one thing stopped her.

"You hate ogres, I get that." Fanli turned and faced him. "But I think I do, too. And that's not all right."

His pleasant features dissolved into a look of worry and sympathy.

"I don't know how to care for you beyond the basics. I don't know any of the answers as to what you need. You're a male ogre, my own kind, and yet I know nothing about you! What does that make me?"

Pest opened his mouth but closed it eventually, offering her no rescue in the meantime.

"And if my first time must be with an ogre, what does it mean that I'd be with a faux one?"

In this, he sounded confident. "Your first time should be with someone you care for. Mine wasn't and I regretted it. And each time I felt empty, the regret was for wasting each connection with faces I didn't look at, and voices I ignored."

Fanli stared at the floor even as he stood. The very presence of him had her knees going weak.

He leaned down to let their foreheads meet.

"I'd be honored to be your first. Something I hadn't realized I'd wanted from you at the time. And if you don't want me after that, then so what? You'll never have to live with the what if."

Body frozen, Fanli search for an answer. She wasn't sure when he reached back to tug at the strings; her top was simply loose. And she meant to resist when he brought it up, but nothing came of that, either.

His fingers traced her skin, pushing the undergarment down before he stood again and threw it on the floor.

Standing before one another, his look of wonderment shamed her. She'd always perceived the leer of male ogres as something threatening. Now, Pest looked twice as eager as any other. But she didn't fear it; she didn't mind it.

The bigger tusks made his kiss awkward.

"How do ogres kiss with these?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

Fanli admitted, "They simply don't."

Pest's eyes widened.

His reaction made her smile as she pecked his lips and said, "They don't do a lot of things."

"But you enjoy those things," he protested.

Fanli shrugged. "Perhaps, but it's all right—"

"No. I'm not having our first time so...so stilted." He tried to move his lips over the tusks but with little success. Finally, he did the strangest thing—he gripped the right tusk and yanked it. Each pull had them both growing.

Amazed, Fanli could do nothing but observe him. "How are you doing that?"

"I've—seen it before," he continued to struggle and finally gave one final pull before bringing his hand down. The tusk broke and Fanli flinched. Pest threw it to the ground and brought his lips up. "It worked."

Before he could take the second, she hurried to stop him. She even found herself looking around the bare house for anyone who may have witnessed it.

"Don't do that. Don't—don't take your—your—" She couldn't vocalize their importance. "If anyone asks, say it broke off in a fight. Don't admit to taking it out. That only happens as a form of humiliation or in penance."

His olive skin darkened and she felt sorry for him.

The remaining tusk was longer than the originals but still nothing impressive. Pest's embarrassment had her pecking his lips. He answered her in kind. Though she disagreed with his methods, at least he got what he wanted.

But all fell quiet after that. Fanli's heart pounded against her ribcage. Each time she swallowed, she felt faint. Pest's look of worry made her feel fragile. The moment he ran his finger along her brow, she let out a gasp. Never had she imagined such vulnerability.

"What do I do?" was all she could manage to ask.

Pest took her in. finally, he brought his lips to meet hers and whispered, "You can start by not pushing me back."

Surprised, she followed his gaze and gasped at the sight of her left hand squeezing his bicep so tightly.

"Think it's best if you let me lead you and you just push me away when it's overwhelming."

Fanli meant to nod—to move in some way, but a strong hand gave her one tug and picked her off the ground. The strength of it surprised the both of them. When Pest smiled and pressed Fanli against the wall, she calmed.

His lips traced her throat then her collar.

When she held on to him, she wasn't sure when her fear had faded, replaced with excitement.

Her reservation fell away. Now, she found herself guiding his right hand to the back of her neck.

"Shh. Let me save that," Pest whispered in her collar.

Instead, he already supported her back, guiding her to the floor. Despite his heavy breathing, he didn't move. Fanli puzzled about that until she followed her left hand yet again—she still held him at bay.

"It's okay," he said, finally, then pecked her lips. "Forget I said anything. Let's just stay here like this for a while."

Tears stung Fanli's eyes but she couldn't corner the emotion to spur it. It wasn't sadness she wrestled with, but anger.

"Not once," she said, teeth gritted. "Not once did you think about me when you had so many others. And I'm supposed to have just you?"

He broke her gaze and muttered, "I was trying to let you move on—"

"Then let me move on," she demanded. One tear fell, then another. Her body trembled from her anger.

The moment he shed one as well, he turned onto his back but still held her close.

It was more than obvious he was conceding defeat. Fanli told herself to break free and leave him there, but instead, she answered her need to feel him close. Tucked against him, she buried her face in his collar. Her arms ached from how tightly he held on but even that sensation was like heaven.

The gentle thudding of his heart lulled her into sleep. she awoke to a sharp intake of breath. There was no strong embrace. In fact, her eyes fluttered open to find Pest, raised hands glowing red, staring at her.

"What's happening?" he asked.

Fanli swallowed hard. She didn't know.

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