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Fanli hadn't expected to feel so light upon shaking off her slumber. Beyond that, she was also cold. A wave of relief washed over her, dragging all falsehood and pretense and when it fell back into the ocean of dreams, she knew herself to be free of the human transformation.

Being stuck in a human body made her skin feel tight. Much like a massive vice holding her in place for hours. With how bare she felt, she was both sad yet relieved to know she was back to her former self.

With a bit more practice, she could surely manage it much like Bati. Her head said not to give up, but her heart wasn't listening. Even now, the one emotion that settled into her bones was...relief.

This naked feeling sharpened her senses so upon opening her eyes to find a blanket raised and, she assumed, eyes roving her literal unclothed form, she was at a loss.

Fear crawled over her, much like the curious blue eyes that finally settled on her face. It was worse than she'd feared.


Of all the people to view her this way, he was the last she wanted.

Angry for many reasons, she eased up and voiced her fury, but a pair of hot lips met hers and she fell back. She was too petrified to move at the next kiss. Her head was swimming, her body burned.

She hadn't even thought to react until his palm curled around her right breast and then the left.

Fanli lay there, frozen more from the shock of his action and less for the hunger that came with it.

Without a word, he guided her left hand to his waist then ran his fingers up her back while pulling her close.

Of the two of them, he was at least dressed but something sharp jabbed her in the navel. He twisted and ran his body up and down against hers.

His right hand, at first on her shoulder, ran down and he caught her left nipple between his fingers and pinched.

The sensation was so unfamiliar. She didn't know how to react—how did human women respond to such actions? Were they quiet? Did they mimic the movements?

Pest broke the kiss and licked her lips as he panted, "What's wrong? Does it hurt?"

Fanli wasn't sure. None of it...hurt. In fact, she was drawn to him even more. But each time she made the attempt to enjoy him, terrible images flashed into her mind.

She'd participate and break his back by mistake—humans couldn't heal it. Or she'd huff and puff against him but it would sound different from what he'd expected.

Or perhaps he would notice just how tough and firm her skin was. It wasn't pale and supple like Wen's or even Bati who had perfected the human arms of a woman.

Each time she thought to kiss him, all thoughts remained on one thing—she didn't know her own strength against a human being.

Unhindered, he fumbled with his belt until he opened his trousers and tugged it down.

And then everything stopped. Fanli wasn't sure why until she focused on Pest's heavy-lit eyes. He held his shirt up past his chiseled torso, ready for her.

And Fanli...she gripped his shoulder with everything in her, holding him at bay.

They said nothing—did nothing. Again and again, she told herself to utter a word—any word. Anything at all.

His eyes burned with disappointment and confusion, and she came to one conclusion.

"I have to get my treasure."

Pest leaned forward, disbelieving. "What? You're thinking about treasure at a time like this?"

She was. With its magic, she could make a more drastic wish—a wish to keep the human form longer once in it. Ogre magic had limitations—and awful side effects, but it was worth the risk. Using it now too early, wouldn't last. But she had to, even if the magic was still premature.

She'd get it, transform, become weaker, and allow him his fun—anything that wouldn't end with him stopping partway, disgusted.

"I'll get my treasure," she assured him, "and be right back."

His face was still red from arousal, and he opened and closed his mouth again. "It's—it's okay—"

"No. Please don't change your mind. I'll return shortly, I promise."

They were in a forest somehow, that much Fanli gathered when she tried to jump up, he interlocked their fingers and pressed his body atop hers.

Pinned under him, she trembled. "It's dangerous...if I...."

Her words of warning came with him focusing on her lips. At the next kiss, he whispered, "We don't have to do all of it. Just...we can enjoy the afterglow together."


He brought the blanket up over their heads as he shoved his trousers down. That jabbing sensation returned.

When Fanli realized what it was, she stifled a gasp.

"You can just touch it," he said.

But Fanli knew better. "I don't think that's a good idea."

After sharing yet another kiss, he panted against her. "Well, can I touch you instead?"

They weren't in a house, however, but outside in the forest. Fanli opened her mouth to remind him of such, but footsteps sounded then faded.

"Is someone here?" Fanli whispered.

Pest paused, poked his head out, then dragged the cover over his head yet again.

"Not anymore. You didn't answer me."

"Are you mad? What if someone sees us?"

"This early in the morning, no one'll see us. Nothing's a wake this early but vermin and pervert anyhow."


A hand slipping between her legs shut her up.

Pest was tentative but care careful as he slid one finger against her.

"Tell me to stop, and I'll stop. I promise," he said.

But Fanli lost the power to speak. There was nothing for her to do or say after he took hold of her waist and dragged their pelvis to touch. Next he picked her leg up and slid his member where his finger once was. Her left leg over his waist, he reached down to slip two digits into her, much like the faun had his nymph lover.

Fanli's flinch had him slowing in the kiss. "Does it hurt?"

She answered him with a peck of his lips. With his left hand tucked close to the ground, he reached up to flick her right nipple.

More for fear of losing control of her body and hurting him than any discomfort, Fanli remained with her arms crossed.

With his thumb, he made circles along her nipples. "You shrink your bosom down so much when you have that awful transformation. I always regret that."

The admission had Fanli opening her eyes. His disparaging words about the human form she'd chosen shocked her but the kiss and his efforts to entice her washed that all away.

She broke the kiss and pressed their foreheads together as she promised, "I'll practice it more."

He answered her words with a groan and a kiss before moaning into her mouth.

"I can't last much longer."

Fanli's body burned but none of these were sensations she'd had experience with. Still, she'd watched enough couples with him to know what came next.

"Then go on."

"No," he muttered against her throat, hips still rubbing against hers, "not without you." He slipped the two fingers from her, pleased when he declared, "You're so wet. And you like this well enough but...but is there simply a different place on the body for ogres that arouses them?"

It sounded more like an experiment than intimacy and she shied away.

"No. Of course not. We're just like humans in this."

The crease of his brows showed him unconvinced.

"Is there any part of you, you've been told never to touch?"

"What? No."

"Hand, feet, throat, neck—?"

When he paused, she wasn't sure what in her expression prompted it.

Eyes still fixed on her, the sun was up high enough now that they could see one another, he sucked his wet digits then brought them along her shoulder then up her back.

Fanli was unimpressed with his efforts to prod at the nape of her neck at first until his fingers brushed one spot that had her letting out a cry.

Her hands flew to her mouth.

Pleased, Pest eased closer and explained, "You have three little freckles hidden under your hair. You used to hate when I'd sneak up behind you. And I think I'm right."

But while he smiled wide, Fanli suffered in quiet humiliation.

It was all but total when he turned her over with her back to him, reached around between her legs, then licked the nape of her neck.

Her gasp that time was genuine. His erection pressed against her back as he moved with her uncontrollable cries.

It wasn't that he did anything differently, but...all sensations felt doubled. This time when two fingers eased into her, her body tensed, and she bit back a cry. The hand working her breast slipped behind her, grabbing Pest's throbbing member which he pumped in unison with the digits sliding in and out of her.

Warm liquid jutted against Fanli's lower back, dousing her over and over again. But he wasn't the only one with a release, something warm ran down her leg.

"Amazing," Pest exclaimed.

Fanli's muscles ached. Her heart pounded. But nothing compared to the humiliation she'd been subjected to. First, to not know something like this of her own body, and second...to be so...different to humans in this way.

She tried to break free, but he turned her over and pulled her close, going so far as to wrap her leg around him.

His grip was like a vice. "This is nice," he marveled. "So, this...this is the afterglow? It's amazing. Please don't move. I want to remember this."

Everything in Fanli screamed to be away from there. The thumping of her heart matched with his and she closed her eyes and hugged him in return. It was nice, despite the less-than-smooth execution.

"This feels better than any other intimacy I've ever shared with anyone."

Fanli picked her head up to look at him but didn't dare when she asked, "Even with Wen?"

Pest scoffed. "I wouldn't even bring up that name in your presence." He drew her in closer, making her chest tighten. "This feels unreal. Perhaps that faun and nymph should watch us instead."

The imagery had Fanli laughing in spite of herself. Being naked like this with someone was a first. Never had she dreamed it would be with Pest of all people.

Something snapped; a twig.

Maybe it was no faun or nymph, but someone had surely come.

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