Chapter 1

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"But mum, I don't want to go join The Hunt! I'm only 18 and I don't want to get killed." I begged. Heck, I even played up a little and went onto my knees. I'll do anything not to go to The Hunt. It had a bad history of deaths. Last year, 7 Alphas were killed either in the game or because they couldn't find their mate. Great, 7 girls would be mate-less for the rest of their lives.

Suppose one of those Alphas was my mate, I thought to myself, ignoring the continuous yelling and bellowing from mum in the background.

"Ember! Are you listening? You NEED to go! This is such a good chance to find your mate! Just please join your brother." Mum cried, looking me straight in the eye. She wouldn't stand for this. She wanted both me and my bro Alex to join. Alex was all in, he was dreaming of some random females' butt. I could tell. That horny bastard.

As the former Luna of the SilverMoon Pack she made it HER duty, not even given from my dad or Alex, HER duty to make sure I join. Well I have a message for you mum.


I ain't risking my life for some Alpha to grope my butt for the rest of my life.
I'm a solo gal and dude, I might not even have an Alpha as a mate. Moon Goddess knows only. I bet you she looked at me when I was born and she said 'Heck, this gal gonna have a great ass but too bad she ain't gotta male touchin it!'

Why do I even think Moon Goddess is some sassy ass women? Eh, it never really crossed my mind. And you know what? I don't need a man in my life. That's girl power for you. Alex never really understood the word feminism; he was too busy shagging a new girl in his bed every night.
Jesus, he would've made it through half the population of females by now.

Alex is the type of typical guy you'd find in a party. You'd find the dancer, that's my pal Juno bless him, then there's the If-I-buy-you-a-drink-will-you-fuck-me boy, that's definitely Alex's best mate Theo and of course the original fuck-boy Alex. Even though we have our differences, him and I, we still love each other. No one messes with my big bro. They'd have me to deal with. Yep, I can picture it now, I'm a lil Yorkshire terrier yapping and jumping up madly like an annoying shit. That's me.

Whereas my bro Alex would be the big ass German shepherd sniffing some dog's ass every day. Not gonna lie with the facts.

Yes, I say ass too much because I'm an annoying ass women. Note that I said women. I ain't no girl. Ima full grown (though not in ALL areas) women that needs no man in her sad as fuck life.

"Ember! Hello? Are you listening?" A distinct voice snaps me back to reality. I turn my head sharply and meet the fuming gaze of mum.

"Did you even hear me?" She yells. No, not really. I was too busy thinking about how my brother shagging half the population of females. Ew.

Mum opens her mouth to start ranting but then my sweet ass angel of a brother walks in at the right time, but annoyingly with a devil of a girl. He puts on his not-so innocent smile and suddenly mum's attention is on him and his lil puppy dog girl.

"Yo mama. This is my girlfriend Ayesha." He announces and quickly steals a kiss from this Ayesha. She giggles and looks at him with her puppy dog eyes. I gag.

Mum closes her mouth and goes upstairs to talk to dad. The moment mum's gone he turns to me and winks.

"This is my baby sis Ember. Ember is going with me to join The Hunt." He explains to nodding Ayesha. She looks temporarily sad and whimpers like a puppy but then wags her imaginary tail as she's showered with kisses from Alex. Then they start getting physical. All touchy touchy moany moany here and there I look away, blushing and finding it awkward. I go onto my phone and start checking snapchat. I scroll through the messages sending me streaks and then a particular message caught my eye.
It was from Dylan. Dylan Myers he was called. And heckk he was hawt. So fucking hot my ice cream would still melt at -20 degrees Celsius just by me staring at him hungrily, my heavy gaze sizing him up and staring at the great goods other men could ever want. I face palm inwardly. I'm meant to be a fucking feminist.


Dylan was in the year above in my school and we met at a party where I think I was drunk enough for him to grope my ass (I still hate myself). Then he graduated and he left for college but he still had my snap. He snapped me first and we had a flirty conversation and then now this message came after 3 days of not talking to me.

'Hey haven't talked to u in a while. Missing ur body. Come over to mine?'

I read the message over and over again, getting more excited. Dylan Myers, FUCKING DYLAN MYERS LIKES ME? The dude that looks just like a young Leonardo dicaprio likes the fucking look of me? Or maybe my ass idk. Wait should I text back now? Nah I'll air him them text back in like.... 2 minutes. Nah make that 2 hours.

Play it cool Ember, I say to myself.

I put my phone away and return to see massive mess of limbs on the sofa. Moaning and touchy touch. Ew. Like just ew. Then Ayesha bitch lets out a loud moan scream and I'm done. I'm fucking done.

I raise an eyebrow, and do what's needed to be done.


No reply. Just moaning sounds and butt groping.


More butt groping.

That's it. I waddle my way over to them and push my big ass butt in between them snogging weirdos. Their mouths instantly detach and I get my results. I smile.

"You better have an important reason for interrupting us." Ayesha bitch snarls, baring her canines as she moves back to allow space for me. I give her the sneaky eye and turn to Alex. I put on my sweet face. He groans.

"So, tell me about this hunt game eh?" I smile.

Iguess I'm joining The Hunt then.    

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