Chapter 20: We Have a Jeep

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(Josie's clothes for the day ^^^ except the heels)

A few days have passed since that night at the bunker. So far, Scott, Malia, Josie, and Lydia have taken a break from finding more information about the mysterious Stiles, if he existed. But, Malia still has her doubts. Josie knew Stiles existed, he had to be the one she's been seeing lately. She saw him again in her dreams, but his face was still too distorted to make out. She had to figure out who he was. She could barely think straight in Biology. Scott, Lydia, and her all shared a lab table as Mrs. Finch gave out her lesson. Scott was trying as hard as he could to focus, taking a much notes as he could. Lydia was doing her own notes. Josie took notes, but doodled a little to try and figure out Stiles. She drew the body, but the face was still a mystery.

"The corpus callosum is not only the largest white matter structure in the brain, but also the bridge connecting all parts of the brain to each other. That ability for all parts of the brain to communicate, and to work together, help us make leaps in cognitive thinking." Mrs. Finch gives off her lesson.

Lydia notices from the corner of her eye, across the semi-empty parking lot, a lone jeep sat outside as a man, an overweight man with work overalls. Possibly a tow man. Something was nagging her about that jeep. It seemed almost familiar. She couldn't put it together as she nods off to study the jeep.

"Any questions, thoughts, insight, Lydia?" Mrs. Finch gets in her way, snapping her out of her trance. She could hear the tow truck beeping outside.

"I completely agree." Lydia says hesitantly.

"Is there something outside that's more fascinating than the structure of the human mind?" Mrs. Finch asks.

Lydia looks over towards the jeep again, "No. I don't think so." She looks back over to Mrs. Finch, "No."

"Okay. Good. Now, many people credit the corpus callosum, uh, for giving us a sense of intuition, gut instinct, even we ourselves aren't aware..." Mrs. Finch goes back to her lessons.

Scott and Josie look over to Lydia with worry. Lydia looks back towards the jeep and sees the tow man getting ready to load the jeep up. The feeling inside her practically screamed at her to stop him. She quickly grabs her purse and gets off the her stool.

"I'm sorry, I'll be right back." Lydia rushes out the door before Mrs. Finch could say anything.

Scott frowns at Josie in confusion, but gets up to follow Lydia. He stops in front of Mrs. Finch, "I'm just gonna check if she's okay." Then heads out the door.

Mrs. Finch clears her throat and turns back to her class, "You guys know that classes aren't optional, right?"

Josie frowns at Lydia's behavior but turns towards the window and sees her running outside towards the tow man. She sees he was trying to load a jeep. A very familiar jeep. She gasps softly, she knew that jeep! Josie raises her hand real fast.

"Mrs. Finch, may I please go to the ladies room?" Josie begs and crosses her legs as if she needed to pee.

Mrs. Finch sighs in exasperation, "Go."
As quick as a flash, Josie hops off her stool and runs out the door.

Lydia rushes towards the tow man, hoping to stop him in time, "Hey!" She pants out, yelling out to him. "Hey! You can't tow this Jeep." She skids to a halt in front of him, standing next to the jeep.

"Paperwork says I can. It's reported as abandoned." He checks over his clipboard.

Lydia scoffs silently and places her hand on the jeep, "And now it's not."

"Oh, this is your vehicle?" He asks.

"Does it matter?" Lydia asks.

Scoffing loudly, "Sounds like a no." He says and begins to go back to doing his job till Josie and Scott rushes towards them. Josie clutches her stomach as she pants out of breath.

"It's mine." "It's mine." They both pant out and look at each other frustration.

Scott places on a smile and takes her into his arms, "Uh, our Jeep. A little present from our parents to help get our little scooter around when he comes out." He titters.

Josie looks at him in disbelief then forces a smile at the tower, "Thank you. We'll move it. Once we get the keys."

"From my locker. After you leave." Scott says.

"First off, congrats to the little ankle snapper, but, I'm sorry, once it's on the hook..."

"Please don't say, 'you're on nthe hook'." Lydia mutters as she rolls her eyes.

"Well, I can't now." The tow man says sarcastically.

"Oh, I, okay. Look, there's gotta be something that we can do. Sign something? Call someone?" Scott was practically begging.

"Pay someone?" Lydia gets the hint.

The tow man smirks at the sound of that, "Drop fee's a hundred and fifty. Cash."

"A hundred and fifty? This thing isn't even worth that much." Scott exclaims in disbelief as Lydia gets out her money.

"How much you got?" Lydia asks.

"Uh, how much have you got?" He stutters at her.

Lydia rolls her eyes, "Just give me your money." She whispers.

Sighing in defeat, Scott searches his wallet, frowning at how much he has made lately at the clinic.

"All I have is $50. And when I say 'all', I mean all." Lydia cuts him off by snatching his money out of his hands, adding it up with hers. "Uh..." Scott was frozen in shock that he lost all of his money to this situation.

Josie takes out her purse and counts her money, "I got $50, too." She hands it to Lydia.

Lydia takes it and counts it before handing it to the tower who carried a big grin and begins to get the jeep of his hook.

"Hey. You know I don't actually have the keys to this thing, right?" Scott mutters lowly to Lydia as the tower does his job.

Lydia purses her lips, "But now we have a Jeep." She points out and the three of them look over to the jeep.

"I know this jeep." Josie says.

Scott frowns at her, "What do you mean?"

"There's just something about it that's so familiar." She mutters.

Seth begins to kick gently as if he was agreeing with her.


Walking through the dark tunnels, Stiles, Peter, John, and their mysterious companion, Trent, finally make it at the end. But, to their dismay, there was nothing but more tracks and a drop off/depart area. Similar to a subway.

Peter scoffs, "Congratulations, you found another part of the phantom train station."

Ignoring him, Stiles turns to Trent, "Is this the way out?"

Trent never said anything, but kept his eyes far off ahead of them, fear was churning through his veins, but he had to fight it. It was what the Riders wanted.

"If it was, we would be leaving." Peter says sarcastically.

John rolls his eyes and grits his teeth, "For God's sake, shut up, Hale. This guy obviously knows more than what we do, we should listen."

"You might want to stay off the tracks." Trent suddenly speaks up, breaking up their glaring contest. "'Cause that's the way in and out." He says.

The three of them look ahead towards where was talking about. The end of the tracks was nothing but darkness, but air around it was cold. Deathly cold. John could feel the energy radiating off of it from where he stood.

Suddenly, the sound of thunder rumbling came from the end of the tracks. They all knew that that meant, especially when the ghostly neighing of horses were heard from the darkness.

"They're coming." Trent's eyes widen as he rushes to get off the tracks and hide behind the columns.

Stiles stutters but rush with John and Peter to get off the tracks and hide with Trent. They lean out to peek as the sounds become louder. Suddenly, in a blurry blink, the riders appear from the end of the tunnel, riding their horses over the tracks and through the tunnel towards where the Station was.

Peter does a double take and looks at Trent in disbelief and incredulous, "That's the way out?" He exclaims.

"How in the hell are we supposed to do that?" John scoffs, gesturing at the portal.

"We jump." Trent says.

All three of them snap their heads at him in disbelieve, "Jump?" They ask in unison.

"On the back of the riders as they go through." Trent adds.

"Is that all?" Peter scoffs.

"I've been timing it. Look, we can jump from here just before they go out." Trent explains as he keeps an eye out for the Riders.

"I think you're confusing your pronouns. We aren't going to do anything. But you should absolutely give that a shot." Peter says sarcastically.

Stiles rolls his eyes at Peter's immaturity and John sighs while looking down at the end of the tunnel and back at the portal.

"Do you not wanna get out of here?" Trent scoffs.

"We want to get out alive, okay? How do you know this works? Seems like a lot could go wrong." Stiles says, pointing out the obvious.

"Look, I can't stay here. I'm losing my mind in this place." Trent says desperately as tears mist in his eyes. He was tired of this place. He needed to get out.

"I think you have an excellent grasp of the situation. I say go for it." Peter says sarcastically and shrugs casually.
"Peter." Stiles scorns him, but all four of them jump as they hear the horses again approaching their way.

"Hey, they're coming back." Trent says and he turns and hides behind the column.

Peter and John move to hide, Stiles stutters in his stand and rushes to the column that John and Peter occupied. Peter sighs in irritation and shoves him off him.

Stiles grunts in frustration then looks over at Trent who looked like he was getting ready to jump, "No, we can't let him do this, right?" Stiles protests.

"We can't exactly stop him either, not without them knowing we're here." John says softly.

"Guys...What if he's right?" Peter asks with hope.

Stiles didn't have any hope for him, a bad feeling churned in his gut, he needed to stop him, "Hey, we'll figure something else out. Hey, look, there's gotta be another way out of this place." He practically begs Trent, but Trent gives him a look that told him he wasn't going to give up.

"But there isn't. I've been looking for months. Are you comin' or not?" Trent grits out and keeps his eyes out for the Riders. He could see them riding up from the end of the tunnel.

"It's all you." Peter holds his hands up as if saying, 'Go ahead'.

Suddenly, the Riders galloped out of the tunnel, riding towards the portal.

Stiles couldn't let him do this, "Shit!" He rushes towards Trent but, Peter and John hold him back.

"Let him try." Peter says.

Trent gets ready...and takes off running to meet the Rider's speed. With a leap into the air, he lands on the horse, holding on the Rider as hard as he could.

"Come on. Come on." Peter watches Trent hold on as the Rider fought to get him off his horse before he went into the tunnel, but Trent wasn't letting go.

The horse under him neighs loudly, not liking that another person was on him.

Peter and John watch with hope as Trent makes it near the portal.

The Rider rushes through the portal, but Trent was thrown off as if he hit an invisible force field, sending him to the ground with a loud, painful grunt.

Peter winches as Stiles gasps in shock.
But, that wasn't it. Trent lets out an agonized scream as he jerks around the ground. A green light covers his body, as if it was burning him. Soon, his skin was burned off, then his skeleton. In a mater of minutes, Trent was nothing but ashes in the dirt.

John sighs, dropping his head in sympathy. Stiles' eyes widen in fear. Why didn't he listen to him?

Peter looks at the sight in front of him in shock, "Somehow I don't think that went the way that he was hoping."

Stiles, still in shock, finally jumps off the platform and paces to where Trent was, but Peter stops him in his tracks.

"Stiles, he's dead. You see his face? Trust me, he's gone."

John hops off the platform and walks up to Stiles, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Stiles..."

Stiles lets out a scoff and moves away from John, turning to glare at Peter.

"You knew he'd die."

"I didn't know. I mean, I assumed."

Stiles turns to John, "Did you?"

John sighs, "No, but, this place..." He looks around, "It's obvious it's not going to be easy getting back."

"Yeah, but you could have warned him." Stiles points out.

John looks down at Stiles, "He was gonna do it anyway. You saw the look in his eyes. He was determined to do anything to get out...even if it cost him his life."

"Well, it did." Peter rolls his eyes, "Now, we know."

Stiles looks over at him, "Know what?"He asks, glaring at him in frustration.

"That we're stuck." Peter jumps off the platform, "It's over. We are trapped because that was our only way out."

"Or that's just what they want us to believe." Stiles suggests.

Peter looks at him in disbelief and anger, "What? What is it with you teenagers? You think that you're so special? You think the rules don't apply to you? Do you get it? We are dead and buried." He snarls and looks down, noticing Stiles' wallet. He snatches it out of his pockets and goes through it. "Money? It's worthless. Driver's license? Credit cards?" He tosses everything out as if it was pointless.

"Give me my damn wallet back." Stiles tries to get it back, but Peter flings it out of his hands, dropping it to the ground.

"It's all meaningless." He scoffs.

John glares at him, but in a way, it was entertaining , the great and powerful Peter Hale, breaking down.

Peter snatches out Stiles' keys out of his other pocket and scoffs, "Keys?"

"Give me my keys." Stiles bites out.

Peter's upper lip twitches and he throws the keys over the platform, and scoffs at Stiles, "What, did you think you were gonna drive us out of here? Is that what you thought? Do you get it? We don't exist. And we are already forgotten."

Stiles steps up, meeting Peter's height, "Somebody's gonna remember me."

"Either Lydia, or Scott, Malia, Josie, someone. They're gonna find me, all right? They'll come for me. Who would ever come for you?" He sneers at Peter.

That hit him good, but Peter didn't let it effect him, he just scoffs at Stiles, "You give me a call when your high school sweethearts conjure up a plan to get out of here." And turns around to head back to the station.

John chuckles softly, and looks down when something catches his eye. A photo. He tilts his head and reaches down to pick it up. He sees Stiles, a young man next to him with dark hair and dark brown eyes with a goofy smile, and two girls. One John recognized as Lydia Martin. And the other...his daughter, Josie. All grown up. His heart clenched at the sight of his beautiful daughter. He promises to God almighty, whoever was listening, that if he gets out, he will devote his life to his family till his dying breath. Be the best father...the best grandfather, ever.


Stiles went back to the station and sat down on one of the benches, next to an old woman who was staring out into ahead, like everyone was around him. He needed to think. Think. How in the hell can they get out of here?

"I'm waiting for a train."

Stiles turns and sees the old woman looking at him, smiling happily, not realizing what was really going on. He was almost jealous.

"Yeah, it's probably runnin' late." He mutters to her.

She keeps smiling at him, "I'm going to see my grandchildren."

Stiles couldn't help but smile with her.
"Who are you going to see?" She asks.

"Uh, no one." He sighs sadly.

She frowns at that.

"That's not true. He's going to see his friends." John says as he sits on a bench in front of him. "He and I are going to go back home. Once we the train gets here." John sends him an encouraging smile.

The old woman smiled happily and continues to look ahead.

"Mr. Thompson..."

"Eh, knock off that 'mister' crap. I feel old enough just by looking at you. Call me John." He smiles.

Stiles gives him a small crooked grin, "John, I don't have any clue how we're going to get out of here. I went through the doors, tried every nook and cranny, and I have came up with nada. There's no way out...except that portal." He sighs in defeat.

John leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, "Stiles, you are a smart boy. I have known you since Claudia passed. You were never the type to give up. You need to get back your dad. Your friends." He stops and sighs, reaching into his pocket to pull out the picture of Josie and him with their friends. He holds it up to show him. "You need to get back to this life...and help your friends."

Stiles sighs and reaches to take the picture, smiling softly, "You know...Josie made me a godfather." He chuckles, watching John smile softly at him. "I was shocked when she told me. I don't get why she would. I'm clumsy, I have ADHD. I'm no werewolf, werecoyote, or an elemental. I'm"

John shakes his head, "You're more than a supernatural being. It doesn't take superior strength or powers or teeth and claws to survive. It takes smarts and inner strength. How long have you been in the supernatural world, Stiles?"

"Uhh, Scott was bitten when he was a Sophomore. We're seniors now." Stiles sighs, shrugging.

"You've managed to survive this world for more than 3 years already. That's something. I bet some of those times, you didn't need Scott's help." John points out.

Stiles sighs, "Maybe, but, we needed each other in the end. We're a pack."

John nods, "And I believe that they will help you. If I know Josie, she will stop at nothing to help you. Elementals have sharp memories. Especially pure-bloods. Since Josie isn't, she won't remember all of you...but, I believe she'll remember enough to save you."

Stiles slumps against the bench, looking at the picture, the smiling faces of his friends.

"Do you know what she's having?" John asks with hope.

Stiles looks up, giving him a small smile, "A boy. They're already talking about calling him Seth."

John's eyes fill with love and happiness, "A boy. A grandson." He chuckles. "I don't think Josie realizes, but Seth was my father's name. She never met him. My parents died when I was turning 18. That's sort of when my life started to go downhill. Till I met Sarah. She was my rock. She changed my life for the best. Then life was perfect when Josie was born." John props his chin on his wrist, thinking about the future with his grandchild. Playing sports with him. "When is he suppose to be born?" He asks excitedly.

"Um, let's see...Josie announced it on December 25th, last time I saw her, she said she had six months. I think he's suppose to be born sometime in August." Stiles says.

Peter slowly looks up at them, hearing them from across the room. He gets up and walks towards Stiles, frowning in concern.

"December 25th? When was the baby conceived?" He asks.

"Uhh, I don't know...I don't keep up to date with my friend's routine of sex, Peter." Stiles says sarcastically.

"When did she find out?!" Peter grits out.

Stiles jumps and presses his back against the bench, "Uh, uh, I don't know. Maybe the 21st?" He holds his hands up in surrender.

Peter looks at him in disbelief, "I can't freaking believe this." Peter paces and rubs his forehead.

"Believe what?" John asks.

"The prophecy. It's coming true." Peter mutters.

"That's what Brett said when the Deadpool was going on. What prophecy?" Stiles asks.

Peter stops and sighs, sitting down next to John, "There's a prophecy about the True Alpha and True Anchor. About their meeting and their future. It's written and, I swear I'm quoting this, 'Two souls pure of light, yet walk in the world of dark, will become one when the moon falls under the Earth's shadow, and when the sun emerges into the darkness, a child of fire will be born and shall lead the world of dark into the light'."

"Ok." Stiles says slowly, "So what does that mean?"

Peter looks at him in disbelief, "Stiles, world of dark means the supernatural world. This world. Two souls of pure light means True Alpha and True Anchor. If I'm right, they conceived little Sean..."

"Seth." John corrects him, bitterly.

"Seth...he was created on the winter solstice under the Lunar eclipse. That is one of the rarest events in the world." Peter says.

"What does 'Child of Fire' mean? Is that a way of saying he's part elemental?" John asks.

Peter scratches his brow, "Um, No, that was one of the theories, but many threw that out. No one actually knows what it means."

"Wait. You mentioned it'll be born when the sun emerges into the darkness. If 'when the moon falls under the Earth's shadow' is a Lunar eclipse, so Seth will be born under the solar eclipse?" Stiles ask.

Peter nods, "Ding, ding, ding." he says sarcastically.

"The Firebird." John mutters.

Stiles looks over to him and frowns, "What?"

"That's what the myths say about the solar eclipse. About a Phoenix rising from his ashes with the solar eclipse. If you look closely at the sun...with special glasses of course, you would see a form of the firebird rising with the eclipse..." John trails off and points to Peter. "Child of fire. What if Seth was a Phoenix?"

Peter shakes his head, "Impossible. Phoenixes have been extinct for years. They're only born...." Peter's eyes widen. "By the purest souls."

"Scott and Josie." Stiles points out.

Peter sighs in disbelief, "If Seth is a Phoenix, it's not a coincidence that the Ghost Riders are in Beacon Hills. But, it also means Joise is in danger."

John perks up in fear, "What do you mean?"

"The Phoenix is basically the judge, jury, and executioner of the supernatural world. Ghost Riders are the rouges of the supernatural. Until he is born, they will stop at nothing to kill them both." Peter says.

John sits back in shock, he needs to get out of here. He needed to protect his family.

Suddenly, the three of them perk up as the microphone lets out a loud feedback and a woman's voice speaks up.

"The following stops have been canceled, Hollatine, Batten, Bay Burry, Deer Ridge, Red Oak, Trenton, Anderson, King Springs."

Stiles suddenly began to wonder. He slowly gets to his feet and looks at the speaker where the voice came from, but where was the voice? He begins to follow the wires connected to the speaker, it led him towards the other side of the station and he comes across a door.

"Intercom." John says from behind him as he follows Stiles.

"Maybe a radio?" Peter suggests.

Stiles suddenly had an idea. He heads into the room and inside, he finds a radio station, but no one was around. Who was speaking? Was it a recording or something? Something that the Ghost Riders made to make everyone think their trains were coming or canceled? Stiles move towards the radios and begins to work on the wires.

Peter and John watch him work and Peter scoffs and rolls his eyes, "What are you doing?" He asks in disbelief.

"This place may not be real, but these wire connections are. What if we never left Beacon Hills? What if we're still here, but one a different plane? Still connected. And if we're connected, we might can get a signal out. Maybe even send out an SOS to Scott and the others. Let them know we're here." Stiles grunts and begins to fumble with the wires.

John nods and squats down to help Stiles, "Might can connect this wire to this..." He mutters and twists them for Stiles.

Peter just walks around, watching them with annoyance, "Your theory is ridiculous. Magnetic disturbances and a few pix-elated photos doesn't mean that you can use a ham radio to communicate across a supernatural barrier. Ghost Riders can't be seen, heard, or remembered.
You really think they're gonna leave a gadget around that you can use to call your friends?"

Stiles looks at him with annoyance.

Peter scoffs and looks around at the machines and buttons, he reaches up and turns a dial.

All three of them clutch their ears as loud high pitched sound begins to erupt from the speakers.


During class, Scott and Josie snap their heads up as a high-pitched sound was made in the distance. They both frown at that sound. Scott looks over to Josie, leaning close.

"What is that?" He whispers.

"I don't know. But it sounds like it's close." She whispers back.

After excusing themselves from class, Scott and Josie head out into the hallway and sees Malia coming down the stairs.

"There you guys are." She says exasperatedly, as if she's been searching for them all over the school.
"You heard it too?" Scott asks.

"Where's it coming from?" Malia asks, frowning in confusion.

Josie looks around and finds the trail of the signal, "Thisway." She points at the doors that led them outside.

The sound was getting louder as they reached the parking lot. From the distance, they find Lydia standing in front of the Jeep they recently saved from getting impounded. The three of them rush towards the jeep, the sound was now louder.

"It's coming from inside." Lydia says.

Josie and Scott look inside and sees a radio with a police scanner attached to it. It was making loud static noises. Scott tries the door, but it was locked.

"Did somebody just lock the keys inside?" Malia asks.

"Break it." Lydia says.

So, with a harsh turn, Scott breaks the lock and they now finally can get into the jeep. But as soon as Scott opened the door, a strong scent hit Josie in the nose. Her scent. Scott's. Malia's. Liam's. Everyone they knew. They've been in that jeep. But, why couldn't she remember?

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