Chapter 2: Trying To Escape My Mate

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So excited about this book so far! Haha.



'Alpha! Max and I have caught a hunter. But she's different. I don't know how, but something is different about her. She's not all human. I can smell it, but I just don't know what I'm smelling.' Jake mind-linked me.

'Okay just keep her there. Don't let her leave.' I ran to where he told me to go.

As I stepped out into the clearing and I stopped. The girl was absolutely breathtaking. She had light brown hair that was pulled back. She had a small petite form, but you could see muscle.

I heard the guys breathing hard.

'Did she really make them run that much?' I asked myself.

As I was walking, I felt her looking at me. I looked up and she quickly looked down.

Jake was holding a gun, so I guess she really was a hunter. But she didn't look like the hunter type.

As I got closer, I could smell pine and lavender. Jake was right, she was different. Lavender was a human smell, but pine...pine is the smell of werewolves.

Max told me something about how she didn't know what a rogue was and how she didn't know she was trespassing onto my territory. So she couldn't be a werewolf, could she?

"Alpha Finn. This is Ryan Turner." When Jake said her name, my wolf yipped with joy and I shivered in delight. But why?

"Ryan." She wouldn't look at me and she shivered when I said her name too. She must have felt it because she took a step back. My wolf didn't like that very much so I took a step closer too her. I grabbed her chin and forced her too look at me. When we locked eyes, my wolf howled. "Mate" and right as I said that, her eyes went wide and she took off running. I growled at her little action. "Get her! I don't want my mate running away from me. If you grab her, bring her to me immediately!" I yelled at them and they nodded.

"Lets go get our Luna Max!" Jake said and they both took off running.

I love how they just met her, and they already care for her. And she didn't even do anything to them. She's gonna be a great Luna.

'Don't forget mate!' My wolf said happily.

I took off running but made it so I would be on her left side.

She saw Max closing in on her right side, so she steered left. That's when she ran into me and I caught her before she fell. I felt the tingles where we touched.

"Hello, little mate." I said smirking at her.



"Get away from me!" I yelled at Finn.

"Now why would I let my mate go?" Finn said smiling.

"I-I. Just let me go!" I growled at him.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I kept punching and kicking him, but it did no avail.

"You know. It makes it more enjoyable when you're struggling kitten." He said laughing.

"Just put me down. And I'm not your kitten. I'm nobody's kitten!"

"Damn right you aren't. You're only mine."

"I'm not yours Finn!"

"Yes, you are. You belong to me and I belong to you."

"No, I don't! I don't belong to anyone."

"We'll see about that Ryan."

How come that didn't sound to good?

"How about you put me down. And you, Jake, and Max can leave. And we will never have to see each other ever again." I said hopefully. "I won't tell anyone about this too!"

"How about, no!" He replied.

Oh my gosh. Why did he have to he so hot? And why did he have to be my mate? But then again, at least he is hot. I still don't like it at all though.

We make it too their pack house, I guess that's what it's called.

He put me down to open the door and that's when I made a run for it.

I passed many other people and they all looked at me with weird looks. I was almost about half way to the forest when I felt an arm snake around my waist and pulled me to a complete stop.

"You shouldn't run from your mate kitten." Finn said in a low growl right by my ear. He turned me around so I was facing him. I wanted to melt in his arms when he held me. "See, you can't deny it. I know you can feel the pull."

"I-I don't know want y-you are talking about." Oh great, now he got me to stutter.

He just smirked at me, because he knew what effect he had on me.

He started to pick me up, and that's when I kneed him where the sun don't shine. He dropped me and I turned around quickly and made another run for it.

I got about five feet away from Finn when suddenly this guy grabbed me and held me there.

"Running so soon Luna?" He asked me with a smirk. I swear, a guy's signature move, is a freaking smirk.

"Let go of me!" I yelled at the mystery man.

"I'm sorry Luna. I can't. You have to go back to your mate."

"Why? And what's a Luna?"

"A Luna is an alpha's mate. And since Finn is our alpha, and you're his mate, that makes you our Luna. And beside, Alpha Finn doesn't like it when you run away from him." He put me over his shoulder and walked towards Finn. "Here you are Finn. I think she belongs to you." He said while literally handing me over to Finn.

I hate all of them.

"Thankyou." Finn said smiling while he took me into his arms. He turned around and walked towards the house carrying me bridal style.

"Finn! I swear to all that is good. If you don't put me down, I-"

"Or what kitten?" He said with an evil smile on his gorgeous face.

Stop thinking his face is gorgeous Ryan!

"I will umm."

"Exactly." He said.

The rest of the way was silent. But it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more of a comfortable silence.

I don't care what he does, I'm still gonna try to escape. I got a plan made up, and I'm gonna take action right when I wake up tomorrow. Hopefully, Finn will still be sleeping, and that will make my plan like ten times easier.

He walked up to his room and shut the door with his foot.

He carefully set me down on his bed and went to his dresser. With his back turned and the door right there I could make a run for it.

I was about to get up when Finn spoke up. "Don't you dare think about running kitten. I can have guards track you down and bring you to me. Or I can do that myself and it won't be pretty." He said while turning around and handing me some clothes. "The bathroom is right over there babe. You can take a shower and then go right to bed. You need to sleep, I can tell you are tired."

"Don't call me babe." I said as I glared at him and walked into the bathroom.

I locked the door and stripped out of my clothes to take a much needed shower. I am so tired. I have been traveling all day, and I can't forget about running from those three weirdos.

After about twenty minutes, I stepped out and dried myself off. I put on the clothes and looked in the mirror.

I growled when I noticed they were his clothes. Wait a minute. Did I just growl? Oh, my freaking gosh. What is happening to me? It must be him. Yep, I'm blaming him for all of this. But once I find those three guys that barged into my house seven years ago, I'm snapping their necks. That's the only reason I went on a journey searching everywhere. I needed to find them and kill them. After I killed them, I was gonna find a job and rent an apartment.

I stared to cry at the memory. It is still hard to think about it today.

"You okay in there kitten?" Finn asked.

"Yes." I snapped at him.

I heard a growl and rolled my eyes at him.

I stepped out of the shower and Finn looked me up and down. He had love in his eyes and I didn't know why.

"You look good in my clothes." He said with a smirk.

"You look good in my clothes." I said with a mocking voice.

He just narrowed his eyes at me and I smiled at him.

I went to go grab a pillow and a blanket, but Finn grabbed my hand before I could grab either of those. "What do you think you are doing?"

"Grabbing a pillow and a blanket to sleep on the floor since you took the bed. Duh." I answered him.

"No, you are sleeping up here with me." And with that said, he grabbed my hips and pulled me onto the bed beside him. He was hovering over me, and starring in my eyes. "Goodnight kitten." And he kissed my forehead. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it.

After he said that he went back on his side and pulled the blanket up. He pulled me closer to his body so my head was on his shoulder.

I tried to turn around but he wouldn't let me so I gave up.

"Goodnight Finn." I mumbled to him and he chuckled. 'Oh my gosh. That chuckle was deep, but also really sexy.' I thought to myself. And with that, I fell asleep in Finn's arms.


Do you guys like it so far? Please tell me what you think about it so far in the comments :) thankyou guys!


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