Chapter 5: Sorry About My Past

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They all growled at me and Finn growled back.

"You're a hunter?" Chris yelled at me.

I flinched and Finn seemed to notice. He growled at Chris and he froze.

I stepped out from behind Finn and all my fear left. I was so pissed off at this moment because they weren't there when it happened.

"Yes, I was a hunter Chris. And do you know why?" I yelled at him. He froze at my sudden bravery and anger. So he just shook his head no. "You weren't there when I was ten and my parents were getting slaughtered right in front of me by an alpha! So before you go criticizing me of something that happened because of my past, let me explain!" I looked at Dave when I said that and he froze as well. His expression went from anger to sorrow in a matter of seconds. I started to sob as I was yelling.

"I was at home watching tv with my parents." I began. "There was a knock on the door and both of my parents growled and their eyes started to glow. My mom picked me up and put me by the stairs and told me to run. Of course me being curious I ran up the stairs till they couldn't see me anymore. The door got knocked down and three men came inside my house. One of them yelled at my dad and asked why he was on his territory. I didn't know what he was talking about, but I just kept quiet. My dad was about to speak up when the man shifted into a giant wolf.

My parents did the same thing. I watched in horror as the man shifted into a wolf and lunged at my parents. He tore my dad into pieces and turned to my mother. He growled at her and she flinched. She looked up at me and whimpered. He lunged at her and did the same exact thing. One of the men saw me and was watching me as the alpha was killing my mom. He just stood there and watched me as I was crying. He had sorrow in his eyes but didn't say a word.

The alpha shifted back and one of them handed him a pair of shorts. He asked if anyone else was in the house and the one that saw me shook his head no. The alpha smiled and walked out the door. The one man that saw me mouthed 'I'm sorry' and walked away." I looked at them through my tears and they all looked at me in shock and horror. I continued.

"After that happened, I ran to my grandmother's house and told her what had happened. She told me everything about werewolves and mentioned that my parents were werewolves and so was she and my grandfather. She gave me guns and told me to be careful. I took the guns and went out to try and find those three men to kill them. On my way, I met different werewolves and they attacked me, so I killed them. I decided that I would kill any werewolf that I saw. But shortly after, I met a little girl that was walking in the woods. I noticed she was a werewolf, but she was kind. She brought me to her pack and introduces me to everyone. Her father was the alpha and I asked him if he knew these three men. He said he did and that they were apart of the Red Rising Pack. They let me stay with them until I was ready to leave. Then a couple of years later, I wound up on Finn's territory, and it turns out he is my mate." I finished my story and everyone looks at me in horror. I cried even harder when I saw Dave's and Caroline's faces. "I'm so sorry about my past. I'm sorry that I became a hunter to kill those men who killed my parents when I was ten. I'm sorry if I wanted to do it for my parents, I'm so sorry for who I am."

"Ryan. I'm sorry I didn't-" Dave started but I cut him off.

"Save it. This is why I tried to escape. I knew you guys wouldn't accept me." And with that, I ran towards the house to Finn's room and locked myself in there.



"Ryan!" I yelled at her. "Ryan!" I tried even louder.

So that's why she looked at my parents like that. My poor mate. She has been through so much. I don't care if they didn't accept her, I did. And I would make them accept her if I had too. She is my mate, and she belongs here with me.

I looked at my parents. My mom was crying and my dad didn't say anything. "Are you guys happy now?" I yelled at them. They both jumped and looked at me with sorrow filled faces. "You judge her without even hearing her story. I don't care if she is a hunter. But she's not anymore! Can't you at leave give her that? Before you judge her anymore, get to know her first!" I said and ran to follow her.

I run around the house trying to find her until I smelled her scent. Lavender and pine. She smelt so amazing.

I followed her scent and it led to my room. I love how my room was the first place she went too. I smiled to myself thinking that.

"Kitten?" I asked.

"Go away Finn!" She yelled at me.

She did not just yell at me.

'Calm down Finn! Don't get mad her, she is broken right now! Sure, I'm not happy that she yelled at us, but still. Think of the situation first.' My wolf told me. I guess he's right.

I knocked on the door this time. "Ryan, please open up."

"No." She replied.

"Kitten, open up now. Or else I'm breaking the door down." I said calmly. But you could still tell I was pissed.

"Go right ahead. It's your door anyway."

"Fine!" I kicked the door and it fell right down. She rolled her eyes at me and turned over on my bed. "Ryan."

"Go away." She said from under the covers.

I walked over to her and pulled the covers off of her. She gasped and tried to get away. I quickly grabbed her from around the waist and pulled her into me.

I sat on the bed and pulled her onto my lap. She screamed and tried to push me away, which only caused me to tighten my grip on her. I turned her around so she was straddling my lap.

I looked her in the eyes and she broke down crying. I held her tight as she cried on my shoulders. "Shh, it's gonna be okay baby. I'm right here with you." I whispered in her ear before she fell asleep on my lap.

I picked her up and put her on the bed. I laid down next to her and I loved the fact that she was wearing my clothes.

I pulled her closer to me and she instantly snuggled closer to my side. She yawned and laid her head on my chest. Soon after that, darkness came in and I fell asleep with my beautiful mate in my arms.


Sorry it's short guys, I'm hanging out with my family. And sorry I still can't update yet, no wifi down here :( thanks for reading guys!


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