The Meeting

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"You must survive my son."

The tail that was razor sharp rose and came down so quickly. The head of the beast was severed, as the final Lost Dragon fell from the world.

"Remember this day brat, remember the fall of the dragons."




A teen was running through the forest outside of Vale. The person holding what seemed like a knife in his hand. His left arm was limp as he continued to run. Something following him made a terrifying screeching noise.

He barely made it to Forever Falls before he was cut off by a black being of the world. The creature known as Grimm. This one was specifically known as a Beowulf.

The creature raised its arm and brought it down to finish off the young man, who closed his eyes awaited his death.

But it never came. Eyes opening, he was greeted to the site of the Grimm being kicked in the side of the face by another teen.

Though being mostly covered by the black hat he wore, one could point out the pink in his hair that had blue traces that blended perfectly with it. The male's face was mostly covered as well by a white bandana, but his eyes were visible, seemingly a dark shade of brown that could almost be considered black if no light shined upon it. His skin a caramel brown, he almost blended in perfectly in the night. His wardrobe consisted of a tan sweater with its sleeves torn off, his left arm coated in a blue tribal tattoo that went all the way to his wrist and seemed to glow in the night. Black fingerless combat gloves covered his hands. Brown combat pants were worn around his lower body with military grade boots on his feet. Overall, the guy seemed to show that he was prepared for a fight.

Time no longer stopped as the Beowulf was sent flying about 50 yards away from the two. The beast's pack coming out of the tree line as soon as it made contact.

The hat-wearing teen makes a gesture, telling the young man to run away from the area. He helped the young man up and helped him onto the ledge. The boy started climbing, completely forgetting about the dropped knife as he reached for safety and went to the school that was on top.

The teenager looked back towards the pack, intending on not leaving a single one alive.

Minus the one he kicked away, four Grimm charged at him, hellbent on destroying whatever attacked their pack-mate.

He stood his ground, and dodged the first attack by sliding under the fist, and punched the second Beowulf in the chest with a shattering amount of force. The beast turned to black smoke and faded away.

He counter attacked the third one swinging it's fist, by jumping on the limb and kicked it back towards itself while using the momentum to throw him back into the first one. Instincts telling him to dodge he dove away from the fourth attack and towards the knife that the kid left in the ground.

Picking up the blade and quickly reacting, he set the weapon into a back hand position, and went into action.

He jumped onto the back of the Beowulf he knocked on the ground, stabbing into his back for support. The black creature tried to buck him off, and sent him into the air. He pulled the blade out of the beast and used the effect of gravity to viciously stab it in the head. Making a strange noise, the Beowulf died and turned into smoke.

He quickly turned around and had thrown the knife into the face of one of the Grimm, causing it to die like it's other comrades and he charged the other two. The beasts got out of the way and angled up with the teen and charged at him at full speed without showing signs of stopping.

Seeing an opportunity, he waited until the last second and fell to the floor. The two Grimm bashed heads with each other and were stunned for the time being.

Getting back up, he forcefully ripped off the head of one of the creatures and punched the other one to the ground, where he stomped on the head of the monster and killed it, finally clearing the pack.

Being able to breathe, he sat down and listened to the rustling of the leaves that were heard throughout the woods caused by the wind.

"-ere he is! Sitting against that tree, Professor!"

The voice was heard from atop the cliff he sent the young man up to. Opening his eyes, he looked up to see a man with white hair looking down at him.

His attire shows that he was someone that shouldn't be taken likely. He wore a dark grey long sleeve shirt, that was covered by a black coat. A green scarf adorned his neck and a pair of reading glasses on his face. He wore black dress pants and shoes. His black cane completed his look.

They said nothing to each other, just studying the person before them. The man at the top of the cliff finally made a motion for the teen to join him. Not having a much better option, he left his spot from the tree and began to climb his way up top. He barely pulled himself up before he was grabbed by the man, and swiftly knocked out with a chop to the back of his neck. The world went black around him as he fell unconscious for the time being.

Unnamed Teen
10:35 P.M
Beacon Academy Interrogation Room

I faintly heard a couple voices coming from around me as I finally began to drift my way back into consciousness. My eyes opening, everything was a little blur until I blinked a couple times before I could see clear again. Looking around, I'm seated at a metal table and in a metal chair. The man from last night in front of me with a blonde haired woman by his side.

"Ah. You are awake, I see."

I say nothing in return, but I make quick hand gestures, asking where I am.

"A mute? Well that's something we don't have everyday. Patience young man. All will be revealed in due time. For now, I think introductions are in order. Do you know who I am?"

I was quick to answer, "You're Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy."

"Correct. That I am."

"So what do I owe the pleasure, Professor Oz?" I had asked out as nice as I could.

"Well, if we knew your name, then that would be a great start as to why I've called you here." He sets down a pen and a piece of paper for me to write my name on, and I do.


"And your semblance?"

"I'm not sure. I just grew up teaching myself basic and advanced hand-to-hand combat, as well as disarming an opponent, weapons training, and a fine tune of mechanics here and there. I don't even know if I have one, to be honest."

He looked at me skeptically for a moment, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. I wouldn't let him see that, and he looked back to his coffee.

"Very well, Natsu. You have been brought here after your display in Fall Forest yesterday evening. Have you attended an academy like Signal or somewhere else?"

"No. I lived by myself most of my life. Jumping from place to place while teaching myself combat. I'm able to see just about anything my opponent throws at me before their attacks make contact, though, and evade or counter."

"Interesting. How much do you know about the history of Remnant?"

"I met this lady on my travels. She wears a Grimm mask. She taught me all about the history dating back to the legend of the man first granting the Maidens with their magic and up to how the moon broke apart."

"And I assume she taught you the myths and legends of this world as well?"

"Yes. Even the one that happened recently concerning the meteorite crashing, bringing forth a powerful warrior whose path was decided purely by fate. I don't know about that one, though."

"Alright. Now. How would you like to join Beacon Academy?"

I looked at him shocked for a moment. Then to the blonde in the corner, then back to him.

"I haven't been into a single school!"

"Mister Dragneel. Your will to protect that man the other night as well as being able to take on four Beowulf's effortlessly show you have more experience than most of our second years. And your knowledge of this world shows more than what you could've learned in school. I could easily make your name in a database and show that you've been homeschooled."

I was visually and mentally shocked at the current moment. On one hand, I've never attended a school, and will probably just lose training time. On the other, I can learn practical things and maybe even form a team. Who knows, I may be able to find out why I can't remember anything before the supposed meteorite.

"Count me in!"

"Wonderful. I will see you tomorrow when you join the rest of the first years at the academy.  Meet them in the announcement hall and follow from there. You may have a chance of meeting new people and making new friends."

"Wait. That's it? No written test? Nothing to prove that I am not a gang member or anything?"

"No young man. There will be an entry test that you will be taking with the first years. Do your best." And with that he stood up and walked to the door. "Glynda, would you be a dear and guide our young friend to the nearest hotel? Use the Academy's card, that way he won't have the worry of going broke."

The blonde lady rises up and said that she accepted. "Come with me, Mister Dragneel. You and I can get to learn about each other while we walk. I can also show you some of the things and markets here at Vale."

"Huh. Yes ma'am. You lead the way."

I got up and followed her out the door as Ozpin watches us while sipping his coffee.


'He really doesn't remember that day? I'm also guessing that his time with that lady he mentioned, he must've encountered something that made him mute. Oh well. It would've been exciting if he had remembered or even spoke.'

The Meeting: End

Hey yo. I'm trying to update as much as I can before school starts up.

My roommate also writes up some stories of her own. The college only has coed dorms so everyone is roomed with a person of the opposing gender. She's really cool and is fun to hang out with.

Anyways, yeah. Not much, kinda rushed, but it's out there. I'll come back to it and make some changes or even just add more onto it.



The hat wearing teen landed in front of him, eyes looking at the man.

"You gotta run, man." He was tackled as a Grimm rammed him into the tree, the two getting into a fight of strength.

End scene

"So that's all I need to do to get in?"


"Alright. I'm game." And the professor and young man started their arm wrestling competition. Neither gaining ground until Natsu went low, signing with the hand that wasn't locked with Ozpin.

"You know, I bet your assistant looks mighty hot wearing nothing when she's alone. You might wanna claim her before someone else does." Ozpin started to become embarrassed and lost focus. Dragneel saw and took advantage, slamming the elder male's arm down and claiming victory.

"Damn you."

"You let your guard down, and I was able to still use one arm to whoop your ass while talking shit."

The elder male looked over and his assistant, and asked a simple question. "If someone with one arm speaks sign language, is that considered a speech impediment or a disability?"

She could only shrug her shoulders, while the youngest in the room continued to laugh his ass off.


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