Chapter 3

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June 9th

After I get away from all of the lectures I turn north and start working my way 15 miles in a jog (5 mins), sprint (1 min), and walk (4 mins)- it's the standard pace set when Hunters are out by themselves.

After about an hour and a half of running, I made the 15 miles and started heading west to make it the rest of the way. After 15 mins I make it to the city and start heading to Camp-Halfblood, where Artemis has been keeping supplies for several decades now in her cabin. Once I've made it to the barrier I notice some footprints from a Minatar but they disappear after a little bit so I don't mind them.

I make it past the tree and start to disguise myself so I'm overlooked. I work my way down to our cabin and hear some talking and people going around Camp. I get to our cabin and head in the back route, it's only taught to those who need it.

As I'm grabbing the stuff I hear Dyonis talking to who I assume is a new camper about the cabins, "This is Artemis's Cabin and no one is allowed in unless they are specifically told they can or are Hunters," If she hadn't said that I wouldn't have cared that it's against rules, I would've told him that all Hunters are welcome.

"So don't go in?" Another voice asks, probably the camper.

"Yes, Artemis wouldn't care if you were her nephew- If you happen to be one- She would beat you." Seems about right.

After that I ignore them talking as they head away and I get the last of the supplies into my bag and get back outside and out of the camp.


Once I get back to camo I ask Maddie, "Maddie, I'm back, where do I put the pads?"

"You can put them in the outhouse, I just finished with the outfits so come and get it from me so I can make small adjustments." So Ana lied, but then again she doesn't sew so she doesn't know how long it would take. Plus I can't wait to see how it looks.
"Ok," I call back as I walk away. I hope that Maddie does like me back so that I'm not a lonely bitch anymore.

After putting the pads away I get a cramp and stop walking for a second, then I get over it and keep walking. Once I get back to Maddie's tent I knock on the wood that is used to alert people of your coming in. "Come in," Maddie calls out.

Once I walk in I see Maddie in a gorgeous skirt and top combo, it also has a lot of tassels which is a great combo.

As Maddie shoves a ball at me she tells me, "Here's your outfit, put it on over there," She points to a sectioned-off corner.

As I change I realize that I have the same outfit as Maddie but in blue-green and navy compared to her sage green and light pink. As I walk out I see Maddie stare for a second then shake her head. "You look great. If you don't mind I have to fix some things otherwise it looks great, does it fit properly?"

I give myself a brief assessment of the outfit and then respond, "Yep, I feel like you've memorized my clothing size though, have you?"


"I feel like you've memorized my clothing size though, have you?" Oh shoot, what do I say???

"Noooo, what gave you that idea?" That seemed very sus but with an innocent face and 'complete' surprise that shouldn't be too bad...

"Uh huh, totally believe you," Lin said with a very sarcastic tone. "Maybe next time say something like 'Why would I? This is only the second time I've made you something." Oh yeah, forgot this was the first time. I made something for her and gave it to her.

After she changes into the outfit I make sure I don't need to adjust anything and then change into mine. We head off to the concert and most of the others are wearing clothes from stores, so we all stand out. The last song she plays is "Till The Light Goes Out' and we all sing along.

As we leave, we spot a few deers and decide to hunt them.

"On your left Maddie," Isa calls out. I look to my left and see the deer, she's a big one and we've been chasing her for a while. I get my bow ready and right before I shoot, I see another arrow come out of the trees and hit it.

Lin comes out of the trees with a shocked face and after a moment, everyone starts crowding around her. I join in after a moment and we decide to carry the deer back, and then prep it. Sunny comes out of the trees and declares that the food and skins will go to another group that hasn't been doing well. As the cook, we can't say no.


Once we get back to camp we all start skinning the deer, then letting the blood out. While we do that, Sunny starts getting the area ready to cook the meat, along with getting ready to make some jerky.


So this is a kinda late publication, and I'm sorry for the late chapter. Please tell me any suggestions on what I should write next cause I have no clue

Published April 2nd, 2023

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