Day one: An alright start

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(Y/N)'s POV

After the ceremony... I took the elevator to Ozpin's office... And now he sits down at his desk as I stare him and Glynda down.

Ozpin: Now... I'm sure you have many questions... So just ask them all right away.

(Y/N): *DEEP BREATH* 1. How did you know about my spider abilities coming form Peter Parker? 2. Why have you been taking the Symbitoes and breeding them to be good? 3. If you knew how well the Symbitoes worked for Peter, then why have one attach to me? 4. If Miss Goodwitch is allowed to here all this, the I assume this means that she knows, which begs the question, how many other people know about me? 5. Is that the reason why you accepted me early? Cause of my unnatural powers? If so, then why did you let Ruby in along with me? 6. How is being a one man team even going to work? Did you really think this through? 7. It seems you have some sort of plan for me so just lay it on me and tell me what the heck you want form me! And 8... How old are you to have known my grandfather personally?!!?!!? *Pant* *Pant*... Ok... That's it.

Ozpin: Well... One, you're family name. Your blood line has been preserved for ceintures. For the soul reason that, when the Spider Totem rises again, I would have been able to find you.

(Y/N): Ok, that makes... Spider Totem?

Ozpin: That will be explained in during your seventh question. As for your second, the Symbiotes originally come form an alien race known as the Klentare. They are naturally a peaceful race, but the original Venom was bonded with some bad people before it went to Parker. He won't do the same things that venom did to Peter, to you.

(Y/N): Well I don't know about that. I liked killing those Grimm a little TOO mu-

Ozpin: That is because they Symbiote will naturally make you more violent as you use it's power. As long as don't over use it's power, and give it some time. You won't have that problem anymore... Understood?

(Y/N): ... So you just threw an alien parasite on me, and you're just saying "Go with the flow!"


Cause uses his tendrils to attach me to the ceiling and immediately dropped me to the floor, giving me to time to brace myself and causing me to roll over in pain. Ozpin just looks on like nothing happened, while Glynda shows a bit more concern for my well being.

Glynda: This is why I said it was a bad idea!

Ozpin: He'll be fine. As well, don't call him that. He's sensitive.

(Y/N): *Still on the floor* Got it... Now you just answered 2 and 3... So let's move onto 4... If Miss Goodwitch knows... Who else does?

Ozpin: Very few. All of the headmasters of the other schools know. As well as a few close associates of mine.

(Y/N): ... Can you at least drop some names?

Ozpin: General Ironwood, Leonardo Lionheart, and Qrow Branwen.

(Y/N): Cool... Now question 5-

Ozpin: Yes, it is why I wanted you to come early. As someone who is going to take the mantel for the next Spider-Man, I feel as if it is my duty to help grow. And show you the meaning of "With great power, comes great responsibility."

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. Don't do dumb stuff with my powers. Dad tells me that all the time. But you still haven't told me about Ruby! What's special about her to let her in 2 years early?

Ozpin: That's non of your concern. Both you and Miss Rose are destined for great things. But mixing those destinies might make things too complicated. Do you understand?

(Y/N): *Sigh* Ok.

I'm totaling going to go back on that.

Ozpin: As for being a one man team, it's simple. You have to do everything by yourself. With the strength that is given with Chaos, whatever comes your way naturally shouldn't be a problem.

(Y/N): And the vital festival?

Ozpin: I'm working that out. Do not fret about it.

(Y/N): Ok... And number 7... What's your plan for me?

Ozpin: ... *Sigh* You, with your spider powers, can be labeled a "Spider Totem." Contrary to popular belief, there IS a multiverse. Each one has different Totems, someone that represents an animal or element though their are a couple exceptions. Peter was a Spider Totem, and he was one of the greatest to ever live. But he was a mortal and had to eventually passed away. He new the Spider Totem had to rise again, wither it would be his children or he grandchildren or... You. No that you officially have your powers in control and starting to have a hero persona, you will naturally have enemies. Peter wasn't the only one to have children, he foes did too... I can't say for certain, but they might want to end this war of Peter and the others. So... As I very close friend of Parker, I want to help you survive whatever is to come.

(Y/N): ... Wow I-... Thank you. Really.

Ozpin: I is not problem. Now with that being all of your questions you sh-

(Y/N): Whoa, Whoa, you haven't answered question 8!

Ozpin: Oh? And what was that again?

(Y/N): How old are you?!

Ozpin: ... Very.

(Y/N): ...

Glynda: You'll get use to that answer.

(Y/N): *Sigh* Whatever. Can I go now?

TimeSkip Brought to you by (Y/N) trying to sleep but Chaos keeps talking to him.

After the talk with Ozpin, I went my dorm room (That I have all to myself!) and got some shut eye. Now it's the first day of school. I really don't like the uniform that we have to wear, but it's school rules and I don't wanna get in trouble on the first day. So now I have to go to my first class, which is Professor Port. A man that has grey hair, a bushy gray mustache, and is... Over weight. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna say.

Port: Monsters! Demons... Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I, merely refer to they as prey. Hu-hah! Haha!

The class stayed silent though out his comment... Tough crowd.

Port: Uhh, and you shall too, upon graduating form this prestigious academy. No as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures, that would love nothing more than to tear you pieces. And that's where we come in. Huntsman! ...Huntresses

He does this... Weird tongue clicking thing at Yang... He's one of those teacher.

Port: Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Form what you ask? Why... The very world!

Random Student: Eyyy-yeah!

He was the only one a little enthusiastic about it... He sat back down and never talked... Ever again.

Port: That is what you are training here to become. But first, a story. A tale of a young, handsome, man... Me! When I was a boy...

BORING!!!! I don't care about this! This really is gonna be a long year.

Port: Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. "Peter" He told me...

Still Boring!... For literally anything else to grab my attention, I can hear someone... Giggling to themselves? In the row in front of me, their was team RWBY. Ruby was the one that's giggling, she drew a picture of Port... Mocking him by having the lines over him that she that he's smelly.

Port: In the end the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity. And I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high. Celebrated, as a hero.

Good for you dude. Everyone here should've been able to do that since like what? Age 10?

Port: The moral of the story? A true huntsman must be honorable.

I'm honorable.

Port: A true huntsman must be dependable.

I... think I'm dependable.

Port: A true huntsman must be strategic...

I can be that.

Port: Well-educated...

People tell me I'm that all the time.

Port: And wise!

I... Maybe, am that?

Port: So, who among you believes to themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?

(Y/N): *Razes hand* Uh, I think I show these tra-

Weiss: *Hand shoots up* I do sir!

She interrupts me to exclaim. Her tone sounded annoyed, and I catch her shooting a few nasty glares in Ruby's direction.

Port: Well then... I thought only one of you was going to be brave enough to raze their hand. Truly, the next generation is promising. Looks like I won't be needing this.

He points to a cage... Where he was holing a Boarbatusk!?!? (The Boar)

Port: Both of you step forward... And we'll have a face off.

And just like that, we get in our battle gear and I now have to fight Weiss... Shouldn't be too hard.

(She doesn't have the best track record for battles with people... And when I say people, I'm not talking about grunts, I'm talking like actual 1 on 1 fights)

Yang: Gooo Weiss!

Blake: Fight well!

Ruby: Yeah, represent teeeeam RWBY!

Weiss: Ruby, I'm trying to focus!

Well that was a little rude. All of her team was cheering her on.

Port: Enough talk... Let the battle... Begin!

Weiss waste no time and start to lunge at me. I jump over her head kick her is the face, causing her to stubble

Port: Ha, Ha, Ha, wasn't expecting that were you?

Ruby: Hang in their Weiss!

Weiss charges at me again but I just start there and shot a web at her face, and then web up her arms causing her to drop her weapon.

Port: New strategy by (Y/N). I like it!

Ruby: Come on Weiss! Show him who's boss!

I then kick Weiss causing her fall on her back. Unfortunately my kick ripped up my own webbing and she is able to get free. She rushes toward her weapon and is able to grab a hold of it... But i use my webs to latches onto it as well and she trying to get it free. I only use one hand to hold on as she uses both of her arms to violently try to pull it away form me. I stand there without any signs of a tiredness or having an trouble dealing with Weiss the whole fight.

Ruby: Weiss! Try using fire dust to burn through his web-

Weiss: Stop telling me what to do!!

She yells at Ruby causing her to lower her head and sink in her chair. Weiss, however, does use the strategy that Ruby suggests and switching the holder to fire dust. She burns through my webs to easy, and now I realize that I need to fix that in my web formula. She then sends a wave of fire at me that I jump over. I attached myself to the ceiling and jumped with full force, using my hand to slam the back for her head into the ground. Almost knocking her out, but she hangs onto her consciousness just enough for Port to say.

Port: That's enough you two. I declare (Y/N) the winner of this battle.

Weiss: Uh!!??! But I can still-

Port: Sorry miss Schnee, but we have run out of time for today, and Mr.Parker has out performed you in combat. It's as clear as day. But anyways, be sure to cover the assigned readings. And... stay vigilant. Class dismissed.

And with that... Weiss storms out of the classroom. Clearly upset about her lose. As I head to my dorm room, I hear Weiss yelling at Ruby, something about her Rubying being a bad leader... Which is unfair. They just formed yesterday, and she was the one to come up with the burning through my web strategy... Speaking of which.

(Y/N): I need to make these things fire proof.

As I head in my dorm room, I see a note on the wall next to my closet.

Dear Mr.Parker

Yesterday I forgot to mention something different about your room. If you head to the very back of your closet, you'll find a secret panel that you'll need a PIN to get into. That PIN is ST96 (Stan Lee, died at age 96) and you'll find another note explaining what in there afterwards.



secret panel... What did you do Ozpin? Well time to find out. I do as the note says. Heading to the back of the closet and find the panel. I type in the code... S,T,9,6... That's when a secret door sided opened... And I see...

I high tech room, with all the compartments in it containing all kinds of dust, metal, fabric, and materials to make better and stronger suits and webs.

I then see the note that Ozpin left for me. It just reads...

"We wouldn't want our savior to go un prepared, now would we?"

... Oh... My... GOD!! Look at all this. So much materials and more dust for my gauntlets! I can make a whole "Spider Armor suit" if I wanted to! ... Hold on...

Idea just popped into my head...

I remember my mom telling about other Spider-Man that tried to carry on Peter's legacy. One of them was "Megel O... Something" and he had a cape. Not just any cape. But a cape that had anti gravity particles, that allows him to decrease his falling by 5 feet per second. As gravity pulls you down and you increase speed by 10 feet per second, he fell nearly half the amount as a normal person would. If used anti gravity dust, and some fabric that Ozpin left for me, I could surpass Megel's design making myself fall at a rate of 3 feet per second! Making fall at 3.3 on times slower then I'd normally wo-

Chaos: Nnnneeeeeeerrrrd.

... I'm can ramble on in my mind! You don't have to listen!

Chaos: Just make your "Cape" Mr.Spidey Super hero.

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