The girl with the scythe

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Tonight would have been just like any other night... Until an event happened that changed the whole course of my life.

My name is (Y/N) Parker. As you can guess. I related to Peter. Spiderman. One of, if not the greatest hero of all time. Not for he's strength, not for his popularity, but for what he stood for. However... He's... Kinda dead.

Reason unknown, it could be of old age or someone killed him... but it doesn't matter. Cause hes not my father. He's my 30,000x great grandfather.

But you should know this, cause you read the story description right?

Anyway, not the point. After Peter, the Spider genetics didn't pass on into he kids... or any of his grand children. For decades and decades... Intill me.

Now I have the Spider Powers. Now I can become what Peter wasn't. Cause if you think that I'm gonna be just Peter copped and pasted, think again.

But that enough. I've heard less narration at the beginning of the Tobey's movies.

(Comment if you get that)

Let's just begin.


I walk the street's of Vail, looking for something to do before curfew at 11:00. I was about to say screw it and just head back when a saw a small little dust shop called "Form Dust Till Dawn." A Corny name but hey, why not? Could use a little some more dust, dad said that he wanted me stop try and use a weapon instead of just my bare hands anyway. So let's get so dust.

Is what I thought I was going to do until 2 people came crashing through the window. One was man dressed in black, that was knocked out. The other was... A girl. Black hair with highlights. Black skirt, leggings, and boots. With a long red cloak. But what stood out the most was the fact that she had a giant scythe. It was red, and it was taller than her. She was a small girl, I'd say about 5, 2. That she is just carrying that thing on her shoulder like it's no big deal. She looks back at the window and swings that scythe around pointing that the men inside.

That's when i realize that one of the men inside was a criminal named "Roman Torchwich" He has been evading the police for months. He had several people around him that were dressed like that guy she just knocked out. This had to be a robbery.

Roman: Ok... Get her.

He told the men as they charge at her with crimson red swords. The first one that tried to attack her got kicked in the face. The second one get hit by a spinning attack by with while she used the back of the scythe so she didn't cause any fatal injuries to him. Then next guy when down by the back of the scythe again, getting slammed on top of his head.

The final guy took at his gun that he started to fire at her, but with aura now a days, she dodges the bullets effortlessly and kicks him in the face knocking him out, and down to Trochwich's feet.

Roman: (sarcasticly) You were worth every cent. Truly you were....

Ruby's POV

Roman: Well, Red, you're much of a thorn in my side then I thought you were going to be...  And as much as I didn't want to get my last guy out here... Shocker!

Suddenly, a large electrical blast came through the window, before I could even react. But... then their was another guy. He had (hair/color) hair, a (favorite/color) hoodie, some sort of (second/favorite/color) beeny hat  and he looked about the same age as me. He was fast and tackled me out of the way of the blast. 

Boy: Ok. Good to see that you got an upgrade to those gauntlets.

That's when one more man came out of the store

Shocker: And glad to see your still as fast as the last time we meet.

Ruby: Wait. You know each other?

Boy: Not really. He was a petty criminal that I put behind bars... Speaking for which...

Roman: His break out of prison was brought you by... Well, yours truly.

Boy: Oh course it is. Doesn't matter though. I put you in jail once, I'll do it again.

Shocker: No! Not this time!

He reached to the top of his head, grabbing what I thought was a had... But I was wrong. It was a mask.

(But but it's your second favorite color)

Boy: This should be fun.

(Y/N)'s POV

Shocker comes at me swinging over and over. But with my spidey powers and aura, I could dodge them in my sleep.

Shocker: Stand still!

(Y/N): Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to dodge that? Wait! Are you playing slug bug?

He tries to swing again, and miss.

(Y/N): Ok, my turn!

I punch his right in the jaw, sending him flying back. Now he's really mad, as he shoots another electric blast at me, that misses me completely.

(Y/N): I remember our first fight. Me, young and stupid. You, just stupid. Now, I'm still young, but not so stupid... You're still stupid.

Shocker: Do you ever shut up?!

(Y/N): Nope!

With my web shooters on my wrist, I shoot a web at him that catches off guard.

Shocker: What th-

(Y/N): Oh yeah, didn't have these on me when we last fought. Like them? Let me show you what they can do.

The quickly spam my webs over and over and over till he is completely pinned up against the wall in webs.

(Y/N): Sorry... Said no one ever.

Shocker: Let me go you son of a-

I web his mouth

(Y/N): Watch your language. Their could be kids near by. Oh, and I'm taking these.

I pull off the webbing covering the the gauntlet that he has and I inspect them.

(Y/N): You can only insert electrical dust in these. You do realize with some adjustments, you can have elemental gauntlet. Why is it only electric with you? Is it a fetish? I feel like it is.

I put them on and see that they could fit like a charm if I did a little tinkering. But right now...

(Y/N): Hey, are you ok?

I ask the scythe wielding girl that took out all his other guards as she is still kinda in awa about what I did.

Scythe girl: Oh. Yeah, I'm good thank you. I'm Ruby, Ruby rose.

(Y/N): Parker. (Y/N) Parker... Wait, where did the other guy go?

Ruby's POV

I look around to see that the guy with the white coat that was leading this is no where to be seen.

Ruby: ... Their!

Pointed upwards as he was climbing a latter to the top of a building on the other side of the street.

(Y/N): ... Oh, that little coward.

He uses his web shooters to lunch himself over to the building... and doesn't use the latters, he just stuck to the slide of the building and run up it. How do he do that?!

I use crescent rose as a pogostick with the gun feature and jump above to the top of the roof where (Y/N) was staring down the bad guy.

Bad guy: How annoying.

He says as an air ship comes and flys right next to him, as he jumps into it.

Bad guy: End of the line you two!

He says as he pulls out a dust crystal and throws it at us. (Y/N) is on top of it, as he uses his web shooters to grab the crystal form mid-air and throws it back at him.

(I couldn't find a gift of it so think of it like the way to grab are throw things in the PS4 game)

As soon as he did, the crystal went off and blew up. The ship took some damage, but it wasn't enough to knock it out of the sky.

(Y/N): You wanna try that again? Maybe it'll work this time!

He said, trying to taunt him. He didn't take his bate as he used his cane (which was also a gun) to fire a blast that made a huge explosion. (Y/N) jumped out of the way and up pick him up bridal style to get us both out of the danger zone.

When we land, we see... A woman. Blonde hair, glasses and... has a ridong crop? She uses waves of psychic energy to attack the air ship. But then, another lady steps out and stares us down. She had a red dress and I couldn't see her face do to shadows.

(Damn those shadows, blocking the faces of important characters)

She shot a fire ball at the blonde woman and she quickly dodged out of the way of it.

I thought I could help by turning crescent rose into gun mode and shooting but the lady blocked my bullets with one hand. (Y/N) used his web shoots to latch onto the ship before it could fly away. The ship pulled away, but (Y/N) stood his ground and the ship couldn't fly away. He was struggling a whole lot to keep it form leaving, he pulled and pulled and pulled. But the lady on the ship set fire to his webs, snapping them and sending him back. The ship flew away, and so did the bad guys. I quickly went to check up on (Y/N).

Ruby: Hey, are you ok?

(Y/N): *pant* *pant* Yeah... Just tired.

It is then when the woman that helped us came over with the same stern expression on her face.

Ruby: You're a huntress... Can I have your autograph!?

Time skip brought to you back Chibi (Y/N) looking at Ruby trying to get the huntress's autograph.

(Y/N)'s POV

We were taken to the police station for being directly involved with the robbery. And now we were being lectured by the huntress that helped us.

Huntress: I hope you realize that your actions will not be taken lightly you two. You put yourselves and others in danger.

Ruby: They started it!

(Y/N) That's gonna hold up in court.

Huntress: If it were up you me, you two would be sent home. With a pat on the back...

Ruby smiles at this.

Huntress: ... And a slap on the wrist.

She uses her riding crop to smack down at the table, threatening me and Ruby.

Huntress: But... There is someone here who would like to meet you two.

She steps aside to show us that a man has stepping in. With a cup of coffee for himself, and a plate of cookies for us. He is an old man, with grey hair and glasses. But for his age (what that may be), he doesn't look that bad.

Old man: Ruby rose, and (Y/N) Parker...

He looks at Ruby

Old man: You... have silver eyes

Ruby: ... Um...

Old Man: And Mr.Parker... You said with a little "tinkering" that this weapon could accept all kinds of dust?

(Y/N): ... Uh, Yeah. Of course. Give me a few days, tops. I just have to adjust the slots to that they can at least most of the dust around. Then I'm gonna have to just the size to they are some clunky metal that you'd have to carry every where, and adjust it so that you could change the how they fit around your wrist cause those only were ment to fit the shocker so that... a-anyone can...

I start to slow down with my speech when everyone was looking at me with surprised faces... this is why I keep my science to myself.

(Y/N):... Uh... Sorry.

Old Man: ... *chuckles* Dont apologies for being the smartest person in the room... Now where do you two learn to do this?

The huntress form early show us a monitor that show us the fight form earlier.

Ruby: S-signal academy.

Old man: They taught you how to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?

Ruby: Well, one teacher in particular.

Old man: I see... And what about you.

(Y/N): Uh, well... My father taught me how to fight. He's a huntsman.

Old man: And he taught you how to run up walls are shoot webs?

(Y/N): Oh, No! He taught me how to fight and... Uh those things I... taught myself.

Old Man: dually noted.

He places down the cookie plate that he had in his hands on the table we were at. Ruby wasted no time and started to eat... or more like swallow those cookies whole. I was only able to grab one before all of them were gone.

Old Man: I would also like to know why are you training to be warriors?

Ruby: Well... I want to be a huntress.

(Y/N): And I, a huntsman.

Old Man: You want to slay monsters?

Ruby: Yeah. I only have 2 more years of training at signal, then I'm going to apply to Beacon. See, my sister is starting their this year and she's trying to become a huntress, and I trying to become a huntress, cause I wanna help people. See my parents always told us to help others so I thought "eh well, might as well make a currier out of it." I'm the police are alright, but huntsman and huntress are just some so much more romantic and exciting and cool and GAAAHHAA You know?!

... A moment of silence passes after that bit...

Old man:... And what about you Mr.Parker? What school are you going to?

(Y/N): Well... I'm not sure. My dad says that he's fine with any of the 4 schools, and it's up to me... And I think I'm heading to Beacon. But I'll have to look more into it.

Old Man: ... And do either of you know who I am?

Ruby: You're professor Ozpin. The headmaster at Beacon.

He's the headmaster?!

Ozpin: Hello.

Ruby: Nice to meet you.

(Y/N): Yeah, same here.

Ozpin: You two would like to come to my school?

(Y/N): Uh, Yes! Abosulty!

Ruby: More than anything!

He looks at the Huntress, to which she scoffs, but he looks back at us and says...

Ozpin: Well alright.

Time skip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) and Ruby jumping in the air.

Ruby's POV

Yang: Oh, I can't believe that my baby sisters is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!

That's Yang. A blonde party girl that knows what she wants and is willing to do what it takes to get it. And she trapping me in a crushing bear hug.

Ruby: (out of breath) Please stop.

Yang: But I'm so proud of you!

She finally let's go.

Ruby: Really sis it was nothing.

Yang: What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is gonna think your the bees knees!

Ruby: I don't wanna be the bees knees, okay? I dont wanna be any kinda knees! I just wanna be a normal girl, with normal knees.

Yang: What's with you? Aren't you excited?

Ruby: Of course I'm excited... I just... I got moved ahead 2 years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything.

Yang puts her arm around me.

Yang: But you are special.

I turn my head and look around to see everyone that's going to Beacon... And then I see...

Ruby: (Y/N)...

He's still wearing the costume he had before. But now... He has the Shockers gauntlets on his belt.

Yang: That kid in the hoodie? Is he the one that helped you out?

Ruby: Uh? Oh yeah, that him.

Yang: Well then introduce me.

She grabs me by the arm are starts heading in his direction.

Ruby: Ow, Ow Wait Yang!


This is what gets his attention, and he looks over to see me again Yang heading to him.

Yang: I believe you two may know each other?

(Y/N): Oh... Hey Ruby... Who's this?

Ruby: Hi, (Y/N). This is Yang, she's my older sister.

(Y/N): Oh, well hi! I'm-

Yang: (Y/N), I heard. Sis told me all about you. See kept going on and on about "The guy that helped me was so cool and fast, and he was so hands-"

I quickly covered her month while my face was bright red.

Ruby: Ok that last part she made up!

Yang: I didn't get to say that last part, what did you think that I was going to say?

(Y/N): HEY! Look! We're about to land at Beacon! Let's drop this conversation and look at the view!

He says trying to defuse the situation.

And... It worked. Me and Yang dropped it, and we looked on to... Beacon.

(A/N): This is a little different form what I'm use to writing so sorry of this is bad.

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