Part 31: The last dinner

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It was four days before the full moon, and everyone was occupied with multiple tasks. Max's men would arrive the following day, and Lena had arrived early in the morning.

It had been very challenging to enter the country and, later, the pack without being noticed, but she knew how to hide and blend with her surroundings like a chameleon. Slowly and carefully, she reached her former house. She met her brother, whose face and posture had changed since she had last seen him. He wasn't aggressive or angry like she thought he would be but moderately exhausted and overwhelmed.

He explained to her how much things had changed. He had a family, now, but that didn't make him happier. Instead, he was more miserable than ever. Their mother had turned into a genuine dictator, stopping at nothing and constantly blackmailing him with his mate's life.

''I need you, Lena. You were always stronger than me. I failed our father and surrendered at the first difficulty.''

Lena realized that her brother needed her. She saw the terror in his eyes, and she heard his tired voice. A part of her heart couldn't forgive him for not fighting for her when they declared her a traitor, but she couldn't leave him when he most needed her. Her father had taught her how to be kind and to forgive because everyone could make mistakes.

She gathered a small group of people, the ones her brother trusted, and explained her plan to them. Her mother would return that day from her trip to a distant relative, and they would wait for her and lock her in the dungeon. Her mother had her bodyguards by her side, but Lena was more than capable and ready to take them down. Her childhood training in frozen Siberia and her battles alongside Laurel had shaped the young warrior, and she needed no help to beat the worst merciless assassins.

She promised to return after helping her friend, and her brother gave his permission to take some soldiers with her. Lena's pack wasn't saved. Her brother was in no condition to rule, and she needed to find a permanent solution to her mother's situation. They couldn't keep her in the dungeons forever, and they had to find a peaceful solution about the leadership and the organization of the pack.

Therefore, the moment she returned to the Blue Moon pack, she talked to Laurel. She explained her situation and how her pack needed her. She wanted to leave and fix everything as a tribute to her late father.

''If that is your wish, I'm not going to stop you. Remember that I'm always only one call away from you. I hope that one day I will return every single favor you've done for me.''

''We are sisters, Laurel. We may not share the same blood, but our hearts beat the same. We'll take down your mother and Charles, and then, I will fight my own demons. I owe you many things, Laurel Creed, and I'll always be grateful for the years we spend together.''

''This sounds like a goodbye,'' Laurel said and smiled, but her eyes stared in sadness.

She could feel that after the full moon, her life would change. They had spent a few years together, waking up in the same house and sleeping with hearts full of love and trust. The one year she spent studying was difficult since they weren't always together, but their lives were in sync. However, in the last couple of months, everything changed. Everyone had a path to follow, and she couldn't stop herself from noticing that their pathways didn't seem to unite.

''Then, let's say: until we meet again. I think that's more suitable.''

''Until we meet again,'' Laurel agreed and embraced her friend, trying to hide every tiny thought of sadness in the sea of hope.

''Tomorrow, the Alphas of the Half Moon pack, the Midnight pack, and the Silver Heart pack will arrive accompanied by some warriors. We must be ready to welcome them and provide them with food and beds. Remember that the threat we are about to face puts everyone in danger, but sadly, not everyone wants to admit that a witch can cause such chaos. I ask you to remember your training and follow the orders of your Beta and Gamma. We will face this threat together because we are stronger united.''

''We are stronger united!'' repeated the whole pack when James' speech finished, and soon, the crowd dispersed to attend their matters.

''We gathered the herbs you wanted, Luna,'' a teenage girl that held a basket and was accompanied by other teenagers of the pack, informed her.

''Please, Amy, call me Laurel.''

''I'll try, but it's not easy. You are so kind and beautiful,'' Amy said and quickly turned red.

When James had announced to the whole pack that he had found his mate, everyone welcomed Laurel and cheered for the new mates. It had been a couple of days, and, yet, most of the people seemed to like her and be impressed by her character and the fighting skills during training. That morning, she had asked some teenagers to gather some herbs for her from the forest. She wanted to make some healing and strength-enhancing potions that could be used by anyone during the final fight.

She went to the kitchen, where Chloe and Liz were chatting cheerfully. She placed the basket on the table and started organizing the herbs and putting them in small glass bottles.

''Do you need help?''

''No, thank you, Chloe. How are things with Tyler?''

''He is so great!'' she said, with a dreamy look. ''He is so funny, and you should see him with the toddlers. He is adorable! He looks after me, and, to be honest, I never thought I could be so happy.''

''I'm very happy for you.'' Laurel reached out for Chloe's hands. ''You deserve all the happiness, and Tyler is a good guy.''

''I was just telling her about our mates' mischiefs when they were young. You should see the three of them trying to make a prank, but I, of course, always found out and stopped them,'' said Liz giggling.

Laurel was putting the last herb inside the bottle when Liz made a strange sound and covered her mouth with her hand.

''What is this that smells so bad?'' she mumbled.

''It's catnip. It doesn't smell that bad,'' Laurel explained, confused by Liz's reaction, and put the herb closer to her nose.

''Oh, yes, it does,'' Liz responded, blinking and unable to breathe, left the room running.

''What was that?'' Laurel asked, and Chloe shrugged. ''Anyway, I'm going to leave these in my room. Asher and Sara will be here soon for dinner. Have you seen Zach? He wasn't with Thomas in training.''

''He is James' office. He is looking into something, but he wouldn't tell me what.''

''Okay, I'll talk to him, and then I'll come to help you set the table,'' she said and left with her basket, while Chloe checked the food in the oven.

James and Thomas were training in the woods next to a small river. Their bodies were glistening with sweat, and their hair was wet. Thomas had a bruise in his ribs, and James' arm was wounded after a fall.

''Take good care of her. I don't know what will happen in the night with the full moon, but you must save her. Laurel can't die this time. Do you understand?'' Thomas asked and threw a punch towards James' face.

''I do. No matter what, Laurel will stay alive,'' he said and quickly bent and avoided the punch.

''When you have children, tell them about uncle Thomas and how much I loved them even without knowing them,'' he said and stopped attacking to catch his breath.

''I'm not going to say anything to them. You will be here to show them your love.''

''After Rakel's death, I gave up. If it wasn't for Laurel, I wouldn't be here. I stayed alive long enough to help her and make her live again. Now, she has you and a new family. My task is accomplished.''

''So what? You'll sacrifice yourself?'' James asked while they were walking down the mountain and toward the packhouse.

''If it comes to that point, yes. If someone of my family has to die, let it be me,'' he said with a look that left no room for further talk.

Laurel knocked on the door and entered when she heard a faint ''come in'' from Zach.

''Hey, are you hiding?'' she joked.

The room had a desk and a couple of chairs, a huge library, and a couch. Zach's face was hidden behind the laptop's screen, and only the light of the screen brightened his face. Next to him, on the desk, was a notepad full of sketches and scribbles.

''I'm working on something,'' he answered and rubbed his eyes.

''The dinner is almost ready. Come downstairs. Today is our last chance for a happy family dinner before this madness starts. Work can wait until tomorrow morning.''

''I think I am close to something important. It's about your mother.''

''She has hurt us enough. I won't let her destroy this dinner, too. Please, Zach, come with me,'' she pleaded and sat on the desk.

She took the notepad in her hands. On the front page were symbols and lines between them. A half-moon, a star, some half-erased symbols, and the symbol of eternity.

''What's that?''

''I'm not completely sure yet. I need more proof, but if I am right, this is what your mother wants to do.''

''Will you tell me?''

Zach took the notepad from Laurel's hands and closed it. He turned off the laptop and looked at her.

''Work can wait, right?'' he said, stood up and showed her the door.

''Of course.'' She smiled and started walking without seeing the look of terror and concern on Zach's face.

They had put a large wooden table in the backyard of the house among flowers and trees and lit up small lanterns that brightened the place that only got darker with the passage of time and the sunset. The fiery sky that flamed in orange and red was about to give its place to amethyst and azure. The first stars were already visible, and the moon had started rising. The whole scenery was magical, and the few candles on the table added a vibe of secrecy to this scene.

Everyone's plates and glasses were full, but no one seemed to care. They were all deep in conversation and laughing. Liz was talking with Chloe and Laurel sharing stories from their childhood, while Asher, Sara, and Alex were engaged in a conversation about academics. Tyler and Thomas were discussing soccer and shared their passion for it, and only a few chairs away, James was introducing Zach and Lena to his best men and women.

''Zach loves everything about computers and technology. You should see his face when I purchased a hundred years old camera and insisted on using it. He would have stared at an alien with less horror,'' Lena said and laughed, remembering his face.

''I'd rather use my mobile phone. Nothing is wrong with progress.''

''Hey, we should take a photo. The five of us, first, and then, everyone. Who knows when we will gather again?'' Lena suggested with smiley eyes and called Laurel, Chloe, and Thomas.

They stood next to each other with their happiest faces and hopeful for what the future might bring. This night was theirs to enjoy and carry in their memories.

Liz took multiple photos of them after Zach's instructions, and then Laurel called the others to come along. Soon, she was standing between her mate and her best friend, while only a few meters away, was Asher and Sara, who seemed to mingle well with everyone even though they were both new to the supernatural world.

To Laurel's surprise, Sara's defenses were lifted around her family. The two roommates didn't have enough time to speak after the reveal of the supernatural world, but Laurel saw the calmness her friend had and sensed her steady heartbeat. Asher had reassured her that he would stand up for Sara. She looked again at them, proud and happy, before traveling her gaze over another couple.

Alex was hugging Liz, who was very beautiful that night in her silky violet dress, and Chloe couldn't stop beaming next to her mate. Lena and Zach kept laughing and teasing each other.

After dozens of photos, James asked Thomas to take a picture of him and Laurel. It would be their first photo together.

''You make me the happiest man in the world, Laurel,'' he said while he took her hands into his.

''And you make my world more magical and exciting.''

''I know marriage is a human thing, but I love the part of their oaths. Laurel Creed, I've tried many times to imagine how my mate would be, but I failed. Do you know why?'' he asked her, and she shook her head in denial. ''Because you are a work of art, my love, and I could never depict you due to how unique you are. If I could have only one wish in my entire life, I would choose to make you happy every single day.''

''How can I surpass your speech now?'' she said, laughing, though her eyes were getting watery. ''Well, for many years, I used to believe that love is a weakness, but I was wrong. The moment I saw you in that café, I realized it. Ever since I feel like I'm holding the power of the world in my hands because you are my true power.''

She stood in the tips of her feet, and, like a teenage girl kissing her crush for the first time, she touched his lips and let her senses take over. He caressed her cheek and kissed her deeper, while the flash of a phone was making sure to capture the moment and making everything else around them non-existent.

They parted only for a few seconds to catch their breaths when the sound of an approaching car was heard.

''Are we expecting someone tonight?'' she asked him curiously.

He shook his head in denial and went to the front door of the house. Laurel, Liz, and Alex were behind him.

A black SUV was parked outside, and a middle-aged man in a suit got out of the car.

He seemed angry, and with long strides, he reached them.

''What is this nonsense? How could you do this without informing me?'' he half-shouted to James.

Laurel was standing in surprise, not knowing this man and not understanding how he could speak with that tone to Alpha Campbell. However, in a matter of seconds, everything made sense.

Liz took a few steps forward and stood next to her brother, half-surprised half-afraid.

''Dad?'' she asked. ''What are you doing here?''

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