Part 41: The final act

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Nothing came out of her mouth, and no tear fell from her eyes.

Only her heart cracked one more time and laughed bitterly, for it was a fool to believe that the pain would finally stop.

Laurel extended her arm, brushing Zach's shirt with her fingertips and trying to grab it and bring his body closer.

She couldn't see his eyes because his face was looking in the opposite direction, but she had convinced herself that he was praying for her to save him.

"Laurel. . . . " the voice inside her said, but it didn't matter.

She kept trying. All she had to do was bring his body close enough and heal him. Zach's voice had to be heard again, and his black eyes had to smile one more time.

"I admire your spirit. Your father was always like that. Always hoping, always trying to avoid the inevitable."

She put pressure with her feet on the ground and tried to propel herself closer to Zach. Words had lost their meaning, and pain had stopped trying to form words or sounds.

"I'm here, Zachie," she said and finally grabbed his arm.

"He's dead," the woman's voice said.

A tiny spark of magic flew from her heart and traveled through her arm but suddenly stopped. Life had left his body, and her powers couldn't bring the dead back to life.

Her eyes, heavy as stones, were looking at the snowy scene, motionless.

"You could be the winner, but you chose to disobey me," the woman continued. "We would rule the world, but you failed to put your emotions aside. I don't blame you completely. I used to be like you. I used to hope, but then, life proved that no one can be trusted but myself. This is where you failed. You put too much hope in love, but look where that love led you to! They weren't strong enough to protect themselves, and they always needed you to be saved. Have you ever really thought of yourself? Have you wondered how your life would turn out if you stopped caring about them?"

Laurel hadn't moved but had heard every single word.

She couldn't use magic, and she was too weak to fight, but there was one last chance. When she had pushed herself from the ground, she had felt the little knife inside her boots. The first knife her father had given to her. If only her mother would come near enough. If only she was strong enough for one last move.

Laurel's time was ending. Her body was broken, her insides were bleeding, and no power was fast enough to stop it.

"I have," she answered her mother's question. "I could be safe and alive, without a broken heart."

The old woman smiled, believing that the girl had finally found common sense, even if it was too late.

"But living isn't about breathing. What would life be without colors, without light, without friends and love?"

A weak smile formed on her lips, and her eyes focused on Zach's body.

Her mother shook her head disapprovingly and bent her knees. She touched her daughter's face, and grabbing her chin, made her turn her head toward her.

"It's a wasted life. You want to live in pain. Then, that's what you'll have."

Laurel was seeing that her mother would move in seconds, and that was probably her last chance.

The woman removed her hand and started lifting her body from the ground.

Gathering every breath, every heartbeat, and every ounce of life left in her body, Laurel fell on her mother. The witch lost her balance, trickled due to her long dress, and fell lying on the ground. Due to Laurel's reflexes from the fifteen years of training, the knife was fast placed in her hand, and she let the weight of her body drag her to the ground and onto her mother's body.

The witch hadn't expected another attack, and her hands were buried in the snow as she was trying to get up.

A second had passed, but Laurel's body felt it was a century when she lined the knife with the heart and buried it deep into it.

The eyes of the enemy were staring in horror and surprise, and the lips that once laughed wickedly, now were open, letting the soul escape.

"It's over now."

Laurel closed her eyes, and her head fell hard on the chest of the woman who brought her to this world.

"Thank you for accepting me and letting me visit you." She highlighted the last words.

"When the Huntress sends a personal message saying that she has a treat for me. . . Well, I was curious. But I didn't expect that." The woman in black was standing in front of her. The silver crown on her head shining brighter than ever.

"Which part? That I would finally kill my mother or that I would make sure that she ended up here?"

Laurel's spirit had traveled to Irkalla to end the final part of her plan. That morning, before the news of Zach's abduction broke out, Laurel had contacted Ereshkigal. She didn't know if it was possible, but she focused all her thoughts on her and prayed that the queen of hell would accept her message.

"Both. Though the second one fascinates me more. I thought you were atoning for your past actions. Why go back to the days of revenge?"

Everything around them was black. They seemed to float in a lake of nothing, and yet, Laurel felt as if something was happening around her. Something that she couldn't see or listen to.

"This isn't revenge. It's my duty to protect the innocent and punish the unjust. Putting her here is the only way to secure that the souls of those she killed will rest in peace. I'm counting on you to keep her here forever."

"Don't worry. She's interesting enough to keep me, and my children entertained for a very long time." The woman didn't say anything for a few moments. "Will you visit us again? My children admire you, especially after your escape."

"No offense, but I don't have fond memories of your kingdom." She winked.

How had the times changed? A few years ago, she was a prisoner, and now she was dealing with the queen of Irkalla.

"I might tell you my story if you come again. It's a story of pain and broken hearts. I believe it's your cup of tea."

Laurel laughed at the joke. "I'll pass. Now, what? How do I leave? Do I have to return to my body and then travel to my final destination, or do I leave immediately?"

Ereshkigal looked at her curiously. "I want you to see something first. Let's call it a gift."

Without waiting for a response, she flicked her fingers, and the once dark surroundings turned into a forest. Beautiful, oak and pine trees filled the picture, and the burbling water of a nearby stream was heard.

Frowning and turning her lips in a half-smile, she waited for an explanation. Instead, Ereshkigal shrugged.

Soon a young man in his thirties appeared. He carried a bow and a few arrows, while silver knives were hanging from his belt. His hazel eyes were looking around, waiting for the next prey. His chest was bare, and he was wearing brown, woolen trousers and a pair of leather boots in a darker tone than the clothes.

"Dad." The word escaped effortlessly from her lips.

"He can't hear or see you. He's only a memory." Her voice was sounding as if informing about the weather: indifferent. However, her eyes carried longing and nostalgia.

She didn't care. Of course, she would love to talk to him again or run into his arms, but seeing him in front of her was a welcoming gift.

The man had the bow and an arrow in his hands, ready to attack the next animal that would appear in front of him. He was focusing on his surroundings when the rustle of the leaves a few meters away grabbed his attention.

Careful not to make his existence noticed, he followed the sound, and the two women followed along.

Curiosity overcame Laurel as she wondered why the queen would show that particular scene.

A woman was on the ground, in front of a pile of herbs. She was murmuring something, lost in her spell.

"Stand up!" the man ordered and aimed his bow at her.

She was wearing a long-sleeved green dress that matched her light brown hair. Her hard features softened when she faced the man.

He lowered his bow but remained alert. His eyes were glowing in understanding as he realized that, for the first time, he was the prey.

"What are you doing here alone?"

"I don't need protection if that's your concern. I would love to have some company, though. I haven't talked to a human for a long time."

"I'm not human," he blurted before he could stop himself.

She smiled, and her eyes glowed. Laurel remembered that look from when she was a toddler.

"I know. You are a werewolf. I met a few werewolves a few years ago. Your muscles are slightly different than the humans', and your ease at the forest is unprecedented."

He was looking at her in awe. "Who are you?"

"I believe that your people would call me your mate."

"I'll call you beautiful," he said, and the woman laughed for the first time in years.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Ethan."

The scene changed, and Laurel was back in the lake of darkness.

"Why did you show me that?"

"That's how your parents met. We both know how their story ended, but I wanted to give you some comfort. Once upon a time, your mother fell in love with your father. The darkness was already inside her, constantly eating her pain and dark thoughts, waiting to rise. Your mother remained sane because he was there."

"And then she killed him." The words came out fierce, accusatory.

"What I want you to remember is that no one is born evil unless you are a demon of course. Your parents didn't have a happy ending if one exists, but they shared love and good moments. But you must have what they couldn't keep."

"I'm dead," she said as her eyes got watery.

"You are broken, yes. But if you want to go back, you are free. I understand if you want to leave in peace and meet the ones you lost, but your people are waiting for you. I believe that many, great things are waiting for you."

"I lost my baby," she cried and put her hand over her belly.

"Oh, Laurel." The woman shook her head in disbelief and stepped forward, closing the space between them. "Haven't you learned your lesson? Love is power, and your love for this baby is enough to save it."

Laurel shallowed and stared at her in disbelief.

"While you are here, only a minute has passed in your world. You left your body, but a very, very tiny ounce of life is still there, waiting for you. It will never get easy, but I promise it gets easier. Go, save your child, and fight for your happy ending." She put her hand on Laurel's cheek and caressed it like a lost friend.

"Why are you doing this?"

The queen's eyes were now full of sorrow. A tiny, almost invisible, tear tried to escape in vain.

"I was very close to having my happy ending, but they took it from me. I lied before. It's not my children that admire you, but I. Go back, Laurel, and fight for the happy ending everyone tried to stole from you."

Laurel was crying, her lips trembling as she considered the proposal. It wouldn't be easy. Death and destruction awaited but also love and hope.

Her James was waiting; her sister was waiting. Her family was there. They all had scars that would never heal, but they had to try.

She was The Huntress, but now her duty was to save herself.

Wiping away the tears, she smiled and gave a final nod.

"I'm ready," she said.

Darkness filled her sight and then, a blinding light.

"Follow the light." Those were her father's words, and she would follow the advice.

Her name was Laurel Creed, and that was the beginning of a new world.

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