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Her cell was cold and dark, but she knew that before dawn, the fire would burn her body. Her arms were falling weak, and her once golden hair looked like straw. Someone wanted to tie her, but she could barely make a step.

Everything is worth it as long as my son lives, she thought, and the picture of the baby with the brown eyes warmed her face.

A tear fell on her hungry cheeks as she remembered his scent and his rosy cheeks. She curled on the ground and tried to calm herself.

Please, gods, stop this! Please... she pleaded, but her gods were silent. Her body spasmed, and the breeze entered the tiny window.

A tiny smile formed on her lips as she remembered the man she loved.

On a morning like this, he would wake up and kiss me. And then the forest would provide our food and joy. Take care of our son, my love. Make him happy.

She wiped her tears and tried to sit on the ground. An older woman with identical blue eyes entered the wooden cell.

"It's time," she said.

Her eyes were emotionless, and hard lines were formed on her forehead.

"Please, mother. Help me escape. I don't care about my powers, but I need to see and raise my son." She crawled and hugged the woman's feet.

"You chose this, Talia. You ran with that creature, and you decided to bear his child. Now bear the consequences."

"We didn't do anything wrong. I love him, mother."

The older woman made a sound of annoyance and moved her body, throwing her daughter on the ground.

"You cannot love a hunter, Talia. You cannot love those abnormalities. Now, get up. You were born a witch, and witches are proud."

Talia stopped her tears, and a bitter smile formed on her face. "You are right."

She stood up and tried to fix her dirty, green dress.

The mother left the small place first. Talia shallowed her pain and her pride and prepared to meet death.

She walked slowly but steadily. Her bare feet hurt from the small stones and branches on her path. A few witches led her through her final walk. Talia stumbled, and a girl with red hair tried to help her.

"I'm sorry," the girl muttered and turned her look away.

The men had gathered long branches at the center of their village, and the leader was already holding a stake with fire.

Talia looked at her mother, hoping for a sign of love but disappointed turned around. Most of her people were looking with disgust, anger, and a few were looking with fear.

Don't be afraid, Talia. One day, you will meet your love again. Until then, you'll know that you saved your son.

She stood in front of a tall, wooden pole as a man tied her wrists and her waist on it. She tried to make him look at her, but the young man avoided her piercing eyes.

"We are here today because Talia, the witch of fire, despite our laws, chose to live with that creature who calls himself The Hunter. Her punishment for that action and for giving birth to his child is death on the pyre."

Everyone was looking at their grey-haired leader, but Talia's eyes were focused on the forest that surrounded the village.

Don't save me. Run, my love. Save yourself, she said as she sensed his presence nearby.

The fire started to burn the branches, and the heat was already making her sweat. The flames circled her and started to touch her long dress. She was still looking at their eyes, trying to make them stop this.

"I did nothing wrong!" she screamed. "You will all pay for everything. The gods always listen. . . always." She said the last word quietly as if she was trying to convince herself.

The sky was violet and light blue.

A new day is here. And a new era will start.

She tried to stifle a cry as the flames touched her wrists and her legs.

A woman fell on the ground screaming, but Talia could no longer see or listen. Her own screams filled her ears, and the smell of her burning flesh created a pain so strong that she called death to take her.

The woman that had fallen on her knees started chanting with a black heart as if she had burned herself. "You will never find peace and happiness. Every place will be a prison for you, and no place will be your home. You will love deeply, and you will destroy those you love. Every time you try to escape, fate will tell you that you can never escape. Because your bloodline, hunter, will be cursed forever, and no heir of yours will be able to change their destiny."

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