I start a food fight

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I don't own Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan does

"Lieutenant Thalia!  You are back, I see!", Hunter says.  I walk into the silver mess tent, and sit down on a fluffy bear pelt, the spoil of war from a monstrous bear thing we hunted last month.  Reyna is right beside me, and I get my steak and sit down. 

I'm not sure what we're eating today, we eat what we hunt.  Unless it's a monster.  Most of those aren't edible.  Except the Kalydonian Boar, Artemis told us.  That was edible.  Message to everyone:  Don't ignore Artemis, or she might send the death pig after you.  We have one of it's tusks here, it's hanging from the wall in Artemis's tent.  Hey, Nadia!  Toss me that quiver!  It's broken, I gotta go fix it!", Stella says from behind me.  A quiver with a huge crack in it sails over my head and into Stella's outstretched hands.  Pearl, who's a naiad by the way, starts clapping.  Two dryads, Aspen and Birch, join in.  Soon, the whole tent is clapping. 

"Hey, what are we clapping for, Y'all are so tall, I can't see!", Scarlett says from the back.  She's really short.  She joined at eleven years old, in 1956.  We acquired a huge influx of girls in the fifties and sixties, Elizabeth told me once.  She was from the 1700s, and talked like it, too.  She died in the attack last year, but not before whipping Orion's sorry butt with two Amazons.  That explained all the retro names I guess.  I would hate to be a housewife too.  Anything is better than being a housewife.  I'd join in a heartbeat if I was in that time period. "Stella caught a quiver from across the tent!", Rowan, another dryad, says. "Wow!", Scarlett replies.

Most of the girls here are from when women had no rights at all, or when they were only supposed to be housewives, like in the fifties and sixties. A few mortal girls from Ancient Greece have survived, namely Adara and Helen

Artemis walks in. "Thalia, why was everyone clapping just now?", she asks, taking her seat across from me.  "My lady, everyone was clapping because Stella caught a quiver from across the tent.", I say.  "Oh, that quiver.  Give it to me if the damage is bad, we can go switch it for an Apollo boy's to make him mad.", Lady Artemis replies.  "Great idea my lady.  We shall switch it for the boy named Will Solace's.", Anne Harrington says.  She tried to learn modern English, and failed, so her sentences are a broken mix of 1600s and modern sayings and pronunciations. 

"We leave for Camp Half-Blood at sunset the day after tomorrow.  We will warn Chiron of our arrival, and so he can set up the honorary game of Capture The Flag.", Artemis announces.  She Iris Messages Chiron, who is in the middle of a heated argument with Mr. D about something. 

"Ahem.", Artemis coughs.  Chiron notices us.  "Hello Chiron.  I have called to warn you of the Hunter's arrival to Camp Half Blood at sunrise in about two days.  Please notify your campers, and since last time's incident, please remind your campers that no flirting is allowed, no matter how "cute" or "hot" the Hunter is!  I do not wish to make another Ares kid into an antelope!", she adds. "As you wish, Lady Artemis.", Chiron replies. 

I remember the incident.  A child of Ares named Eric, who is well known at camp for being a player and a cheater, decided that one of our older looking Hunters, Delilah, who looks 16 but is actually somewhere around 85, was the hottest girl in the world.  He wouldn't stop flirting with her or making dirty comments, and she kept ignoring him.  Artemis saw, and, defending her innocent Hunter, she snapped, and turned the boy into an antelope!  She sent some wolves after him, although she claimed that the wolves did it of their own free will.  I wouldn't blame them, either.  I'd rip him limb from limb if I had any less self control, for trying to steal our sweet, innocent Delilah from us! 

I start telling the story of something funny Percy did that visit, to Reyna, and the other girls around me.  "Percy had  just got back from fighting monsters all day, and one of them had a slow acting poison, so he was so tired and hallucinating that he thought the cow was a monster!  He drew his sword, looking like an idiot in front of the entire camp!  But when he swung like this-" I swung my fork, trying to imitate his action- "The blade hit a tree and-".  The piece of meat that was on my fork flew off of it and hit Lady Artemis, who had been laughing at Percy being stupid,  square in the face! 

"Oh, Thalia, you're gonna get it!", she says, swiping a piece of meat off of Reyna's plate, and throwing it at me.  I dodge, and it hits the Hunter behind me in the chest.  "Hey, watch your aim!", she says, not knowing who threw it.        She throws her food at me, but ends up hitting Reyna instead.  The situation devolves into a good fight after a whole steak, thrown by Artemis, hits Hunter Kowalski after Olive ducks to avoid it.    I duck to avoid the food, and end up bumping headfirst into Reyna, who was sneaking around with a whole plate of meat. 

"Shhhh.  I'm gonna go dump this on someone.", she says.  I follow her with my own plate.  I sneak around Adara's chair, and dump the whole thing on her.  The meat she was throwing at Jane misses it's trajectory, and hits Stella, who had just come back from painting the quiver gold so Will won't suspect it until he puts an arrow in it and it falls out.  Reyna dumps her plate on an unsuspecting Aspen, who was busy sabotaging Nadia's meat catapult she built.  Nadia is a daughter of Hephaestus, from the fifties.  She will be forever thirteen.  Luckily, periods are cancelled after you join.  Eternal PMS would suck. 

We leave the tent happy, and covered in meat and sauce.  "I have a lettuce leaf in my hair, don't I?", I ask Ruth, a daughter of Demeter.  We bathe in the plunge pool of a waterfall nearby.  It's icy cold, but part of the blessing of Artemis is resistance to heat and cold, within reason.  It's a relief, since we're camped out here in the Canadian Rockies.  We can't go to Alaska because Artemis can't go there.  Canada is plenty cold, though.  It's way less bad than the time we had to camp in the middle of the Sonoran desert though.  I almost got bit by a rattlesnake, and the heat was awful.  I like the cold better than the heat. 

We retire to the campfire, and I tell more stories of the idiots at Camp Half Blood. 

A/N.   I hope this story is good.  I found a good headcanon and decided to give it some backstory.   We'll see how Artemis's little prank goes later. 

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