Chapter 7

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It's been two weeks now since Violet came to visit her, and pissed her when fixing her old Tiger tank. Lilly would've gone back to work by now but through her head maid Yukiko glared at her and told her to rest, but during the two weeks Lilly decided to try transforming again, albeit surrounded by her maids and butlers just in case if she went berserk again. She also gave Yukiko and her head butler Walter both Glocks all with silver bullets as the ammunition.

Lilly believes she's some type of werewolf, if not something close to it. When Lilly tried transforming again she was somewhat in control, her eyes turned yellow and then consumed in black smoke and turned into a normal wolf that is all black. Lilly was somewhat in control but it was hard to control the baser instincts from taking over. After trying to fight for control Lilly transformed back into her human form, but Lilly did find something interesting. When she transformed her clothes weren't destroyed, she along with all her butlers and maids didn't really see anything when she morphed into a wolf because a large black cloud consumed her when going back and forth.

After a couple hours in the morning trying to control her wolf form Lilly decided to call it a day on training, if you can even call going from human to giant wolf training.

After going back inside Lilly went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and instantly downed it, Lilly noted that after repeated transformations she gets thirsty and a bit hungry fast. At least she knows that limit that she can remember for her new condition. As Lilly was about to try possibly a few more times today to get control of the feral side of her.

What's worse even if Lilly is sleeping she still battles for control in her own body and mind, she often has dreams where shes in a dark forest and prairie lands while low to the ground running at fast speeds with tribalistic chanting and howling. After those weird dreams she wakes up sweating, heavily breathing and eyes glowing yellow along with her teeth sharpened. That's what the maid that came in to help her what happened.

After reminiscing on her dreams Lilly downed another bottle of water and was about to head to the backyard to try again for control, she stared at her hand wishing she had some type of master to help her. Right now Lilly feels deep down to her core she feels almost alone, like she's the last of her kind like a Cetra that Jaune talked about finding in the Four Kingdoms while hiding there. She can't help but imagine what all those outsiders will think of him especially what they'll do to him. She imagined him coming back with a lot of girls, she chuckled a little and downed her water again while saying in her mind Jaune is a playboy but often doesn't know it since at times he can be a block head.

Lilly decided to head back to the backyard, there nearly all her maids and butlers were in a circle. Not to mention they're armed with shields, magical barriers and with revolvers with silver bullets her staff didn't want the sidearms handed to them but they had to agree. Because Lilly said if she goes berserk again she'd rather be put out of her misery if she managed to escape and cause some carnage in Arcadia, she doesn't want to hurt her own people not to mention if her friends are around she'd rather eat the bullets then harm them.

Her head maid Yukiko was in the middle of the circle, if Lilly were to go on a rampage Yukiko will handle her since she's a literal black dragon and she can handle anything that comes her way.

Yukiko: "Are you ready to try again ma'am?"

Lilly: "Yeah, I still need to at least try. I know it will take awhile but I need to get a grasp on... well whatever these powers are, and I don't want to be hindering her majesty or my team."

Yukiko: "I respect your taking this matter seriously, most people will try to deal with these types of matters later."

Lilly nodded and stood in front of Yukiko and closed her eyes and steadily breathing in and out. Then the head maid spoke quietly to her mistress.

Yukiko: "Remember ma'am, keep using my method of transforming, so far that's working."

Lilly nodded, Yukiko told her imagine her form changing to the forms that she was informed about, a wolf, Direwolf and an odd form where she's taller to seven feet along with having a set of wolf traits almost like she's a Faunus, Lilly had the ears and tail but also having long claws and sharp teeth with golden eyes.

Lilly focused on turning into the normal wolf first, starting small and slow then go up to the other forms she knows of. Lilly's eyes suddenly shot open and and black smoke consumed her and then all the servants went into battle positions but also hoping not to use the weapons their mistress gave them. As the smoke disappeared a black wolf was in their lady's place.

The wolf looked around and sat down. So far Lilly is feeling that need to go towards forest around her home and just run and hunt, but no she has to resist this urge to. Lilly stood up and looked around more opting to get used to this form. Lilly noted internally that she can hear almost everything around her and see farther than before when she was in her human form.

Yukiko: "Are you ok my lady?"

Lilly turns around and stares at her head maid and her tail wags then does a nod. Lilly thought this should be enough practice for now in her wolf form so she transforms back into her human form while sweating a little. Changing forms repeatedly tires her out for now.

Lilly: "Ok I think this should be enough for today."

Yukiko nodded and Lilly's maids and butlers went back to the house and do their duties for the house. Lilly decided to go to her home office and see the few letters on her desk, but before that Lilly would switch to more comfortable clothes like a long sleeved button up shirt, gloves and jeans. After the clothes change Lilly went to her Desk and saw the three letters, they were all from her families JROTC Academy and telling about things they needed and fixed along with finally the Dean wants to meet her for a few things.

But that will have to wait because Lilly's phone went off and saw the Shadows logo appearing on her phone, she knew that Juniper the Empress of Arcadia is needing her right now. Lilly quickly went to one of the paintings on a vacant wall, she took off the painting she saw the keypad, after punching in her code the wall opened and there was her armor and weapons. Lilly put on her armor record time and put on her shoulder cannon,

and combi stick on her lower back in its compact form,

then finally putting on her mask that covers her whole face, well only her mouth and eyes. This mask has different visions for any situation, a voice modulator and copier along with a recorder function and rebreather, for some intimidation it's reminiscent of a skull with glowing red eyes and can shoot out it's teeth designs from the mouth area.

After finally getting everything on she wrote a quick note to her head maid and butler that the Empress needed her. Then Lilly was gone from her office room and teleported to her Empress.

As Lilly teleports to her highness's office she appears right behind her sitting on her chair while working on some paperwork. As Juniper was focusing on paper she felt Lilly's presence behind her and stopped writing then smiling.

Juniper: "It's good you made it Lilly, are you in better health than before?"

Lilly then walked to the front of her boss's desk and lightly bowed.

Lilly: "I'm in good health after some rest, along with some training. So what is it you need of me Juniper?"

Juniper then shoved her papers to the side and clasped her hands on her desk while Lilly stood tall above Juniper awaiting orders.

Juniper: "Well I will cut to the chase Lilly, it's highly important."

Lilly: "Then tell me."

Said girl tilted her head awaiting orders. While Juniper felt like this might be a bit embarrassed but also think it's overboard but she can trust her shadows especially the captain of them Lilly.

Juniper: "W-well, it's a bit different than normal scouting or watching a target. I... well I want you to....go check on Jaune."

Lilly then raised an eye brow, honestly she wasn't expecting this. Truthfully she thought it was going to be an assassination on Black Arms operatives or something else entirely. But her to go check on her best friend and brother in arms and her son Jaune, it's definitely something she really didn't expect. Doesn't she ALREADY have a lot of spies that are in the Four Kingdoms already keeping eyes on him to keep him safe?! So why does she need Lilly for this overly simple mission?

Lilly: "Umm...... Really? I hate to say but Why would you need me for something incredibly simple?"

Juniper: "I know but..."

Lilly: "Not to mention we also have spies watching his every single move along with having a squad of Royal Guards in Beacon watching him."

Juniper: "I know! *sigh* Look I know that I don't need a shadow for this overly simple mission but means it's Jaune, I need you for this one."

Lilly: "Ok..."

Juniper: "Not to mention after everything that has happened to you, you can talk with someone you're close with. Think of this going to go see a friend while disguised as a mission."

Lilly then sighs and holds her forehead because this mission is like a small visit to see a friend but as a mission. But she hates that she has to go to the Four Kingdoms, the realm of the wretched Outsiders, she still doesn't trust people from the Four Kingdoms because of Nicolas Arc and a few others that got her hurt. Lilly's happy to have some revenge on him by severing his very head with her blades.

Lilly: "Ok I'll do this but I deserve some vacation because I need it to do something."

Juniper: "Is it related to what happened at home?"

Lilly then twitches a little then sighs.

Lilly: "Yes ma'am, I need to have time off to find out what the hell's going on with me..."

Lilly ten lifted her right hand and looked at it with worry because of what happened at her house earlier but also before she was captured and tortured, something like this happened before and she injured friends and grievously maiming one person.

Juniper: "I will allow that, you need to know what's going on with you and if you want to do it by yourself then that's fine by me."

Lilly nodded and decided to head out now but before she left she heard juniper say one more thing.

Juniper: "But please be careful Lilly."

Lilly nodded then quickly teleported away to the Shadows hanger and found a small one person ship the Yautja gave her as a congratulatory gift from completing from the elder along with her duo elite trainers that guided and trained her to the bone.

As Lilly entered the ship she put in the coordinates for Vale but more to the outskirts of the main city, mainly to keep her ship hidden and away from greedy hands. Lilly started the ship and took control of it and as it turned invisible it flew from Arcadia to Vale luckily it won't be long.

30 minute timeskip

As Lilly reaches Vale she sneers at some of the people below, she hates these outsiders, mainly because of Nicolas and others that seeded that hate. Along with a certain rose back in Arcadia who made a gigantic fool of herself and ruined her reputation by her own view of being a pretend hero that caused a lot of deaths and Lilly being heavily injured from her decisions.

With that out of the way Lilly landed on a nearby mountain on its ledge, as Lilly jumped out she was kneeling looking out below on the ledge where she landed. She growls and extends her wrist blades along with activating her plasma cannon. Before she would do something Lilly used magic and covered the ship with foliage and vines, she used her left gauntlet and open its computer function, she made the ship instead of being invisible it changed its coating to look more like a rock so all the vines and foliage would make sense instead then covering and invisible object.

Lilly: "Ok that should be good, now..."

After covering her ship Lilly did a small stretch for her arms and legs.

Lilly: "....Now let's get going."

Then she leaped to a branch and quickly ran from tree to tree heading straight to Vale and check on Jaune. As Lilly ran from tree to tree she stopped on one big branch and tested it by jumping up and down. Unfortunately it broke but Lilly wasn't damaged from her fall, all she did was a small jump forward and landed as is. Lilly turns to the branch and back at the tree.

Lilly: "Dam, even the trees are weak here. I fuckin swear everything must be weak here."

After that small moment Lilly decided to run on the ground but kept her invisibility on so she isn't seen and keeps her foot steps as silent as possible. After a long run Lilly came to Vale, the shadow captain leaped to a metal staircase and jumped to the roof and as she landed she saw two people on lawn chairs and drinking what looked like beer cans. She looked at them and considered them civilians on the roof just chilling and drinking. Well it is nice out she can mentally agree with that, but unfortunately Lilly has a mission to do. Lilly snuck up behind them and judo chopped their necks knocking them out, before Lilly would leave she situated them to where it looks like they passed out from drinking too much.

Lilly then leaped to another building and to another leading to Beacon, hopefully soon she can make it to Beacon fast and check on her childhood friend. She was doing well till she heard something will mid jump.

"Wait so where are you from fearless leader!?"

"Nora please.."

"Wait I'm curious, where are you from Jaune?"

"Well I'm from a well protected town and my family are it's protectors."

Lilly heard who she was looking for and she looked down.

Lilly: "Wait is that..."

Till Lilly's knees landed on the concrete railing of the building she was leaping to and she painfully yelped in pain along with losing her balance and rolling forward on the roof concrete and stopped into a skidding halt, face first.

Lilly layed there for a while making a quiet pain filled whine, her face isn't hurt or her body but it's her knees from hitting the concrete which hurts...... A Lot.

Lilly: "Fucking Owwwwie. Serpant is going to chastise me for this."

Lilly finally got up from her pain filled and held them while hissing in pain. Luckily the pain went away in a few seconds, this surprised Lilly because this would hurt for the whole day but it looks like the pain went away, but right now she has a mission to do. She looks back down on the street and her target Jaune wasn't there but farther down the road. Lilly ran and leaped to the next four buildings and caught up with Jaune and his Beacon team. And it seems he found who he's looking for, Lie Ren and that orange haired girl, she's the last Cetra on the planet and she needs to be taken back to Arcadia to be kept safe, or else she's captured by Black Arms or corrupted by these outsiders and turned into a vile person. Lilly also saw another red head around him, Lilly slyly smirks under her mask.

Lilly: "Wherever he goes a red head girl will latch onto him Hehehehe that ol Arc charm at work."

She won't be surprised if almost all the girls at Beacon will flock to him, Lilly saw what armor that Jaune is wearing. Luckily it's strong but not crazy enough to attract attention so the armor looks normal. It looks like a modern knight theme with all the armor keeping it's steel color but all the cloth under armor, the scarf and cape is all black.

She continues to watch them and she can tell Jaune is doing well albeit in a nest of snakes composed of all Outsiders.

As Lilly continues to watch the group Lilly accidentally kicked a stone next to her foot. She doesn't know why but Lilly smiled widely, if you can see her face she's smiling mischievously ear to ear to where it looks fucking creepy. Lilly then goes over to the next building where the group is at where it looks like a cafe, she leaps to the building and luckily she's directly above them. Lilly took the stone she found and it wasn't too big to cause damage but it was the size of her fist so it will annoy Jaune, he has a helmet on so he won't worry about physical damage but all she wants to do is mess with Jaune. Make his day more interesting and funny for Lilly herself. Lilly held the stone out and aimed it where it would land on his head and probably ring his bells, means it's a helmet it'll also affect his ears. So a win for Lilly here.

Lilly aimed the stone while smirking.

Lilly: "Prepare for your clock to be clinked lover boy.~"

Lilly then dropped the small stone and once it landed it made a loud bang then Jaune "Ow! Fuck!" Lilly ducked back behind the railing quietly laughing away under her helmet, luckily her helmets sealed so no one can here her crazy laughter or else she'd be found out.

After awhile she saw Jaune's friends helping him out with the rock that hit him in the head, Lilly thought of something, maybe she'll change clothes really quick and go talk to him for awhile. She hasn't talked to him since he left, so now she'd be able to talk to her best friend for awhile before heading back to Arcadia and do some research into whatever she is.

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