14. Ursa Major

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Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters they all belong to Rick Riordan and Greek Mythology

I rose early the next morning and started a fire. Knowing that my sisters will want to set out to search for Orion as soon as they can after the close call yesterday. As I suspected everyone began emerging from their tents, a clear look of vengeance in their eyes. A they all sat down and began eating they all talked in hushed voices. As I walked around I heard snippets of conversations that suggested punishments that befit Orion's actions, consolation of the younger hunters after they were slightly frightened by yesterday's events. Eventually everyone was ready and we followed Artemis as she tracked Orion.

We had been walking for many miles and the sun was high in the sky with no luck. One of the hunters suddenly heard a rustling sound off to our left. Once she pointed it out we all shook off our sluggishness and snapped into a defensive formation, prepared for Orion; what we got was only slightly less dangerous but a lot more sane. A large grizzly leaped from the bushes.

It jumped at our tight group, jaws open, ready to destroy anything in its way. "Scatter," I yelled. We all dove in different directions as the bear landed where we had been gathered. It looked around before spotting a group of younger hunters, they had only been part of the hunt for about 1-2 years. The bear advanced on them. They were all fumbling for their bows and daggers as they were still unexperienced compared to others who had been part of the hunt for at least a century. As the bear kept going for them they shot at it but they did nothing to hinders its progress, it would snap the arrows like twigs and they would bounce of its hide as if it was wearing armour. "This must be Callisto," Artemis called out to us. "She is a past huntress, but watch out she is almost invulnerable, we have to find a weak spot."

As we were all planning on what to do we heard a scream. We had forgotten about the new huntresses in danger, Phoebe ran at the bear and tackled it. It flew to the side from her momentum. She quickly scrambled away from the bear getting as far away as possible before it turns on her...unfortunately she doesn't get far away enough and her parka is grabbed in its mouth. I yell out to her and she turns and, slashing at its nose. It roared in pain and released her hood. I ran in and grabbed her and helping her to safety.

We all quickly formed a circle on Artemis's command. We drew our bows and aimed at the bear hoping to find a weak spot, a chink in its armour. We shot at Callisto but nothing was happening, except her getting more agitated. "Wait," I called out. All the hunters turned to me with confusion evident in their features. "Maybe, it's like the Nemean lion, someone try to shoot at its mouth." So the shooting resumed and a hunter got a lucky shot in the mouth and while it did seem to cause pain rather than annoyance she there were no fatal wounds; we were back to square one.

After ages, our quivers were running low, our energy was decreasing and there had been many more close calls where the bear got in a lucky strike. Just before I was going to call a retreat there is a flash behind us and I see Lady Artemis and Hera. They look to be planning and I am about to question before Artemis calls for us to stand down. We all do but keep a firm grip on our bows. Artemis then starts chanting and Callisto roars in pain and glows silver.

That goes on for a few minutes and when she is finished Hera looks pleased. "She is no longer immortal and you will be able to kill her, so please do so quickly," Hera said before flashing away. We all quickly got our bows at the ready and taking no chances we all shot. She immediately went down, blood pouring from many wounds. Artemis quickly rushes forward and quickly begins chanting again. The next things I see is the bears body disappearing and a new constellation appearing in the sky. "She deserved it," Artemis said. Upon seeing our confused looks she elaborated, "Callisto seduced by Zeus and in her jealous rage Hera turned her into a bear, however Zeus made her immortal. Hera came and told me to kill her and then how to, however know she will live on in the stars as I don't blame her for her mistake." We all still had many questions but decided to keep them to ourselves and we set up camp to replenish our energy after that long stand-off/ fight.

Hey everyone,

I know I haven't updated since the holidays but term 3 is so hectic because it seems like the one with the most work and I am going for my flute exam so I've been doing a lot of practice on that. I've had this idea under construction for pretty much the past 3-5 weeks but have only managed to do little bits at a time. This is based on two things, the actual Greek myth for Ursa Major, barely any fact though and something Zoe says in the Titan's Curse implying she's fought Ursa Major and Artemis turned it into a constellation. Give any constructive criticism on this chapter,


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