3. Becoming a Hunter

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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters they all belong to Rick Riordan and Greek Mythology.

It has been two weeks since I ran from my home. Two weeks since my family disowned me. Two weeks since I had my heart broken by him. I am constantly running and hiding from monsters and mortals alike. I am currently hiding in the branches of a large tree catching my breath after being chased by a few dracaena and a couple of hellhounds when I hear a rustle. I look down and groan. There are the two hellhounds I didn't manage to kill.

They started leaping at the lower branches and I retreat further up the tree. The monsters start shaking the flimsy tree and I lose my grip and slip down a bit. The hellhounds obviously notice the small victory and shake the tree harder. I drop down even further until I'm within jumping distance for them. I try to think of how to escape and come up with an idiotic plan.

As the hellhound jumps up again I take a breath and use its head as a springboard and jump a few metres away from the tree. I swivel around and draw my dagger before the monsters can figure out where I've gone. One runs at me and I swing at it, striking it on the flank. I watch a the satisfactory sight of it bursting into gold dust. Unfortunately, my distraction cost me. The other hound crept up behind me and sunk its teeth deep into my leg. I screamed in pain and collapsed.

Trying to drag myself away from the hellhound with a now bloody maw I screamed again, a loud, piercing scream to convey my pain. I couldn't get away fast enough. The hellhound jumped on top of me, its teeth, dripping in my blood, mere inches away from my face.. I screamed in frustration. I struggled to move but I wasn't strong enough to escape the hellhound.

Just as I was about to give up a voice called out, "Leave her alone, you mutt." The hellhound growled and turned towards the new voice, relieving me of its weight. The hellhound growled again and shifted a little. I saw my hero but it wasn't what I expected. I saw a girl, about twelve, with flowing auburn hair and silver eyes. She also wore a silver hunting outfit of a parka and pants, she was sporting a silver bow that was aimed right at the monster. She noticed me and told me to move. I did, or at least tried. Before I got too far my leg gave way and I collapsed to the ground. The girl cried out for me as the hellhound leapt at me. It was almost upon me when a silver arrow sprouted from its back and it exploded into dust, all over me.

I just sat there trying to brush the dust of when she addressed me, "Are you alright did that mangy mutt hurt you?"

"I am fine," I told her, grimacing in pain. "Who is thee?" I asked curious.

"Good and please my name is Artemis." My eyes widened, how had I not realised earlier. Silver, good with a bow of course it was Lady Artemis, the maiden goddess of the hunt and the moon. I knelt, "Milady."

"You recognize me?" she asked obviously taken a back

"Yes Milady," I told her, "I am Zoe nightshade, the disgraced and disowned fifth Hesperide."

"It is nice to meet you Zoe. Why were you disowned though?"

"I helped Heracles complete his final labour, therefore turning on my family but he left me when I needed him so now I have nowhere to go and I have been constantly running," I told the goddess, only giving her the short version.

"Very well, you can come with me to my camp," she offered.

"Thank you Milady." Artemis left the clearing and I trailed behind her.

We had been walking for a while before I heard voices, all feminine. Artemis just strode right into the camp and called out to everyone there. All the residents at the camp came over and I realised who they were, the legendary Hunters of Artemis, the girls group that swore of men to serve Artemis. They all came and introduced themselves, their names blurring together. Finally after all the forty to fifty girls introduced themselves Artemis gestured for me to enter a silver tent. I excused myself from the enthusiastic welcome and walked over.

"Zoe?" lady Artemis asked.

"Yes, Milady," I responded. Artemis looked nervous.

"Well, you've obviously had some bad experiences with men, and the girls like you so would you like to become a hunter?" She asked rushing slightly towards the end. I sat there comprehending her words. Then it sunk in.

"Thee is asking me to join the hunt?" I asked disbelieving.

"Yes, I am, that way you can't be hurt by a man like Heracles again, and you'd get partial immortality." I considered this and decided I would join. "Sure Milady, I would love to join."

"Great," Artemis exhaled, "now say the oath." I was confused, what oath, then from nowhere words came and I said them, "I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. Turn my back on the company of men. Accept eternal maidenhood and join the hunt."

"I, Artemis, the goddess of the moon and the hunt accept your oath." Artemis said. All of a sudden, I felt stronger and time seemed to move slower. "Welcome to the hunt, Zoe Nightshade, the fifth Hesperide." I smiled, I know have a new family, one that I definitely won't betray. I left the tent to go and talk to my new sisters.

Hey  everyone.  Sorry I haven't updated in two weeks but here is chapter 3.  The  good news is it is holidays so hopefully I'll be able to update a lot in the next few weeks.  Still open to any tips and thanks to anyone reading this story.


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