Chapter 3: Mann. CO

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It was morning in the badlands as the sun is rising from the hill of the hot desert. Both teams, RED and BLU are now doing their daily morning routine activities.

In the house of Red Team, the RED Team are seen doing different activities at 7:30 in the morning.

RED Sun is outside doing his daily jogs around the house, whilst listening to his IPod, who RED Aiden made for him.

RED Jaune is seen setting up the American Flag outside in front of house while singing something about America and democracy.

RED Cardin is at the kitchen and is at the moment making a Sandvich, while RED Lewis is seen cooking Bacon with his chef hat on and RED Jacob is at the living room watching a show called "Winglet".

RED Azure is at the backyard where a makeshift target practice range is taken place as he is seen improving his sniping skills. RED Aiden is at his workshop making some experiments on the teleporter with the use of bread and with the help with his friend RED Gavin.

And lastly RED Neptune is at his laboratory/medical room as he checks his fridge for any spare organs left for his experiments later for Cardin or Jaune and with his Pigeons on the sidelines watching.

"Hm... I'm almost out of organs..." RED Neptune said as he places his hand under his chin while he hums, "...perhaps I should ask my BLU-look alike if he has some to spare... if he doesn't shoot me with a syringe of course..."

RED Neptune gets up and closes the fridge before he made his way out of Laboratory and went to Aiden's workshop and grabs Gavin's Dead Ringer.

"Gavin, I'm going to vorrow your Dead Ringer for a vhile, bye" RED Neptune said, to which RED Spy just shrugs and continues helping his friend, as RED Neptune made his way down stairs and left the house, from the Red team's house to the BLU Team's house so he could ask for some spare organs from his BLU-Counterpart.

~BLU Team House~

At the Blu Team's House, the BLU Counterpart Part of Neptune is seen walking out of his Laboratory with a news paper on his hand.

As he walks by he sees outside in the backyard is BLU Soldier Jaune playing poker with BLU Lewis as Blu Jacob is busy burning some training dummies with his flame thrower.

BLU Neptune shrugs and walks to the kitchen and sees BLU Azure reading VNN newspaper before drinking his coffee, BLU Aiden is eating his breakfast and BLU Gavin is reading a magazine about knives.

Then he notices two people missing.

"Hey Guys..." BLU Neptune said catching everyone in the room's attention, "vhere's Sun and Cardin?"

BLU Aiden then pointed at Sun's room, "Head left..."

BLU Neptune's looks where he was pointing at and hears the muffled voices of BLU Cardin and BLU Sun inside Sun's Room.

"I should have done this long ago!" BLU Cardin's angry muffled voice is heard inside BLU Sun's room.

"No wait! Cardin pal, it's just a Sandvich! You can just make another! Oh... wait, what are you doing with that? Oh Oum! Oh Oum! WAIT! No...No Nononono!" BLU Sun's muffled voice pleads.

Then a loud crash is heard inside the Faunus' room, making everyone winced followed by BLU Sun's muffled scream of Agony.


An Icon then shows this.

Then the door opens revealing BLU Cardin with BLU Sun's crushed corpse in the back.

"Never TOUCH my Sandvich!" BLU Cardin threatened, before heading back to his room while everyone stared.

There was silence until it was broken by BLU Neptune.

"Vell... that was something..." BLU Neptune commuted.

"I agree with ya mate..." BLU Azure nodded before taking a sip to his coffee.

Just then BLU Sun respawned, very ticked-off that Cardin killed him again... like the hundredth time...

"Ugh... that guy and his stupid Sandvich!" BLU Sun said annoyed.

"Vell Sun you should know when not to eat his Sandvich since he clearly left note saying 'DO NOT TO EAT CARDIN'S SANDVICH' in the fridge..." BLU Neptune pointed out.

"He can make another one! He makes like hundreds of them every single day!" BLU Sun retorted, as BLU Neptune sighed and thought.

'Be lucky Sun, that Cardin is much better and nicer than the racist prick he used to be in Beacon Academy, and that was years ago...' BLU Neptune thought.

Then the door bell rings which got BLU Neptune out of his thoughts, curious on who is at the door, Sun goes down stairs to answer it. When Sun arrived on the ground floor and opens the door, to his surprise it's RED Neptune.

"Guten Morgen Sun," RED Neptune greeted and says, "I come here to speak to my BLU look-alike for a favor."

BLU Sun just shrugs and goes upstairs to get BLU Neptune.

"Hey up Nep, your RED look-alike wants to ask you a favor!" Sun informed as he went lay down on the couch.

BLU Neptune was surprise by this and wary, so he goes down stairs to see his RED-Counterpart. As BLU Neptune arrived, as he downstairs both Medics greets each other.

"Guten Morgen Neptune!" RED Neptune greeted, with wave.

"Guten Morgen Neptune!" BLU Neptune greeted back before asking, "Now vhat is it you vant to ask for?"

"Oh, I vas vondering if you have any Organs to spare since I need zhem for my experiments later with Jaune and Cardin."

"Oh ja! I zhink I have some... right here!" BLU Neptune said, as he grabs something from behind.

Before RED Neptune could react, In one swift motion his throat was slits by BLU Neptune, as he falls on ground on his own pool of blood, dead.

Followed by an Icon saying.

"Did zat sting? SAW-ry!" BLU Neptune punned as he laughs manically.

Just then BLU Lewis calls out to his team from the kitchen.

"Oi mates! Bacon is ready!"

BLU Neptune's eyes lit up from that and his stomach grumbles.

"Oh! Zat sounds delicious!" Neptune closes the door behind him before heading towards the kitchen.

Unbeknownst to the BLU Medic, over the "dead" corpse of RED Neptune, the real RED Neptune materializes out of his invisibility with a Dead Ringer in Hand.

"Vell, Zhat happened..." RED Neptune sighs in disappointment, and looks down at his fake corpse before speaking,

"...Vell! Off to ze black market!" RED Neptune said joyfully as he returns to RED Team's House.

~Back at the RED House~

Shortly after RED Neptune's unfortunate offer to his returns to the RED House, where RED Lewis is seen finishing

"Oi mates! Bacon is ready!" RED Lewis announces as RED Cardin is helping RED Lewis prepare the tables.

"Finally! Breakfast!" RED Jacob said in relief as he standing up from the couch and turning off the TV.

Before he would make his way to kitchen he peeks out of the window and calls out for both Jaune, who is still at the moment struggling to set up the American flag, and RED Sun who is returning back from his morning jogs.

"Hey guys! Breakfast is ready!" Jacob calls out to them before making his way to the Kitchen.

"Aw sweet!" Sun said excited, but a certain Rocket man is not coming.

"Breakfast can wait! I have a flag to set up! FOR AMERICA!" Jaune shouted as he struggles to set up the American Flag.

RED Sun gives RED Jaune a 'Are you fucking serious' look, "Dude, the flag can wait come on its breakfast!" Sun urged, however the patriot is too stubborn.

"NO! THE FLAG MUST BE RAISE AND NO ONE CAN'T STOP ME!" Jaune shouted, still struggling to set up the American Flag.

"...Idiot..." Sun shook his head before he pulls out his baseball bat from his duffle bag and walks up behind the RED Soldier as he continues to grunt trying to raise the American Flag.

"Almost... there!" RED Jaune said, as he succeeds in raising the American Flag, "...there much bet-"


RED Jaune then fell on the ground dizzy with RED Sun behind him.

"Good, you finally fricking raised the American Flag! Now get inside!" RED Sun annoyed and he uses his tail to drag him by the foot.

"Ugh... Democracy does not feel pain! But I do...ow..." RED Jaune groans in pain.

"Oh shut up already..." RED Sun said, continuing to drag him into the house.

As RED Sun entered the kitchen with RED Jaune behind his tail (pun intended), he sees that everyone is at the table as he took his seat along with Jaune, who was no longer stunned.

"I will beat you up for doing that to me!" RED Jaune threaten

"Oh shut up Soldier-boy, you were wearing a helmet!" The Faunus retorted.

RED Lewis then place the plate of Bacon on the table as everyone begins getting a piece of Bacon before they start eating the Bacon the Demoman.

"What do you lads think eh?" The RED Demoman asked his comrade, wondering how they like the foo.

RED Jaune wipes his mouth, "Delicious!" He said in delight.

"Hehe yah!" RED Sun agreed before taking another bite of the bacon.

"Lewis is credit for Team!" RED Cardin praised, patting his comrade's back.

"Thanks mate!" Lewis said, appreciating the praise.

Just before Aiden could take a bite, a thought came in mind.

"Wait a minute!" Aiden said, "Where did you exactly these bacons?"

The engineer of RED Team asked, which caught everyone's attention.

"Didn't we ate all the bacon last night? Also I do not recall you going to the grocery last time."

Lewis' widen his eyes slightly and sweat a little as a thought came to his mind.

~Flashback: last night~ (WARNING: This Flashback is a Reference to a SFM called "Secret Lives Part 2")

Lewis is seen in the kitchen with his chef hat on, a butcher knife and cutting board on the kitchen table, and RED Neptune's medi-gun on the side.

He took a drink from his scrumpy before grabbing a butcher knife and raise it over his left arm and he winces when he brought the butcher knife down, chopping his left arm off.

He grabs the Medi-gun and points it at his missing arm as the beam from the Medi-gun regenerates his arm.

It then transitions to Lewis then grinding his severed arm into the a grinder, before putting the grind meat inside the fridge and closes the door.

~Flashback Ends~

"Uuummmm..." RED Lewis sweats nervously before answering, "...I bought them..."

The rest of RED Team took a glance at each other before shrugging as they continue to eat their breakfast, while RED Lewis sighs in relief.

Before RED Sun could take a bite from his bacon, a raccoon then hops on top his head and snatches it.

"Hey! What the-?!" RED Sun then tries to grab the Raccoon on the his head, but the Raccoon hops off his head before the Faunus could catch him.

"Hey! Get back here you little rodent!" RED Sun glares at the Raccoon, who just ran on top of RED Jaune's head with its stolen bacon, as his teammates around the RED Faunus chuckle or laugh at the RED Scout's misfortune.

RED Sun groans before glaring at the Rocket man of the team.

"Soldier, next time put that pet rodent of yours in a cage! I mean seriously?!" RED Sun comaplained, to which the Raccoon hissed at him.

"Ha! You should see the look on your face Monkey boy! Lieutenant Bites just ate your breakfast! HAHAHA!" RED Jaune laughed.

"Oh yeah?! Why won't it come here and say that to my freaking fa-" then the Raccoon latched onto his face as RED Sun is now seen trashing around screaming.

"AAAAAAAHHH! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! HELP!" RED Sun screamed, trying to get the Raccoon off his face as everyone in his team were laughing at the display.

"Hehehe, that's what you get!" RED Aiden chuckled.

As the rest of RED Team continues to watch RED Sun struggling to get the Raccoon off his face, a phone rings.

This immediately caught everyone's attention, except the monkey Faunus. RED Azure then made his way to the telephone and answered it.

"G'day..." RED Azure said as he listened to what the caller is telling him, "Uhuh? Yeah... alright mate, I will tell the rest of the guys."

RED Azure hung up the phone and looks at his team, "Oi mates it's from Mann. CO, it seems mister Hale has a Job for us!"

"What!?" Lewis exclaims, "b-but it's Saturday! Shouldn't we have a day-off during weekends!?" He complained.

"I believe whatever Mister Hale is giving us is important, it's not everyday that Mister Hale requests a meeting for both teams during a weekend." RED Gavin before puffing a cigarette.

"Da, this must be important..." RED Cardin agreed.

The Raccoon stops latching on the Faunus' face and runs away to RED Jaune's room. RED Sun groans in annoyance and stood up.

"Ugh... I hate that thing!" RED Sun complained.

"Hey, Atleast it vasn't Jacob's pet bread..." RED Neptune said reminding the RED Scout of the mutated bread.

To which RED Sun shudder of that thought.

"Come on men! Let's go while Lieutenant Bites and his comrades defends our base!" RED Jaune said gesturing to the Raccoon and it's other pack members, before running outside where the Azure's Camping Van is located.

"Soldier, vait! Ve're not yet ready!" RED Neptune calls out for the RED Soldier.

~Small Timeskip~

After RED team were prepared and ready to head to Mann. CO in Azure's Camping Van, RED Lewis then looks over across the road and spots their BLU-Counterpart doing same thing.

"Oi mates, look!" RED Lewis pointed to which his team looks at the direction where the RED Demoman was pointing at. They see BLU Team doing the same thing, preparing their vehicle to go to Mann. CO.

Gavin looks at the BLU Team in suspicion, "It seem we're not the only ones going to Mann. CO..."

"You got that right mate..." Azure said narrowing his eyes at their BLU-Counterparts, before he enters into the the driver's seat, "...We'll worry about that later, come on now mates, let's go!"

"Sir yes sir!" Jaune said before entering the backside of Camper Van. As he entered the van, a though came in mind.

"Hey Lewis, remember the time you got yourself killed with that Stick Grenade?" RED Neptune laughed at the incident.

"Please don't remind us..." RED Lewis said annoyed, while RED Jaune grumbled, both remembering RED Lewis' first use of the Ullapool Caber.

~Flashback: Months after RED/BLU Lewis was accepted to Mann. CO.~

At 2Fort, RED Lewis and RED Jaune are seen having a conversation with each other, after the matched ended with a BLU Victory.

"I told them that 'I do not tolerate failure on my team!" And guess what?! We failed!" RED Jaune grumbled by the loss.

"Aye, we'll get 'em next." RED Lewis reassured his friend.

Then a ring and vibration from his pocket caught his attention, he pulls out his iPhone, which was given and created by RED/BLU Aiden, and sees that Mr. Hale's assistant is calling him.

RED Lewis then answers his IPhone, "Hello?"

"Demo, its your Liver!" A Feminine voice said from the IPhone.

"What!?" RED Lewis panicked a bit, but soon laughter can be heard from the iPhone.

"I'm kidding, it's Mr. Hale's assistant." The Mr. Hale's assistant laughed, "If I was your liver, I'd just be screaming."

"Oh... very funny..." RED Lewis grumbled, while RED Jaune is laughing on the background.

"Anyways, nice work! You completed your contact!" She congratulated.

"Huh?" He said confused as he grabs something from his pouch, and pulls out a contract.

"Oh! Now I remember!" RED Lewis said, remembering that he accepted a contract before the match started.

"Good! And here you go! Enjoy!" She then hangs up as a plane flies by and drops a crates which descends from a parachute.

RED Lewis eagerly grabs the crate and sets it down infront of him with RED Jaune standing behind.

"So what was your reward?" RED Jaune asked.

"It's something called an Ullapool Caber... I don't know what it looks like, but we have to see.." RED Lewis said as he opens the top of the crate, and looks on what is being contained inside the crate.

RED Lewis and RED Jaune raised an eyebrow on what is inside the crate. What's inside is a Stick Grenade, or known as 'Ullapool Caber'.

"Sweet Mother of Joseph! It's a Stick Grenade!" RED Jaune observed, adjusting his helmet slightly to have a better view.

"Stick Grenade?" RED Lewis questioned, as he grabs the Ullapool Caber from the crate as his friend explained.

"Yeah, a Stick Grenade! From what Mr. Doe told me, this Grenade was used during WW2 by Nazi Germany!" RED Jaune explained.

"But why would was this called 'Ullapool Caber'?" RED Lewis asked confused by the name.

"I don't know..." RED Jaune shrugs.

RED Lewis looks back at the Stick Grenade in wonder, "Hm... I wonder..." He said as he slightly taps the side of the Wall with the Ullapool Caber then...

Then it exploded killing both RED Lewis and RED Jaune, followed with icons saying.

And those who witness the incident, like RED Neptune, RED Sun, RED Jacob and RED Cardin burst out laughing at what happened.

"HAHAHA! They got dominated by a vall! HAHAHA" RED Neptune laughed

"HAHAHA! OH MY GOD! I C-CAN'T BREATH!" RED Sun laughed on the floor clutching his sides.

Jacob is also laughing alongside his comrades from what happened. Though his voiced is muffled because of the Mask.

"MHA!MHA! Mmphm mhmpm mhpmm!" RED Jacob said muffled while laughing.

~Flashback Ends~

The rest of RED Laughed at the memory, while RED Jaune and RED Lewis grumbled.

"Let's go to Mann. CO already!" RED Jaune grumbled, as he enters the Passenger seat of the Camper Van, while the rest followed.

~With BLU Team~

As the BLU Team has everything packed up, BLU Azure looks across the road and spots their RED-counterpart from his driver seat.

"Hey mates, look over 'ere..." The BLU Sniper informs, as the rest of the BLU Team looks over to where BLU Azure is pointing at, they see the RED Team doing the same thing as them.

"It would seem our RED look-alike is informed to go to Mann. CO aswell..." BLU Aiden concluded.

"Indeed my comrade, I vonder what Mr. Hale need for RED Team if he informed us only..." BLU Neptune questioned.

"We will have to see when we reach Mann. CO, this probably might be something important." BLU Jacob said, before putting on his gas mask.

"Atleast we are using a car instead of Jaune's stupid idea..." BLU Sun groaned, remembering BLU Jaune's stupid idea on going to Japan.

"That Plan was Full-Proof and you know It!" BLU Jaune retorted.

"You literally tried to mail us to Japan inside a box! A BOX!"

"And you also crashed my truck into a tree!" BLU Lewis added, annoyed by the fact his Truck was destroyed.

"And also ze fact zhat you Diagnose Sun with..." BLU Neptune snickered before speaking, "...Boxphobia!" He then laughed.

"Screw you Nep!" BLU Sun grumbled.

"Hey Atleast we helped Lewis win the Golden Frying Pan! That's good enough for the entire trip!" BLU Jaune countered.

"How vas me being arrested at TeuFort a good thing!?" BLU Neptune exclaims.

~3rd POV~

As both teams have entered their vehicles, they soon drove towards their destination, Mann. CO itself. The drive to Mann. CO is about 1 hour and 30 minutes, which both teams tend to wake up around 4:30 in the morning to be prepared.

Usually at some situations like this, they would fall asleep throughout the entire trip until they reach their destination, but at some rare cases, when both RED and BLU vehicles drove by each other, it would up something like...

"I JOINED THIS TEAM TO KILL MAGGOTS LIKE YOU!" RED Jaune shouted throwing insults at his BLU-counterpart, with his head peeking out on the Camper Van window.

At some rare cases both teams would throw insults at each other when both of their Vehicles are close to each other.


"The burning you feel?! IT'S SHAME!" BLU Cardin mocks the Red Team.



"MMPHMM!" RED Jacob insults his BLU Counterpart.

"May I borrow your Earpiece?!" BLU Gavin then starts mimicking RED Sun in a mocking way, "This is Sun Wukong! Boxes makes me cry! Over! HAHAHAHA!"

"You are an embarrassment to Spies everywhere!!!" RED Gavin insults BLU Gavin.

"May I add my second opinion! YOU ARE ALL SO UGLY!" RED Neptune shouted.

After throwing nonstop insults and mockery to each other, mercenaries finally arrived at Mann. CO.

"Hey guys, you can stop now, we're here..." BLU Aiden informed his team whilst RED Aiden did the same.

Before everyone got out of the Vehicle, they check if they have left something behind, but none.

"Alright losers, lets go-AAAH!" RED Sun yelped and leaping onto RED Cardin's arms when someone shot on the ground next to him.

"Uh.... What da hell was dat crap!?" RED Sun said, before jumping off Cardin.

"I think he was the one responsible for that..." BLU Aiden pointed.

Everyone then looks at the direction where the BLU Engineer pointing at, they figure at the entrance with Mini-Sentries guarding door way.

"Oh... it's him..." RED Aiden said with narrow eyes.

The shadowy figure revealed himself to be is Mr. Hale's Bodyguard, and he has the combination of both a Spy and Battle Engineer. He wears Rouge's Robe and Dashin' Hashshashin. For his Spy loadout, his revolver is a Diamondback, and he has an arsenal of knives, such as Spy-cicle, Sharp-dresser, and stock. He also has a Dead Ringer and electro-sapper with him. For his Engineer loadout, he wields the Frontier Justice, a revolver known as Big Tex, and a wrench known as the Gunslinger.

He is known as Terran Val, the Bodyguard of Mr. Hale. And the only member of Mann. CO to ever be both a combination of both the Engineer class and Spy Class.

"Hahahaha! I'm sorry Sun, I thought you have boxphobia, not bullets!" Terran Val mocked.

"Ugh, Screw you!" RED Sun groans.

"Not until I put you in a coffin first!" The Bodyguard threaten sadistically, making RED Sun yelped.

"Uhh... I can't tell if that was your sadistic personality or your other personality.

Sometimes Terran Val likes to annoy the Mercenaries just for laughs.

"Hehe, anyways go in, I've been informed that Mr. Hale ha called you in fro something..."

"Yeah Whatever..." RED Sun said nonchalantly, not liking the attitude of the Faunus, he fires another bullet which hits close to his toes, making the poor Faunus Yelp.

"AH!" RED Sun yelped.

"A predator can do as they please on their own territory, but on the territory of another they must hold respect or else..." Teren riddled.

"Uh yeah, I get it! Show respect I get it!" RED Sun said nervously before he and the rest of the mercenaries entered the building with Terran following behind.

As they enter the Mann. CO building they are met with Mr. Hale's assistant, who is at the moment doing some paper work for Mr. Hale and writing something on her clipboard.

She has lightly tanned skin, indigo hair brushed over to her left side, and olive eyes. She performs a number of duties including reporting unusual background checks, ordering and delivery of goods, opening communication channels and murders.

Her name Nebula Violette, she is the loyal assistant of Mr. Hale and the brother of both team's Jacob. And also the Leader of Team NDGO.

Nebula looks up from her clipboard and sees the mercenaries approaching her. She then notices her brother, or bothers, BLU and RED Jacob.

"Hi Jacob!" Nebula greeted with a wave.

"Mphm!" Both Jacobs waved back at their sister.

Before Nebula could say anything, both Suns instantly are beside Nebula, swhich

"Yo Miss Violette, wanna go on a date?" RED and BLU Sun asked in unison. Instantly both Sun Wukong instantly sent death glares at each other.

And just like Miss Pauling, she has to deal with BLU and RED Sun's flirting.

" we go again..." Nebula sighed in annoyance as she pinched her the ridge of her nose, knowing what will happen.

"Hey back off RED, I am the one that asked her out first!" BLU Sun growled, slowly reaching towards his bat.

"Oh you're wrong right there brother! I AM THE SCOUT HERE, I am the one that asked her out!"

"Yeah, come get some, you frickin' wuss!" BLU Sun threatened, pulling out his scatter gun.

"I'm gonna beat on your skull 'till I hit tonsils." RED threatened, as he pulls out his Bat.

Before any of them would start fighting, they both a strong presence of dark aura directly behind them sending chills up their spine. Both Faunus looks behind them, to see BLU Jacob with his Third Degree equipped and RED Jacob with his Scorch Shot aimed at his own Scout.

"Mhhph mh mh mhhp mh mhp mhpph mhhpp!" BLU Jacob growled with his Third Degree raised, and RED Jacob agreeing with him.

Even though both Suns don't understand what he said under the mask, but it was clear he stated. 'I'm going to kill you with my fire axe'.

"Uhm, heheheh..." Both Suns laughs nervously before backing off from Nebula and heading back to their group.

Nebula let out a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you Jacobs."

"Mmphn mhpm Mphm..." Both Jacobs replied back in unison, before they took a glance at each other.

Translation: Anytime sis...

Despite being BLU Jacob being a clone to the RED Jacob, they both care for their sister. And despite that the 4th generation of Mercenaries in BLU Team are clones to their RED counterparts, they do have souls, they have their personalities, and even share the same memories.

"Anyways, Mr. Hale is expecting you guys, follow me." Nebula gestures them to follow her to their boss' office.

As they walk through the corridor that has paintings of people who used to work in the company and the people who owns the company.

They pass by the corridors that consist of the paintings that has the Mann Family.

Zepheniah Mann, the former owner of TF Industries before it became Mann. CO. Next is Silas Mann, the former Co-owner of TF industries before it became Mann. CO. The wife is Bette Mann and the mother of the Mann Brothers and the sons of Zepheniah Mann, Redmond Mann and Blutarch Mann, the owner of RED and BLU. And strangely they have the painting of Gray Mann, one of the Mann Brothers, despite the fact he was abandoned by Zepheniah Mann.

Next they pass by the corridors that contains the lineage of mercenaries that used to worked for Mann. CO.

The first painting consist the original Team of Mercenaries or the first generation of mercenaries, assembled by Blutarch Mann and Redmond Mann, in the 1850s in an attempt to claim all of the land bequeathed to themselves, unfortunately they came into a stalemate, and yes they were cloned aswell.

The original team consisted of the Scout, inspired by Billy the Kid, took on the appearance of a young cowboy, complete with spurred boots. The Soldier, who resembles Stonewall Jackson, dressed like a member of the Confederate States Army, utilizing a rifle, rather than a Rocket Launcher. In keeping with tradition, the Demoman, inspired by Alfred Nobel, was a one-eyed dynamite-loving prospector. The Heavy resembled John Henry, preferring to put his enemies out of commission with a monstrous sledgehammer, whilst the Sniper, like Davy Crockett, partnered his trusty rifle with a coonskin cap. Prior to his appointment as President of the United States, the Pyro, Abraham Lincoln, used an experimental Flamethrower to aid his comrades in battle. The Medic, Sigmund Freud, appeared to retain his contemporary's love of the Bonesaw, whilst the Engineer, who resembles Nikola Tesla, was forced to make do with a satchel of Blueprints, rather than a PDA. Finally, the Spy eschewed a balaclava in favor of a domino-mask and equally-sinister mustache in the style of Fu Manchu.

The next painting shows Team Fortress Classic, the mercenaries that Team Fortress fought and won. The team consisting of Classic Heavy, Classic Scout, Classic Demoman, Classic Soldier, Classic Pyro, Classic Spy, Classic Engineer and Classic Medic.

Then the painting they pass by is the 3rd Generation of Mercenaries, the team that worked for Mann. CO fought Gray Mann until their retirement... and death.

The 4th generation of Mercenaries stopped to gaze on the painting of the 3rd Generation Mercs with full respect.

For Cardin he looks at Heavy with respect and a sad smile, remembering his last talk with the Russian.

~Flashback: Dzhugdzhur Mountains, Siberia, 1987~

Cardin is seen walking through the bitter cold mountains of Siberia with his fur coat, heading towards the Heavy's house after visiting to an old woman's residence to get a box of supplies, despite the stormy weather.

He then enters the house and calls out, "Mr. Heavy? I'm back with the medicine!" He calls out to make his presence known. But he was only met with silence so calls out again.

"Mr. Heavy! Mikhail!" Cardin shouted as his voice echoes throughout the house, but there's only silence and the only one making the noise is the cold wind in the background.

This concerned Cardin, he knows that Heavy/Mikhail always calls back to him whenever Cardin returns from bear hunting, or gathering supplies, and also the fact that Heavy never sleeps at this hour. Cardin puts the supplies on the table before rushing towards Heavy's bed room.

He stops infront of his door and knocks, "Mr. Heavy? Are you alright in there?"

Cardin then hears a grunt and groan from the other side of the door. Concerned, he quickly opens the door, only to see Heavy on the bed, very tired, and old, and weak.

"C-Cardin?" Heavy said weakly before coughing.

"Mr. Heavy, are you alright."

"Y-Yes... Heavy is fine..." Heavy replied, before coughing again.

Cardin is skeptical to Heavy's response, but stayed quiet. Heavy then took a glance at his family portrait infront of the wall of the bed.

"Heavy misses Mother..." Heavy said sadly, remembering the passing of his mother.

Cardin too also misses Heavy's mother, because she acted like a great grandmother-figure to Cardin, and also giving teaching Cardin something that his in Remnant family never done, giving Cardin morals.

"Yeah... I miss her..." Cardin said sadly as well.

Heavy cough a bit before speaking, "C-Cardin, Heavy wants to g-give you something..."

"What is it Sir?" Cardin asked.

Heavy then weakly points at something behind Cardin, the former bully follows where he was pointing to find an unknown object being covered by a blanket before he walks towards it and stood infront of it, he hesitated before he fully removes the blanket and to his shock, it's reveal to be Heavy's Mini-gun Sasha.

"W-What?" Cardin said in confusion as he gaze on the Mini-gun, until realization hits him, and he looks at Heavy in shock, "y-your giving me Sasha!?"

"Yes..." Heavy said, looking away.

"B-but why?" Cardin asked.

Heavy looks Cardin before taking a deep breath, knowing Cardin will not like news.

"Heavy is dying..."

Cardin looks at Heavy in shock, "W-What do you mean?"

"Heavy means, that I die, never coming back..." Heavy clarifies.

"B-but can't you respawn!?" Cardin asked frantically.

"Cardin..." Heavy begins, "...when people work in Mann.CO and die from getting shot, killed, exploded, or die of diseases, people respawn. When people die of Old age, they no longer respawn, and stays dead." Heavy explains, much to Cardin's horror.

"S-so t-this is it then..." Cardin said, as his voice trembles, sadden by the fact that his father figure is dying.

Heavy and Cardin both shared a strong bond ever since Cardin was brought in by Heavy and explaining his situation to Heavy and his mother. Heavy was like a father-figure to him, teaching him the rights and wrongs and being a better father figure, unlike his real father and seeing pass away is hearth breaking for him.

"Yes... Heavy will see mother soon..." Heavy said weakly before coughing hard,to which Cardin wince a bit.

Heavy then looks at Cardin and said, "...Take care of Sasha, she is yours."

Cardin walks up to him, "I promise Mikhail, I promise to take care of her. I promise to make you proud!" He declares

Heavy let's out a weak chuckle and gives Cardin a pat on the shoulder, before said his final words,

"Heavy knows Cardin will..." after he finishes his eyes slowly closes, and he lets out his final breath before is arm falls limp.

Cardin with his head looking down feels a few tears coming out of his eyes, he then pulls the over Heavy covering it entirely.

"Rest in Peace... Dad..." Cardin choked on his words a bit.

Cardin then hears gunshot coming outside the house followed by someone shouting, "We have the area Surrounded Mikhail! Surrender and you will be left unharmed!"

Cardin sneered and looks at Mini-gun and he let's out an evil grin as he grabs the Mini-gun and also equipping a shotgun for backup, and walks towards the front door.

As he stood infront of the front door ready with his the Mini-gun whirred, ready for a fight.

Cardin took a deep breath, and spoke,

"Теперь, когда трус убивает время!!"

Cardin declares and kicks the door down and he open fires upon the enemies raining down continuous barrage of bullets.

~Flashback End~

Cardin let's out sigh as he held his Mini-gun, Sasha, close.

"I know Sasha, Cardin misses Heavy too..." Cardin said to his Mini-gun, which got a few of his teammates to rise an eyebrow at him.

As for Jaune Arc, he gazed at Soldier in the portrait with full respect and a smile, remembering his last chat with the Rocket-man.

~Flashback: Midwest, USA 1987~

In the Midwest of the USA around 1987, a 19 year old blonde hair boy wearing a WW2 Helmet is shooting his shotgun at the a makeshift shooting-range in the backyard of the House, the boy is Jaune Arc.

Jaune then blast another bottle with shotgun, "Hahaha! Now that's that I like to see!" He said satisfied before cocking his shotgun.

In the past 2 years, Jaune stayed with the crazy rocket man, and Russian woman and their daughter, seeing Jaune has no where to go. Soldier even offered to train Jaune to fight like him to which Jaune agrees. And the two has something in common.

Both of them are rejects only lucky enough to achieve something. Both are frauds, but were able to prove everyone wrong.

Soldier did it, by joining world war 2 despite being rejected by every single military branch in the US. Jaune did it, by proving himself to be a great leader. When the two trained, the two easily formed a father and son bond.

Before Jaune could take another shot, he was interrupted by a stranger, who is around his 20s and seems to be rich and calls out on the Arc.

"Hey kid! Why are you staying with an idiot like him!?" The Rich stranger mocked.

Seeing this as an offense Jaune replies, "Because Maggot, he fought in World War 2 and beat every single Nazi Bastards he sees and fought for his country! He's a war hero!" Jaune retorts.

"He's nothing but a reject!" He insulted, which got into Jaune's nerves.

"You take that back, Maggot!"

"Huh, I hit a nerve didn't I? Are you a reject just like him!?"

And immediately this cause Jaune to snap, this offends Jaune since it's true that Jaune and Soldier are both rejects on their own ways. Jaune forged his way to Beacon, while Soldier joined World War 2 despite being rejected.

With a Battle cry, Jaune lunged over the fence and grabs the Rich Stranger around his neck as he screams in horror.


"Prepare to face the hands of justice commie!!" Jaune then snap the neck of the stranger.



The stranger's body falls limp as Jaune stood triumphantly. Fortunately for Jaune, no one was awake neighborhood around the evening, so no one was not able to witness the commotion, despite the shooting being loud whenever Soldier trains Jaune.

"ATTENTION!!" A voice boomed, immediately Jaune turns around to see Soldier standing behind him with his hands behind his back, as the Arc immediately stood straight and gave up a salute.



"SIR! Private Jaune Arc reporting for duty sir!" Jaune saluted.

"What's your status on your training Private!?" Soldier demanded.

"SIR! I have successfully destroyed all Bottles marked with communist flags, and all target dummies are destroyed sir!"

"Good! Anything else!?"

"I have also beat up a random stranger that was saying shit about you and me! And I gave him a neck snap!"

"Very good! People like him are scum and nothing, but a bunch of cowards!"

"I agree with you sir!"

"Yes! However! What are we going to do with the body!? SOLUTIONS!?"

"We uh... We bury his body over the river, because he is a dishonorable coward!"

"EXACTLY!!!" Soldier roared, " grab a shovel and lets get started!" He said pulling out his shovel.

"YES SIR!" Jaune said eagerly and took out his own shovel.

And so the two starts burying the body over the river. After burying the body, Soldier and Jaune returns back to the house. When they entered the house they see Zhanna cleaning the dishes.

"Hi Zhanna!" Soldier greeted as he walks towards her.

"Hello my little Maggot Bear~" Zhanna said, before the two kiss.

They broke from the kiss and Soldier then asks, "Any word from Jessica's training in the military camp?"

"Da, she said she is doing fairly well!" Zhanna said and pulls out Jessica's recent letter.

"Now that is what I like to see!" Soldier said proudly, before a thought enetr d his mind.

That is until Soldier remembers something, "Oh that reminds me! Remember when I told you that I retired from Mann. CO?"


"Well, they need a New Soldier in their position, and I'm thinking..."

"Oh! I know! They need a Soldier like me!" Jaune said, pointing at himself.

"EXACTLY!! Go in there and make me proud son!" Soldier orders.

"I promise to make you proud sir!"

Soldier smiles at his determination.

"I know you will..." that is until a thought came in mind.

"Oh That reminds me! I have to give you something!"

Zhanna surprise and ask, "You are going to give him the surprise?"


"Wait, What are you going to give me?"

Soldier and Zhanna gave each other smiles before looking back at Jaune.

They simply point at the closet which left Jaune confuse, he walks towards the closest and opens the door and to his shock it's Soldier's Rocket Launcher.

"Y-your giving me your rocket launcher!?" Jaune said in shock.


"But why?"

"Son, I am getting old, and plus you're like a son to me. You went to the same experience of wanting to help and uphold the Arc family's name. And If you're going to Mann. CO, you need something more than a Shotgun and a shovel, so this is enough for me to give you this weapon of mine..."

Jaune was shock by his reason as Soldier asks, " you accept?"

Jaune looks back the Rocket Launcher before back to Jane Doe, he the gave a Salute and said, "I am honored!"

"Outstanding..." Soldier said with a smile along with Zhanna.

"Zhanna wishes little boy was her son..." Zhanna said.

Jaune then grabs the Rocket Launcher and grips it.

"I will make you all proud! For democracy! FOR AMERICA!!!"

"I know you will Soldier..." Soldier said before bring Jaune to a group hug.

~Flashabck End~

RED and BLU Jaune gave out proud smile at man who trained him, and saluted.

Both BLU and RED Jaune whispers, "I made you proud sir!"

As for the monkey Faunus, he looks at the scout with full respect and grim expression, remembering the Scout who is like a brother to him, died when it struck Jan 1, 1987 12:00AM.

~Flashback: Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1987~

"WOOO! NEW YEAR IS COMING! YEAH!" Sun said excitedly.

Sun is seen running on the sidewalks of his neighborhood.

"Oh I can't wait!" He said, and looks around to see the people getting ready for New Years Eve, "I wonder if Jeremy bought some fireworks for this New Years Eve..." he wonders.

After a few minutes later, Sun arrives at the house of Scout and stood infront of the House and knocked, waiting for the door to open. After a few seconds the door opens revealing the Scout with a troubled face.

Sun expected him to be excited like everyone else, but instead he looks troubled and worried. Normally Sun would ignore this thinking it was personal, but ever since Scout's mom died of a disease. Sun has been like a person that Scout can Trust.

"Hey William... is there something wrong? You don't seem excited like everyone else..." Sun said.

William was silent and gave a nod, gesturing him to go inside. Sun was confuse, but complies anyways. As he enters the house, Scout close the door as Sun asks.

"So, William what's wrong?" Sun asked in concern.

William as silent before speaking, "Before I explain my situation, what time is it?"

"Huh? It's uh..." He looks at his watch and said, ""s 11:30 AM

"Hey look, monkey I've got something to give you..." Scout said.

"What is it?"

"Here..." he pulls out a present and puts it infront of him.

"A present?" Sun looks confuse before unwrapping the gift and opens the present, and to his shock it was Scout's weapon, the scattergun, winger and bat.

"Y-you're giving me your weapons?!" Sun said in shock.

"In a way... yes..."

"But why?"

William was silent before speaking up, "T-this... might be the last time we chat..."


"You see, when I was near dead, I went to heaven and before I was revived I was informed that I would die permanently around 1987..."

"And that would would mean..."

"Yes... this will be the last I will see you..." Scout said giving him a sad expression.

Sun looks at his brother-figure and shock realizing he had 30 minutes before his death, "Atleast it was fun that until it lasted." Scout said, with a sad chuckle.


After 30 minutes of giving Scout his last minutes in earth by comforting Himmel the fireworks then happened as everyone celebrated.

As Sun and Scout watches the fireworks in amazement. Scout continues to watch in amazement until he feels his hand glowing.

"Oh no..." Sun said with fear in his voice, he said looking at his glowing hand, "I don't want to go..."

Sun and Scout at each other with sadness, knowing this is the end of the Scout.

"Hey Buddy..." Scout said, "do me a favor, go to Mann. CO, someone needs a Scout there..."

"I...I will..." Sun stuttered.

The two shared their last hug, until Scout disappears into dust. Sun looks at where Scout once stood and let tears fall out his eyes.

"R-rest I-in p-p-peace... William..." Sun said sadly, before returning to the house.

~Flashback Ends~

Both Suns gave the Scout in the portrait a bow of respect for him.

"Miss ya buddy..." both Suns muttered.

Then next both Neptunes are seen gazing the portrait with full respect to the Doctor, remembering when the Medic gave Neptune his own Medi-gun and Crusade crossbow.

~Flashback: Stuttgart, Germany 1987~

It was night time of the city of Stuttgart in country Germany, around 1987, in the Medic's Laboratory, a young man is seen strapped in a Medical bed while not too far behind is Medic and Neptune with his bonesaw.

"Now mein apprentice you know vhat you should do?"


Neptune walks over to the frightened patient with his bonesaw raised.

"Prepare for your examination!"

"P-p-please! Have mercy!"

"Oh please Shut up!" Neptune groaned in annoyance and


After a few minutes of doing the procedure, the patient lays dead with his heart ripped out and some organs removed.

Neptune groans in annoyance before speaking up, "Dummkopf, I told him to stay still!"

Medic then walks up behind him and places a hand on his shoulder in comfort, "Oh you vill get use to zis, it always happens." That is until an idea pops in his head.

"Oh zat reminds me!" Medic then ran towards the storage room and came back with a present in hand, "Here you go..."

"Vhat? It's not my birthday..."

"Oh nein! It's just a little present for you!"

Neptune looks at the present and was eager to open it, he unwrap its and to his ultimate shock, it's a Medi-gun alongside a Crusader's crossbow.

"Zis stuff are all yours." Medic said, putting Neptune's back proudly.

"I-is zhat your Medi-gun!?"

"Nein, nein, nein I made another Medi-gun after your arrival here, and I think zhat maybe in the right moment I will give zis to you as a gift of appreciation."

Neptune continues to look in shock by the gift the Medic gave him, soon it turned into a smile, "Zank you Herr Doktor! I don't know vhat else to say!"

"Your welcome!" Medic said.

Soon Neptune then equipped the Medi-gun as he starts doing a few test on the dead patient, while Medic in the background can't help but feel proud for his assistance.

"It's beautiful..." Medic said with a single tear drop coming out of his eye, before thinking, 'Hm... Maybe he should be hired in Mann. CO."

~Flashback Ends~

Both Neptunes looks at the Medic in the portrait with full respect, to the man that mentored them.

Next to the Neptunes are both RED and BLU Lewis gazing at the Bomber man at the portrait.

~ Flashback, Ullapool, Scotland, United Kingdom~

In the Scottish town of Ullapool, there seen in the hill is a house with a man equipped demolition gear at a makeshift shooting range, this young man is none other than Lewis himself!

Lewis fires a couple of pipe bombs at the training dummies, destroying a majority of them to which Lewis lets out a cheer.

"Bloody Hell! Those ones are my favorite!" Lewis said, satisfied by the results.

Just before he would fire another pipe bomb, a certain Demolition man calls out from him.

"Oi Lewis comere mate!" Demoman shouted from the porch of his house.

Lewis turns to see Demoman on the the porch, and instead of walking or running, he shot 2 sticky bombs from his Quickiebomb on the ground and launch myself forward to his Mentor's position.

"Aye lad I got to tell you something..." Demoman informs him.

Lewis is curious on what Demoman his going to tell him so just nodded and listened to what he has to say.

"So you know I'm retired from my ol' job back in Mann.Co, right?" He said.

Lewis just nodded a little and continued to listen.

"Yes, however they needed someone who can probably fill in my shoes or something like that soooo..." he said before taking a drink from his scrumpy, but Lewis knows what he's going to say next.

"So are they just gonna go find someone out in the world to fill in your position, right Demo?"

Demoman then just wiped his mouth and grinned.

"Aye lad something close to that, but no lad I made sure to make you next in line for the bloody job." Demo smirked.

"I accept and I will not let you down, Sir!" Lewis said with determination.

"Aye, I know will not!" He said patting his patting his back, "... and also lad try and make some friends!" He added with his hand on a table trying to keep himself up while Lewis just nodded.

~Flashback Ends~

Both BLU and RED Lewis brought out their scrumpy and raise it to the Demoman in the picture, in respect.

"To Demoman! May we give tribute to his honor!" Both said in unison, before both of them would take a swing with their scrumpy, their drinks were snatched from their hands by Teran and Nebula, much to both Demomen's dissatisfaction.

"No drinking in the hallways..." Nebula said.

Both Demomen grumble, before reluctantly complying.

With the two Pyros in the team they look at the Pyro in the portrait with respect, even though they were did not mentored the by the Pyro.

With the two Azure Mundys, they look at their father in the portrait with full respect. Both snipers remembering the time their father mentored them in sniping.

~Flashback: Australia 1987~

In the country Australia around 1987, a young boy wielding a sniper rifle at a makeshift target practice range, whom his father made, aiming at test dummies as they move left and right.

"Steady... steady..." He pulls the trigger as the bullet from the sniper hits the test dummies in the head.

"Now that was a proper bloody rootin'" Azure whispered, before he would take shot, he was interrupted by a rock hitting him.

"What the-?" He then feels a rock colliding with his face knocking him down to the ground, he massage the spot where the rock hit him and he stands up and looks around who hit him, until he hears laughter and looks where the source is.

It is revealed to be his bullies, from Highschool.

"Hey look! Isn't that the son of the that man with mental sickness I just hit with a rock?" He said, in a mocking way.

"Yeah it is! Hahah!"

"What a freak!"

Azure glared at the bullies that are mocking him, ever since the information of Azure being the son of the Sniper is revealed, he was bullied in high school for being a son of the Sniper, since many people speculated the man has mental sickness, which half of it is true.

"Oi! I told you wankers that it's not mental illness! My father is an profess assassin!"

"Yeah sure! An 'assassin' I guess his more pathetic than you!" The bullies mocked, and in retune makes Azure angry.

"Bloody piker! Leave my father out of this!"

"What are you going do? Call the police?! Ha! Maybe call your grand parents! Oh wait they're dead! Maybe they have mental illness too!" The other bully mocked.

Anger boiled in Azure as he glares at the bullies that hurt him in Highschool, it was matter of time, before he snapped.

"Haha, good one bo-" before one of the his goons could compliment, an arrow was then embedded through his head as he falls dead, startling the rest.

"What the hell!?"

"Oh my god!"

The Rest of the bullies looks at who shot one of their friends is revealed to be Azure with his huntsman out, as he loads another arrow and trains it on them.

"You just made the biggest mistake of your life!" Azure then fires another arrow killing another bully, making the bullies jump in fear.

The rest of the bullies realize they made a huge mistake on trying mocking the

"Let's get out of here! He's crazy!" The one of the bullies shouted, before getting an arrow through his head..

The other bullies screams in fear as they try to run away from the angry sniper! However Azure is not planning on giving them any mercy. He drops his huntsman and pulls out his 'Awper Hand' and took aim at the bullies.

One by one, each bullies falls with each of their heads being blown off their shoulders.

Azure then cocks his rifle before aiming it at the last bully, the leader.

"Hold still..." He whispered and he squeezes the trigger and the bullet is sent flying.

The leader Bully was then shot in the knee forcing to fall down, as he grunts in pain and he hears footsteps coming towards him and it's revealed to be Azure with his "Knife" in hand.

Azure then grabs the man on the head and places the knife close to his neck as he whispers.

"Nothing Personal mate: I'm just better..."

"W-w-wait! Please! Mercy!" The Bully plead for his life, but Azure is having none of that.

There was tense silence between the two until he spoke.

"Let me put things clear mongrel, you can push me around, you can bully me, you can insult me, but never EVER insult my family! Go to Hell Wanka..." He slits the bully's throat as the bully holds his wounden only die in the process.

Azure stood triumphantly over the dead corpse of his bullies, and he hears a clap behind him. He swiftly turns around to see his Father, the Sniper, standing there with a proud.

"Now that's how you do it..."

"D-dad?" Azure stuttered.

"You made me proud, really proud..."

Azure was taken back by his Father's reaction to his killing on the bullies, but nevertheless Azure is glad his father is not angry.

"Thanks dad..." Azure nodded.

Sniper nodded, before speaking, "You know son, since I'm retired from my old job in a company I use to work on... maybe you should join in, from what I heard they are looking for someone to fill in the role of the Sniper..." Sniper said.

"So you're asking me to join then?" Azure guessed.

"You're correct mate..."

"Well heh, I'm in dad... I promise to make you proud.

Mun-Dee chuckled and pat his son on the back, "I know you will..."

~Flashback Ends~

Both BLU and RED Azure Mundy tip their hats in respect to the father that mentored them in using a Sniper rifle, and the Huntsman.

For both the Engineers of the team of Mercenaries, he looks at the Engineer in the portrait with respect, however even though he hasn't met or has not met the Engineer in real life, he does have respect to the man.

Lastly, the Spies in the team looks at the Spy in the portrait with full respect. Even though they are not in the right timeline, they do show how much they care for their father. Both Gavins remember the time how their father trained him to be professional backstabber.

~Flashback: USA of Texas 2018~

At the state of Texas, there seen at Mansion owned by the professional backstabber of Mann. CO is Spy, alongside his son, Gavin. At the moment now, Gavin is walking on the sidewalks as enters a dark alley way.

As Gavin walks in, he passes by a group of thugs, being over 9 members, who in turn look at Gavin. He paid no mind to the thugs and continues to pass by them, but remained caution for any surprises.

Just as his instinct kicked in, he ducks under the thug's attack before delivering a roundhouse kick sending the thug flying into the wall, falling unconscious.

Gavin stood triumphantly and gestures to the other thugs to attack him, "Come on, I don't have all day..."

The two thugs of the group attacks Gavin, thinking that overwhelming him will give them advantage.

Unfortunately they were proven wrong.

Gavin gets in a defensive stance as a thug attempts to slash him with a machete, only for the Spy to take a step back and knee him in the face. The other thug sends a punch at him and the backstabber blocks it with his forearm before sending right hook at his face, leaving the thug disoriented before falling unconscious.

Gavin stood up and said to the remaining thugs, "Oh dear it seems I made quite a mess." He smirked.

"GET HIM!" The group leader shouted.

The rest of the Thugs reluctantly attacks one by one, the first charges in with is knife out, Gavin dodges the charge and backstabs him with the sharp dresser, killing him. And then Gavin whirls around just in time to catch the other thug under the jaw. And the other thugs charges in to stab Gavin, but he is too fast so Gavin was able to dispatch him aswell.

Other three thugs quickly approached the Spy with their knives out, and now Gavin has his Diamondback in hand and with one bullet in each shot he dispatches the thugs with ease.

Before Gavin could react an axe was soon embedded to his as he falls on the ground dead. And the one responsible is the Thug Leader, as he stood triumphantly over the dead corpse.

"Heh, not so tough are ya!" The leader mocked, only for it to be short-lived as someone materializes behind him.

"Peekaboo!" A familiar voice said, and before the leader could react, his eyes widen as he feels a cold metal blade piercing his back as blood is now coming out his mouth, he was only able to turn around to look behind him and the last he sees is Gavin standing there behind him with blood over his suit, before he falls on the ground dead.

"You got blood on my suit..." He said in disgust, wiping away the blood before getting a call from his dad.

He picks up his iPhone and answers it. "Hello Father... oh don't worry about me, I just took down a few thugs... wait, what? Oh alright then, tell Aiden I will be there soon."

He hangs up as he thought, 'I wonder what Aiden has invented this time..."

He walks out of the alley, leaving a bunch of dead bodies at the alley way.

~Flashback Ends~

Both BLU and RED Gavins misses their father dearly, even if they can meet their father again, but the timeline they are in now is around 1990, meeting their father at this time would cause a paradox, so they decided not to pay a visit even it hurts them.

A cough from Nebula catches everyone's attention, "Well... this is heart-warming and all, but we need to see Mr Hale now."

"Oh, Right!" RED Gavin said, as everyone soon made their way to the Mr. Hale's office.

As they arrived infront of the door of the Mr. Hale's office, Nebula knocked on the door.

"Mr. Hale, the mercenaries are here!" She said, making their presence known.

They heard crashing in the other side, making everyone cautious. And the muffled voice of Mr. Hale is heard.

"Hah! You call that a bite you filthy animal!?" They hear the voice of Mr. Hale, as Nebula cautiously walks towards the door as another sound of breaking followed by howling is heard. As she was about to open the door, a dead Jaguar burst through door flying pass her hitting BLU Sun down the floor, also making him scream.

"OH GOD! OH GOD! A JAGUAR! HELP! AAAAAAAHHH!" BLU Sun continues to scream, while the whole team watches in amusement.

"Um Sun, it's not alive it's dead..." RED Gavin said, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Huh?" He looks down at the dead Jaguar and move it's aside to his shock, it's dead, "Oh yeah... I know that..."

BLU Sun said, before standing up. RED Sun has a smirk on his face with arms crossed.

"Heh, wuss..." RED Sun mocked, to which BLU Sun flipped him off.

"G'day Mates!" The Rest of the Team looks at the doorway and sees their employer standing there.

Their employer has identifying features include a mustache, rippling muscles, a crocodile-tooth lined hat, and a patch of rotating chest hair shaped like Australia, just like his Father before him.

Their employer is none other than the Son of Saxon Hale, known as Gorge Hale.

He is a daring Australian, President and CEO of Mann Co. He is the 3rd Richest Man of America, he was 6th richest man in America, but surpassed the fifth by wealth and the fourth by killing his competitors in a harpoon duel. Like his father, his favorite pastimes include fighting, drinking, and battling with ferocious animals. In fact, most kids sleep with a teddy bear at night, but Saxton Hale sleeps with an actual bear that he tamed while in the Brazilian Jungles.

"Hah! You all arrived on time mate! Thanks for bringing them in Miss Viollete, you too Terran" He said to his body Guard and assistant.

"You're Welcome sir..." Nebula replied.

"It's Teren sir-" Gorge interrupts, before Teran could correct him.

"Anyways, follow me inside, we so much to discuss about!" Gorge gestured, which they complied to do so.

As they entered the Gorge's office, it's interior decorations includes stuffed animals, some animals skins (not cats and dogs) and also portrait of Hale Family.

"Now I gather you all hear today for an important announcement! And I know you're all a but peeve about coming here in weekends, but know this is important!" Gorge said.

"So...?" BLU Gavin said, placing his hand over Mr. Hale's desk, only to feel his hand being burnt, completely forgetting that Gorge's desk is a grill.

"What's announcement abooooAAAAAAAAHHHH!" He waves his hand around to put out the fire out.


Fortunately BLU Pyro was there to airblast it with his flamethrower, as BLU Neptune pulls out his Medi-gun to heal him.

"Thank you Jacob and Neptune..." BLU Gavin nodded in thanks.

"Ja!" Neptune nodded, as his Medi-gun's beam is trained on the burnt hands.


"Well..." Gorge then sat on his chair face the mercenaries for today, " have match to important attend today! You blokes know the rules, unfortunately we spent half of all our money on this staged phony. Intrascope the supplier with a bloody award!? So! I'll give you one of my early hunting compensation!" He said pulling out a stuff head of a Deer.

"Hahah! The good old Buck!" He throws it up in the air as the Mercenaries look up where it's going to land, which land on...RED Sun.

"Ah!" RED Sun got stuffed head of the dear stuck on his head as he tries to pull it out, "What the! help!" He cried out as his team watches in amusement.

"Heh... karma bitch..." BLU Sun said, before the rest of the Mars continues to listen what

"...I have 52 pointers at home, but I can't be part with that beaut. Nor my collection of endangered species. And they're worth more than any of you. Heh heh heh, but I digress... I like a good fight and good luck, mates!"

As the Mercs were about to get on with the match, Gorge Hale then got a thought in his mind.

"Oh! And one more thing! I forgot to mention which team wins will be rewarded over hundreds of Australium."

This catches the Mercs attention and interest, now most of them are eager to win.

"And also for the people from the place called Remnant, remember the rules, no using that force field things you bloke have."

"Not to vorry mein Freund, we won't be using our Auras!" BLU Neptune reassured.

"Cardin agrees, and also we kind of forgot we have Auras..." BLU Cardin remarked.

"Oh yeah... it's has been a while since we even used them..." BLU Sun said sheepishly.

"Mphm..." RED Jacob agrees.

"Ha! Auras are for cowards! Huntsmen and Huntresses rely on it too much that they think they are invincible! In reality they are vulnerable even with their damn Auras!" BLU Jaune said.

"Wow, Jaune has a brain this time..." BLU Sun said sarcastically.

"Yes!... what's that..." Jaune said.


"Well anyways! Good luck!"

The Rest of the Mercs cheered, including RED Sun after he got the stuffed head pried out, and left the office and headed to the armor so they could get ready for the match to the match to they have to attend to win the hundreds of Australium.

"Well, that happened. Can someone give me some raw steak! I got some cooking to do." Gorge said, adjusting the temperature of the Grill Desk.

"I got it prepared sir..." Nebula said, pulling out a couple of raw steaks.


To be continued

Well this Chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the first chapter.

Also side note, all of these OC do NOT belong to me, they all belong to ether respective owners so here they are and don't forget to check out their content!

A/N: Huge thanks to SloorpsTheDuckWizard for giving me ideas for Lewis' backstory. And thanks for Taek117 for giving a me riddle for Teren to say.

4th Generation of Pyro/Jacob, belongs to Wrench007

4th Generation of Sniper/Azure Mundy, belongs to cryolight23

4th Generation of Demoman/Lewis, belongs to SloorpsTheDuckWizard

4th Generation of Spy and Engineer, belongs to DOOM_SLAYER

Gorge Gale, belongs to Call_Me_Cayde

Teren the Bodyguard, belongs to Taek117

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