4. The Protective Hazel Eyes!

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I walked out enthusiastically towards the exit of the school, a radiating smile on my face as I saw Neil waiting for him, just the way he promised me.

His beautiful hazel eyes snapped towards me and I waved at him like a mad girl. In return, he just gave me a blank look.

Nothing surprising!

"I'm sorry for making you wait, Neil.", his eyes lit all of a sudden and I felt the urge to get closer to them but I restrained myself, I don't want to scare him. " Actually I visited Mrs Zara-", he continued to stare at me with his piercing hazel eyes. "She told me that she loved my company and asked me to visit her again. So I was passing by and thought to ask her well being and you know she grinned so broadly seeing me that the whole room lit with her smile. I felt so happy about it because I know she is a very nice person, and I really liked her. Do you think she'd love to be my friend, I mean it's been nearly three days and -" my words were interrupted by him as he suddenly pushed a chocolate cookie in my mouth.

"Breathe, Avni," he said in his baritone voice.

I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until he spoke and I had to take in a deep breath. "I'm sure she likes you.", he added as he turned and started walking.

"Do you want to go to the ice-skating with me?" I blurted hastily. I just wanted to talk to him, get to know him better. I didn't want him to leave. I really liked his company. He was so calm and collected.

"No.", he said blankly. I felt my heart sink.

"Too bad." I sassed, "Cause I'm taking you with me, now." I smirked as I saw his eyebrow arch in surprise. His pretty hazel eyes locked me firmly and then he walked away leaving me alone. 

"Hey!", I shouted for him as I followed him outside. "I'm not kidding. I'm taking you with me and don't bother saying no, there's no way you'll get out of it." I gave him a threatening glare, I was actually going to follow him and drag him wherever I want.

"Excuse me.", a new voice stopped me in my tracks. I turned only to see a smiling face, he had dark brown eyes, his hair was black, parted neatly and he was very handsome and cute. I smiled back at him and he walked over to me. "I'm Tristan. You seem new here?" I nodded as he reached out to shake my hand. "Well, would you like to be friends?"

As much as he sounded genuine, a part of me still didn't buy it. It wasn't that I doubted his intentions, it was just that I didn't know how he could be so confident in approaching me, I wasn't even sure if I should let him, especially knowing people here don't seem to like me much.

Nevertheless, I shook his hand, I didn't want to be rude to him."Avni Mae Shaye."

He shot a pretty smile towards me, "I-" before he could continue, a familiar voice interrupted us, "I thought you wanted to go to ice-skating.", Neil said as he walked over to us. His jaw ticked as his gaze got stuck on my hand which was still in Tristan's. I frowned as I looked at him, one minute he refuses to go, the other he says he wants to.

What's up with him?

But who am I to complain? I'm always up for spending time with him.

I looked at Tristan who had a slight smirk on his face. He winked at someone behind me. I turned to see who it was but there was no one. I looked at him back and he smiled at me."My work here is done. I'll see you around."

He turned and walked away leaving me confused."What did he mean, Neil?"

He didn't say anything. He just started walking towards the ice-skating rink and so I followed him.

Our walk was short and silent. I was so occupied in my thoughts, I didn't even notice that he had stopped. He was standing in front of me and I had to tilt my head slightly to look at him. He was just standing there looking at me and I thought that he was waiting for me to do something, that he wants something from me. "What's wrong?", he asked. My heart skipped a beat. "Nothing," I answered. He cocked his head and looked at me intently, "Stop lying.", he stared blankly at me as he stopped me from walking past him towards the entrance.

"How did you get hurt?" I asked looking into his eyes directly. He looked away after a minute." I had an accident.", he said impassively, his eyes didn't move from the floor.

"Stop lying," I repeated his words. Why was he being so stubborn? Is it because he doesn't want to talk to me? I was so confused I could barely think straight. He sucked in a sharp breath and grabbing my hand, walked inside the skating rink.

As much as I was excited to go skating, my all concentration was on the gash on his face. "I don't want to go.", I said sternly pulling my hand back. I don't know what he was hiding but he should know better, Avni Mae Shaye doesn't let things slide so easily. His piercing hazel eyes shone with a hint of disappointment. He took a step closer to me as he looked at me straight in the eyes. "I thought you wanted to spend time with me?"

I felt my cheeks reddening when I heard him, God! in his words I sounded like a darn desperate."I don't want you to be involved in my mess Avni. This is something I have to do alone. You don't need to concern yourself with it.", he said and grabbed my hand back."Come."

I sighed internally. If he thinks, I'll let this thing slide, he's completely wrong.

We walked inside the ice skating rink. I smiled at the frozen pond and the cold air. I was not dressed properly for the cold, but who cares, I love the cold. I love skating. I love everything about it.

Though I didn't know how to skate.

Neil got me a pair of skates, a helmet and a long, thick pair of gloves. He helped me put them on. I felt a little awkward and stupid as I awkwardly slipped my feet in the skates. I saw his lips quirk in a laugh as I took a few clumsy steps but as soon as I blinked, his smile vanished.

Why doesn't he want people to see his beautiful smile?

We spent about an hour on the frozen pond. I loved how I felt when I moved freely on the ice. I felt light and free. It was exhilarating to see his eyes shining with delight as he saw me move and glide. He held me while I was on the verge of falling off several times. He was so protective.

I was happy to be here with him.

I was happy to see the few subtle smiles appearing on his face occasionally. I felt like I was getting somewhere.

The next day I didn't see him in school. My heart skipped a beat and I felt uneasy for a while. I was nervous. I wanted to see him. The fact that he never showed up to school, bothered me a lot.

After school ended, I walked to Angelina. The brown-eyed girl smirked at me as she saw me walking towards her. "How was the date?", she wiggled her brows at me as she snapped her fingers at me.

"It was a friendly outing."

The mischief in her eyes doubled as her grin broadened, "Sure."

I scrunched my face in confusion but let it go, Neil was more important."Do you know where he is?"

She frowned as her grin wavered, a look of worry and uncertainty on her face. "No." Everything in me knew she was lying but before I could question her, she sprinted off leaving me standing alone.

Two more days followed and still, there was no sign of him at school. I was beginning to worry more than before.

The suspicious thing was, Angelina was missing too.

I was feeling worried before but now I felt afraid. I hope they were okay. I really wanted to see them.

I sighed as I made my way to my home, for some reason Tristan had been keeping my company for these days and as much as I respected his efforts, I couldn't help but feel gloomy.

I just wanted to know if Neil and Angel were okay.

I kicked a pebble and watched as it rolled off towards the road. It landed a few meters before I moved towards it. I knelt down and picked it up. I was wondering if I should ask for Neil's address from the office.

I wonder if they'd actually give me his address without suspecting me.

As I walked past the park on my way home. I noticed a figure sitting on a bench. His face was obscured by shadows. My eyes widened as I saw his hands bleeding.Why are people hurt so much nowadays?

As I contemplated if I should go towards him or not, my mind became blank when I saw the familiar silver ring on his finger.


Oh, God!


Long time I know!
Happy Holi
Love <3

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