The Hybrid

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Year's ago , there was  mythical, supernatural creatures, like serpent, werewolves, vampire and many morec, who used to live between humans, they were powerful, evil,  dangerous.

Humans weren't fool either, every time they suspect any human looking creature living among them , they killed the creatures.

Likewise , 500 years ago , there  was  well established kingdom , maintained by a fierce King , he was the father of his kingdom, always puts his people first,
Once that King saw a beautiful maiden in the forest of his kingdom, he developed feelings and brought her to his castle, later on married her . His nation was against it,including his mother. However the King who was blinded by love chose the girl .

He declared her his one and only Queen,
Everything was going good after after the coronation a peculiar disease spread across the kingdom, villagers started to die without being wounded, doctors finds the dead people has no blood their body,

Remaining people spread rumours that the Queen is cursed ,and evil ....she's the unfortun for the country, King tried to defend but the villagers demand her head !

Being helpless King decided to leave his country with his Queen,  However King's stepbrother get to know their plan and on their way, he killed the King and Queen, then buried them nearby.

Later on the disease stopped also the stepbrother became the new king ,

Unfortunately what no one noticed is , a True blood werewolf has encountered the death of the former King, after he was buried the Alpha reopen the coffin and rescue the dead body , brought it to his pack and using a witch perform a ritual.

The dead open his eyes again, however this time...he's not a human...he's a mixture of a Alpha werewolf and a witch.

Alpha and Witch train him for years so he can learn how to control the mountain of powers   , his memories from his previous life stayed intact too....he went back to kill his brother but Found none...later he tried to search the coffin of his wife but found none....Alpha train him more ......and lastly he became the most Powerful species among them.

No matter if it's a vampire, werewolf or serpent, nobody dares to cross his path .

He was a fierce King previously, therefore there's always a magical sword in his hands ,

Each single species fears him, he has a power like a Alpha werewolf, also demonic magics like a witch  , he's wicked, evil and fiendish.....

He's The Kim Taehyung,  a Hybrid
A actual living corpse .

A Hybrid, created by one Alpha and  a witch.......who is now the right hand of the Alpha, works for him .......and protects his pack , he's undefeatable,
And untouchable. However recently returned to Seoul again....why ??

(For any grammatical errors you find just know that it's not my naive language and I'm trying my best to improve)

Cover by HJ_Fiction










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