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Mystical couldn't take it anymore. She paced their sleeping cave with thoughts swirling in her head. She didn't hear Riverstream come in.

"Myst calm down." Riverstream tried to say calmly.

"Calm down? Calm down!?" Mystical said exasperated. "How am I to calm down when the one dragon I am in love with is getting punished?" She said.

Riverstream gawked. "You. Love him?" She whispered.

Mystical stopped pacing and looked at Riverstream. "He is the only one who actually understood what I was going through." She whispered.

Riverstream went over and wrapped Mystical in a hug. "Then let's go get him back." She said.

"We'll come too." Three dragons stood at the entrance of the cave.

Firesky,  Muddle, and Sandstorm.

"Well I guess if all of you are going I guess I should join." An icewing said.

She was beautiful. Her scales had a purple tint to them but what surprised Mystical was the purple tear drop scales by her eyes.

She stood from her bed of ice and walked over. Her mind was peaceful. Not a single bad thought.

"I'm Snowrey " She introduced herself.

Mystical smiled. "Hello. I'm Mystical."

Snowrey smiled at the group. "I hope it's alright if I go, I mean, he was in our winglet."

Mystical nodded. "Of course! We could use the help." She said then turned back to the others.

"Alright everyone. We leave now." Everyone nodded and followed her out of the cave.

Mystical was the first to take flight into the sky while the others soon followed.

She flew with one thing on her mind. Shadowfrost.

Riverstream flew up next to her. "So I know you want to get him back, but do you even have a plan?" She asked.

Mysti nodded. "Yes. I just need to finalize a few things. I have some connections with the guards. Mayne they can help us." She replied.


They had to fly a long way so nobody would catch them which caused their flight to go into the night.

They landed by a cave and entered quietly, exhaustion among all of them.

Mystical saw Snowrey land and went over to her. "I'm surprised you came. With the heat and all." She said.

Snowrey seemed confused but then nodded. "Uh yeah. Can I talk to you?" She asked suddenly.

Mystical nodded and looked back at the others. Firesky was making a fire as the others started laying around it.

She turned back to Snowrey. "Sure. What's up?" She moved closer but then stepped back.

She was cold. Snowrey was still cold. It was merely impossible due to the heat which confused her.

"Yeah so I'm sort of an animus. But don't worry I'm not evil!" She hurriedly spoke.

Mystical kept herself calm, just like she was taught to.

"I trust you Snowrey." She said.

Snowrey smile and relaxed. "Thank you for understanding. Do you think you could keep this between us?" She asked.

Mystical nodded. "Of course. But I think Shadowfrost would like to know as well." She spoke.

"Oh don't worry. He already does." She smiled and walked into the cave and laid a little farther from the others.

Which left Mystical confused as ever.

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