The Hybrid: Chapter Eighteen

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"What the fuck do you mean we are going back?!" Garrus exclaims. Shepard shook her head, her arms folded across her chest out of annoyance. Not anything towards Garrus, his feelings were valid. Shepard just hated that Kaiden was back there. Why would he be there other than to piss Garrus and her off to no end. She tried to think of scenarios, such as it being a trap. Garrus wasn't too pleased on going back to that place. Then again, he would do anything Shepard wanted him to.

"That is where Kaiden is."

"What about Thane?" Garrus asked, trying not to sound like a jerk to her.

Shepard was silent when Garrus mentioned Thane. Shepard looked down, her self doubts getting the best of her. Either Kaiden was blowing smoke or Thane really was being butchered as a science experiment for Doctor Heart's sick gain. She didn't want to think too hard about it. Garrus sighed, crossing his arms across his chest, unsure of what to think. Shepard ran her fingers through her hair out of frustration.

"I don't know where this hideout is. I'm hoping that meeting Kaiden would—"

"You know nothing good will come out of that, Shep." Garrus said firmly, "we need to find Thane. Maybe Joker can trace him?"

"We tried." Shepard's voice wavered, "they destroyed anyways of contacting him."

"At least we have the help of another Drell."

"What good would that do if we can't find Thane?" Shepard asked, looking up to Garrus who was looking down at her, pondering his thoughts. They were silent with each other for a moment. the intercom went off,

"ETA ten minutes."

"Get Kolyat into the debriefing room."

"Yes, Commander."

Shepard sighed, Garrus leaning down and giving her a delicate kiss to her forehead. He pulled her close, hugging her, letting her know that things were going to be alright even though he had his own doubts. Thane wasn't one to give up so easily but after what he and Shepard saw what Doctor Heart had done to his test subjects, they feared for their assassin.

"Let's go." Shepard whispered.


Thane groaned. The pain he was feeling was more than he felt in a long while. He couldn't tell where he was, his vision was blurred. It could be from the loss of blood from the wound Kaiden gave him, the sudden transport, or it was his disease. He doesn't recognize the room he was in either. The smell was unfamiliar, it didn't smell antibacterial like a hospital. There were not many bright lights in the room, nor was there an obnoxious beeping from the heart monitor. Thane sat up in his bed, tensing from the burning sensation from his lungs that he was expecting. He was surprised to find nothing. Thane was confused. He was sure he was overthinking it, he couldn't be cured from this disease.

"Did you figure it out yet, Thane Krios?"

The voice echoed in the seemingly empty and larger area. Thane looked around in the darkness, trying to figure out where he was. He didn't recognize the voice, at least not right now with his head feeling fuzzy.

"You are my prize piece. Finding and capturing a Drell is hard work."

The man that was looking down at Thane was human, a dreadful looking human. He was sickening to look at. If Thane didn't know better, he had a robotic eye that stared holes into Thane.

"Do you like what you see? Just wait," doctor Heart grinned, the grin made his heart fall down to his feet. He was captured and by the looks of it; Thane knew that there was no escape for him. He knew he was going to die but he didn't want to die here in the hands of the enemy. Thane laid there in complete agony. In his mind he knew that his Commander wasn't going to make it quick enough for her to save him. He knew he was going to die but he didn't know he was going to die in the hands of this madman.

"What about my illness?" Thane asked, hoping to change the doctor's mind, "wouldn't I be a horrible candidate for what you are looking for?" Thane prayed silently under his breath. The doctor looked at him, his head tilted a bit. The doctor reached down onto the trey that was placed next to the bed. He then grinned, making Thane's heart sink into his chest. He wanted to die with his son in the hospital room, not in the hands of this Cerberus mad man.

"You have an illness for sure but the rest of you is pretty good."

The most sickening smile stretched on his lips causing Thane to feel instantly sick. As the doctor grabbed the instruments, all Thane could do was close his eyes. Memories of the last few days played in his mind. He wondered where he had went wrong, what he could have done differently. He prayed to his God asking for peace in his time of need. Instead of peace, Thane felt his body starting to shake. This must have been the anxiety Shepard had. He noticed it on her the most as the time went on being with her and her team. When Garrus was around her, it seemed to stop.

Thane just wished that he could have helped his commander somehow.

"Please..." Thane whispered as a needle jabbed into his neck, "Save me, Commander."

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