The Hybrid: Chapter Eleven

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"Your mission was to retrieve the data found in Doctor Heart's office. There has been word that he is back and doing illegal testing on children." The Asari council member said rather unpleasantly. Shepard stood at ease along with Captain Anderson. Her heart slammed in her chest.

Shepard nods.

"You found the datapad, retrieved it, and soon the Turian government stepped in and arrested you."

Shepard nods again.

"She was on Turian grounds!" The Turian council member spoke rather violently towards the Asari member.

"Why would the Turians be mixed up in something illegal?"

The Council members argued and bickered with each other. Shepard stood there with her head pounding from everything that was going on. She wished that none of this happened. Her mission was point-blank. Go in, get information, and leave. This was all blown out of proportion. She stood there, listening to everyone. She would steal a glance from Garrus' who was standing there with his hands behind his back. Garrus had his mind on the outcomes of this mission. This could be what Doctor Heart wants. Or whomever this imposter is. He thought back to the mission he and Shepard went on a year ago. They had found Doctor Heart in an underground bunker. He was testing on Turians and Humans. It was the breeding grounds of the tests he was doing today. Garrus remembers shooting the man between the eyes. He watched his body crumple to the floor. He watched the blood pool around him. Garrus even pulled the trigger again for good measure. Shepard was standing right there, ready to leave the doctor's body.

This was a nightmare.

"Dismissed." The Council member said through gritted teeth. Garrus never caught what they had said to Shepard or Anderson. He wasn't entirely sure if he cared at the moment. He wanted to go to his hotel room and sleep the stress off. Either that or have some target practice.


Shepard witnessed a crewmember running towards her. His thick black hair bounced with each step he made. He stopped in front of her, giving her the familiar salute.

"What is it, Cameron?" She questioned. Garrus could feel something off with the man. His usual camel-colored skin was now off as if he was sick. Garrus also noticed the wound on his leg, his outer left thigh. Garrus stepped forward as the man collapsed from blood loss and exhaustion. Shepard approached the man, putting her hand on his chin so he could look up at her. There was panic and fear in his eyes. His breathing was becoming shallow. She swore under her breath, quickly turning to Anderson demanding medi-gel.

"What happened?" Shepard asked quickly.

"I...we...your friend..." The man groaned, "Your assassin friend was attacked."

Shepard raised an eyebrow. Thane? Why would someone attack Thane? She sighed, getting to her feet once Anderson came back with the medi-gel. She looked to Garrus who had his hands on his gun, ready to fire at who or whatever decided to injure this soldier. This in return caused alarms to fire off in the Presidium. Shepard was beginning to panic. Why was all of this happening to them? What did they do to deserve this? Killing Doctor Heart a year ago was the best alternative. Now it was all kicking them in the ass.

"I need answers." Shepard looked down at the injured man again, "who did this? Where did Thane go?"

"Someone in black." The man shook his head, "I saw it down a dark ally. Thane ran past me and this thing attacked me trying to get to Thane. He left me there. I came running to find you."

"Where were you?"

"Just outside the Presidium. I was waiting for you to tell you information about the PDA you took from the lab a few nights ago."

"What about it?"

"It was...bugged."

Shepard swore under her breath. Garrus caught word of it and felt his muscles tense. It would explain the recent chain of events. He felt played. He was sure that joining the Alliance would be a good move but now, he needed to figure it out. Shepard began to pace with her fingers running through her red hair. Thoughts of the doctor plague her mind like a disease. She felt like he was mocking her, toying with her emotions. All she wanted to do was stop him from making these creatures. Hybrids of Turian and Humans...

"We need to get out of here," Shepard says, she turns to Garrus.

"No." Garrus shakes his head, stepping towards Shepard, and looking into her fear-driven eyes. His heart sank seeing her looking so worried, Garrus continued.

"If we leave now, we will be suspects. More than we already are. Let's get him to a medical doctor and stay here on the Citadel."

"I agree with Garrus," Anderson continued, "we are going to need the Council members on our side for this to work."

Officers of the Presidium surrounded them with their weapons drawn. Barking commands, demanding that they drop to their knees. Shepard clamped her mouth shut. She wanted to yell and let them know they were not the enemy. Then again, they were there doing their job. She did as they commanded. Garrus was right along with her, setting his weapon on the ground. They were on rocky ground now. They need to follow the rules if they need to get to the doctor.

"This man is injured." Anderson told the officers, "We got word a crewmember is missing."

As Anderson talked to the guards, Shepard found herself shutting down mentally. She needed a plan but her mind simply couldn't do it anymore. Garrus saw this and wanted nothing more than to take her away from here and put her somewhere safe. He promised himself that after all of this chaos came to a slow ease, he would take her out to a night on the town. Something she desperately needed and something she quite deserved. 

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